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Do you think G8 will help Africa?

Geldofs everywhere in the London papers!!!


TONY BLAIR must call in his favours from George Bush to make America tackle poverty in Africa, Sir Bob Geldof has said.

He urged the Prime Minister to secure 'payback' for Britain's role in Iraq by pressuring the US president to increase his foreign aid budget.

The leaders of the G8 group of industrialised nations should not attend a British summit in July unless they are willing to deliver pledges on debt, trade and aid made in 2000, the rock star and anti-poverty campaigner told the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.

He added that it was 'disgustingly ironic' that the G8 heads of state were due to meet at the opulent Gleneagles Hotel while half of African children would 'go to bed hungry tonight'.

Geldof also told of his despair at seeing conditions on the continent worsen over the 20 years since he launched Live Aid.

He said: 'George Bush owes Tony Blair personally a lot. The man [Blair] put a lot of political credibility into doing what he thought was right but also supporting a man he thought was right.

'There is a payback for that and I think this is the time when the Prime Minister must say to the president, "This is what I want".'

Geldof is a high-profile member of the Commission for Africa, which wants wealthy nations to boost aid to the continent by £30billion a year over the next decade. He said Mr Blair should use every conversation he had with Mr Bush to lobby him to do more.

But Geldof admitted he was 'not at all confident' that the G8 summit would achieve its goals.

He despaired at the lack of progress towards the targets set by the United Nations in 2000, including eradicating extreme poverty and hunger and halting the spread of Aids and HIV.

'We are so far behind achieving what we swore we would do five years ago that the targets for 2005 will not be met until 2150,' Geldof added.

'We are a joke. We are a complete and utter disgrace.'


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I think firstly one giant step has been made by getting the US and UK government onside and to get this at the top of the agenda. This has never been achieved before.

The next battle is to get the other 7 leaders onside, that is one major battle. If this can be done (which fear may not be), then there is potential to help. Big steps maybe made but as Bob has said they are years away from targets (MGs) they should be at already. The next step is what to do about the governments in Africa and how to get them co-operate - Mugabe, no chance in this world. So what happens there?

We're all moving in a positive forward direction which can't be bad.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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The US government is "onside"?  That's a surprise to me.  Sorry, but I don't believe it.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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No they aren't! But they seem to say that they are!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

She's So Modern

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Well, I dont know if it'll help Africa immediately, but it's a start!

BUT its a chance for us "little people" to unite and to make ourselves be heard, against those less unfortunate. After all its us "little people" who vote for the "bigger people" and if we put our voices- worldwide together might get the "bigger people" to change something.

We all have something in common - we live on the same planet - and no one was able to choose where they were born.

(did that make sense?...but i think you know what i meant, right?)


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I fully understand Portabello. Although when the big people get voted in they suddenly change their mind and don't do what they promised the little people ...

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

She's So Modern

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Couldnt have said that better Jules



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I've been thinking about Live Aid, Live 8, Bob's (possible) commitment in doing it and everything connected a lot these days. At first my reaction was, it's not going to change anything. But maybe I'm not right.

I think to change things in Africa and other places on this planet where people suffer, it takes more than "raising money". We need a change in the way people in the rich western world think. I can mainly speak for my own country, which is one of the richest in the world and yet there's so much discontent. We have so much, still we want more, run for bargains and think we are rightfully entitled to wealth and comfort. In reality, we're greedy for money and power. Let's face it, all we want is more money, a bigger house, a faster car. They can't even drink clean water or grow up in peace.

So what I think needs to be changed is the awareness of us people here that we were just lucky to be born in this corner of the world. It's only a coincidence, and we have more than enough to share with others who weren't as lucky.

And if a concert adds something to making (young) people make up their mind, and if only for one night, then it's a start and worth trying to do it! And if things go well, then more people can put pressure on their governments to put more money (MUCH more money) into foreign aid than into weapons, for example.

Making poverty and suffering in Africa and elsewhere an issue in the news again - I think that would be one success Live 8 could achieve. Make people realize there's more going on in the world than in our one-dimensional, selfish little corner...

Enough said. I think you all know what I mean. If Bob goes for another Live Aid, he has all my respect! (Well, he has already...)

PS: No, I don't think the US are "onside" either. In fact, they're low-ranking when it comes to giving... In 2004, they only gave 0,14 percent of their gdp. In 1970, the rich countries agreed to give 0,7 percent of the gdp, but many countries never reached that. In comparison: Germany managed a meagre 0,28 percent; Norway, who's top-ranking, gave more than the agreed 0,7 percent in 2004.


Drag Me Down

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I've been thinking alot about Live 8 too, I'm not sure it would help or not to be honest. But as you said, Katharina, we have to try.

A big part of the problem I belive lies in our attitudes. The fact that we do want the bigger house, faster car or whatever. When, for example, the tsunami happened in Thailand this winter, everyone wanted to help. Millions were donated within weeks, many countries send teams of doctors, nurses, priests and volounteers. The tsunami was on the frontpages of the newspapers for a long time. Every newsbroadcast on TV started with a report from Thailand.

Famine and extreme poverty is something that happens over years and years, and it doesn't get the same attention that an immediate disaster gets. If more people were aware of this we could really do something.

But is another Live Aid going to help? Live Aid in -85 raised many millions (sorry, can't remember the exact figure), but the thing is that due to foregin debts Africa have been forced to pay double, and more, of that back. We need to drop the debts, because if we don't then it won't help no matter how much money we donate. Maybe I'm being cyncial about this, because at the same time Live 8 could raise a lot of money, and that would save lives.

anyhow...we'll just have to wait for Bob's announcment..then take it from there..


Never In A Million Years

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i think that there should be a live 8 in Australia, there would be plenty of people who would go, and it would raise even more awareness of african debt all across the world.

I wasnt born when live aid was on, but i still understand the meaning behind it and hope that live 8 will make a difference in many lives, more than giving them money. Giving africa money does not help in the long run, we do need to drop the debts and allow them to better their poverty-stricken lives



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Well said, everybody!!

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