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Abi, hi, good to hear from you again!! Where have you been? No chats, no messages I have wondered!
Well if you dig deep around this forum (especially the BG section) you'll see that I got to see Bob again last year. And now it seems like forever until I'll get to see him again. Have a good read and you'll see what we've been discussing, join in and tell us what you've been up to now.
ooh heya! i remember you! long time no see (or speak or write?) xD hope you're okies? =] i've never really been in the chat room and there's no link from the forum to the site anymore, whenever i go on to the site/ in to the chat room there's no one there anyways..=[ xx
i think for my choices thingy i chose art, drama and history. along with those we have the usual science, english, maths, french and r.e =) what subjects do you take? i can't wait for sixthform either xD i'm regreting history lol, i hate the teacher.
What subjects are compulsory these days? We had to do English Literature, Language and Maths and then we had 5 options. How does it work for you now?
Does Year 10 mean GCSE's year? I'm so out of touch! And you still call it 6th form! That's leftovers from the old way, 3rd, 4th, 5th year etc. Then we had upper and lower 6th not 7th form. Weird. But then having Year 1, 2, 3 etc and 6th form is also weird!
uhm cumpulsory subjects for our school are, science, maths , english, r.e (only till the end of year ten tho), a language, and 2 other options (like an expressive art, a technology, historyand geography). we have to do p.e but it's not a cumpulsory gcse. i think thats about it =]. yar years 10 and 11 are gcse years. now i think about it the year system thing is a bit odd o.0 lol
Oooer. My school's compulsory subjects are just Maths, English & Science. Then we choose 5 subjects. Same here about the P.E though. Year 11 is our GCSE year.
Big exams, oh joy xD
I take Drama, R.E, Food Tech, History & German.
They're not that bad. Some of the teachers are a tad odd though. Yu seem to get more respect in 6th Form in my opinion xD
I don't think it matters what the compulsory and stuff is now, I think that as long as we're doing 8 GCSE subjects in total they don't mind, but I'm not sure xD
Although you have English and Maths as compulsory at GCSE, I think you're right - there isn't the emphasis on these subjects as there was in my day. You couldn't get into University without them in any subject. Like you say I think if you have a total of 8 or a good number it's OK.
So you are both in the old 4th form, which one of you is Mary?