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Banana Republic

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G8 Protests

I totally agree with Alison,and cant believe the stupidity of Bob Geldof and Midge Ure, on asking over a million people to demonstrate against poverty in Edinburgh, not only is it costing the tax payers of Edinburgh £100,000 in compensation to contractors etc.

The police are already stretched to their limits regarding the G8 summit, will Bob put money where his mouth is and help fund this so called rally(i doubt it).  Its just totally diabolical.

We applauded Bob and Midge 20 years ago regarding live aid, but unfortunately it is still happening.What i find it difficult to understand is that 20 miles down the road in these countries, people are living in luxury.  Why cant their own governments help.

I have given many pounds to the live aid causes over the years, but because of Bobs stupid and selfish remarks over this issue, i feel this is the final straw, all he wants is to get back into the limelight.  Again i agree with Alison, there probably be people hurt and how will Bob feel then?.


Mary of the 4th Form

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I couldn't agree more. How typical of the London-centric "stars" ....

They organise a fun day in the centre of London whilst demanding that people demonstrate in Edinburgh which I can imagine will be ANYTHING but fun.

Hey - here's an idea - how about holding it somewhere other than London - how about in Scotland, near the summit - would that make more of a statement? Never heard of "other than London"? Thought not.

They should give up trying to be politicians or influencers and go back to being mediocre musicians.


Drag Me Down

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mags wrote:

"I have given many pounds to the live aid causes over the years, but because of Bobs stupid and selfish remarks over this issue, i feel this is the final straw, all he wants is to get back into the limelight.  Again i agree with Alison, there probably be people hurt and how will Bob feel then?."

First off, let me start by saying that I have never been to Edinburgh, or Scottland for that matter, so I'm not gonna debate about that. People on this board have given examples of how the people in Edinburgh have gotten hurt before at big events, you may very well be right, and maybe people will get hurt. Maybe it isn't wise to go to Edinburgh to protest, maybe there are other ways which are more efficient. People getting hurt obviously wouldn't help the cause. 

But, I do have to say something about the quote above.. why would anyone go through something like organizing Live 8 for his own publicity? Think about all the work involved for a moment, that's not a realistic statement. I think we all know how passionate Bob is about the poverty issue, droping the debts and so forth. The people living in, for example, Ethiopia have nothing to do with Bob and his "publicity stunts". I really hope that you won't stop donating to the Band Aid trust, because there will always be people who are suffering from extreme poverty, famine or aids, wheater Bob gets "back into the limelight" or not..

even though Bob is a frontfigure for these events, it's not about him. It's about the 30.000 children who die every week because of poverty.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Police Uturn on protests

So if you're going to Edinburgh go and be one in a million.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Mary of the 4th Form

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I visited this forum to post a suggestion about profiteering via Ebay but have read a few of the posts and was dismayed by the threads and train of thought. I have copied a few of the statements below and have thrown in my tupence worth (one new penny before decimilisation).


Quote: costing the tax payers of Edinburgh £100,000 in compensation to contractors etc.


Reply: Think of this as an added event to the Edinburgh festival calander, the festival attracts vast numbers of multi cultural visitors who would otherwise be indifferent  to the plight of third world countries, perhaps some of these  visitors are more affluent people from  countries who need enlightenment. Would it be inconceiveable that this could could just be another  event  given the resources that are already present.     


(2) Quote: The police are already stretched to their limits regarding the G8 summit.


Reply: The G8 summit is being held in Gleneagles, I live in a community somewhere between Edinburgh and Perth, The police  haven’t had this much overtime since the miners strike.



(3) Quote: Hey - here's an idea - how about holding it somewhere other than London.


Reply: Don’t you have a televison,


(4) People are living in luxury.  Why cant their own governments help.


Reply: That old argument what a Numpty.



PS:  Sometimes you have to crack a few eggs to make an omlete.



Lookin' After Number 1

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I LIVE in Edinburgh.  I have two small children.  One million people in Edinburgh will be a complete nightmare.  There isn't enough accommodation for that many people here - or facilities while they're out on the street protesting.

While all these people are protesting, there are still us poor saps that have to continue on day to day, raising our children, going to work, etc.  This city is going to grind to a complete stop because of this.  It's going to cost the people of Edinburgh to clean up the mess left by all these protesters.  Why the hell should we be plunged into poverty with yet more tax increases because Bob Geldof decided it would be fun for one million people to converge on one little city.  Edinburgh is nowhere near as big as London, and despite what he thinks, cannot handle 1 million people.

Out of 1 million people, do you honestly think that 1 million people will be there to protest "peacefully", and then be on their merry way?  If even 1 measly percent of that 1 million are anarchists there only to cause trouble, Edinburgh is in serious danger.

I agree, wholeheartedly, with Alison.  This is some serious stupidity on Bob Geldof's part.  I don't care whether he wants to stop poverty in Africa, or the whole bloody universe, he's going to cause utter destruction in my city...  After the G8 protests are over, he and all his other followers are going to go home and leave us to mop up what's left of this city.

I think Bob Geldof should be handed the clean-up bill afterwards!


Never In A Million Years

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why are there going to be protests in edinburgh? i dont get it-arent the concerts in the mafor european cities? i live in asutralia, we dont know much much about whats happening...


House on Fire

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iluvbobgeldof wrote:

why are there going to be protests in edinburgh? i dont get it-arent the concerts in the mafor european cities? i live in asutralia, we dont know much much about whats happening...


Try googling edinburgh g8 protest...

-- Edited by oeokosko at 12:38, 2005-06-04

Ya Congo
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Never In A Million Years

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ok, i googled what u said to and read something bout it. But i still dont get why its going to be in edinburgh-never heard of the place


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Gleneagles, where the summit is taking place is near to Edinburgh, in Scotland.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Mary of the 4th Form

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iluvbobgeldof wrote:

ok, i googled what u said to and read something bout it. But i still dont get why its going to be in edinburgh-never heard of the place


Don't they teach geography in Australia or were you absent that day? How can you never have heard of Edinburgh ?


Admin: Please moderate the tone of your future messages. Remember that posters come from far and wide and may not be aware of all the major cities in the world.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 10:56, 2005-06-05

-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:04, 2005-06-05



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Sorry Edinburgh but that's what happens when you're near the action! I have lived in Washington DC most of my life and we REALLY see a lot of protests, with the World Bank etc etc. What the city needs to do, unfortunately, is board everything up and not have any loose furniture around, much like preparing for a storm. Have you heard the expression "not in my neighborhood"? If you really believe in this cause, meaning that there is global injustice, you will just have to mobilize to prevent destruction. You've luckily got time. You will probably need some sort of civilian patrol group to help the police. But you've got to do it if you want to help the people for whom you are having these concerts.


Mary of the 4th Form

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Can anyone confirm wether the protest at the G8 summit is on the 2nd or 6th July, im sure Bob mentioned the 6th but the MPH site is saying 2nd.


House on Fire

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iluvbobgeldof wrote:

ok, i googled what u said to and read something bout it. But i still dont get why its going to be in edinburgh-never heard of the place

Type "edinbugh g8 protest" into and the first hit you will see is this:  Read it and it will tell you all about the concerts, the protest in Edinbugh, and the dates. If you want more information around the topic, follow the related links on the right-hand side.

-- Edited by oeokosko at 12:58, 2005-06-05

Ya Congo
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*Directed to user Diana

Your quote, Diana: "I don't care whether he wants to stop poverty in Africa, or the whole bloody universe, he's going to cause utter destruction in my city..."

When you say "my city," you are really only referring to yourself. You're only concerned with what you may have to do afterwards. Instead of whining about this, you should be joyous and join the 1 million.

You will complain about having to clean up the mess afterwards. Big deal. I say this in America. So tell me I won't understand. But I would be honored if he would come to my city for this event.

Your one life, for a very short time, has the possibility of being interrupted by people who want to save starving African children. "I don't care whether he wants to stop poverty in Africa, or the whole bloody universe..." So your one life, which has the possibility of being slightly disrupted, is more important than that of 30,000 children, who don't have to, but will die every single day?

This is to take place on the 6th of July. When I now post, it is the 4 of June. Not including today, that is 32 days until the protest. In this time period, 960,000 (nine hundred sixty thousand) African Children will die. Do you give a f-ck? 

You probably don't want Live 8 to happen either, I guess. If you don't want the events to take place, take it up with your local authorities, somebody in charge who can change the entire protest of saving lives just for your sake. When you're done, explain to Bob Geldof, the 1 million protesters, all of the fans of the musicians that will be playing, all of the musicians, the leaders of the cities that the Live 8 event that they can't happen because you don't agree with what Bob Geldof is doing and how it may disrput your life.

Then, when you're done with all of that, go to Africa. Visit every country. Tell all of the civilians, all of the children who will die of starvation, genocide, and poverty, that they have an even lesser chance of surviving because you couldn't let a simple protest happen in your town. Tell them that because of you, they will die. Because you might have to pay a little more tax money and traffic might be bad for a very short time, they will be murdered, starve to death, or go hungry without their parents.

Not only have you subsequently said this, but also in the whole Universe. If peace were to come across the whole human race on Earth, if all war, hate, discrimination would end, if racism, anit-semitism, and violence were to stop, if people were no longer homophobes, gang members, soldiers, weapon creators, bomb assemblers, warriors, and all peace, freedom, liberty, and justice were to occur to all of mankind until the end of days, while at the same time being united in the same cause for advances in life and love of one another, you wouldn't let it happen because you might have to "mop up what's left of [your] city."

Admin: Please moderate the tone of your future messages. I have removed your summation of Diana.  You make some very valid points (which remain), but please do not insult posters.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 10:58, 2005-06-05

-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:06, 2005-06-05

Stay Groovy

House on Fire

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Diana wrote:

I LIVE in Edinburgh.  I have two small children.  One million people in Edinburgh will be a complete nightmare.  There isn't enough accommodation for that many people here - or facilities while they're out on the street protesting. While all these people are protesting, there are still us poor saps that have to continue on day to day, raising our children, going to work, etc.  This city is going to grind to a complete stop because of this.  It's going to cost the people of Edinburgh to clean up the mess left by all these protesters.  Why the hell should we be plunged into poverty with yet more tax increases because Bob Geldof decided it would be fun for one million people to converge on one little city.  Edinburgh is nowhere near as big as London, and despite what he thinks, cannot handle 1 million people. Out of 1 million people, do you honestly think that 1 million people will be there to protest "peacefully", and then be on their merry way?  If even 1 measly percent of that 1 million are anarchists there only to cause trouble, Edinburgh is in serious danger. I agree, wholeheartedly, with Alison.  This is some serious stupidity on Bob Geldof's part.  I don't care whether he wants to stop poverty in Africa, or the whole bloody universe, he's going to cause utter destruction in my city...  After the G8 protests are over, he and all his other followers are going to go home and leave us to mop up what's left of this city. I think Bob Geldof should be handed the clean-up bill afterwards!

In years to come your children will turn to you and say "Mum, do you remember that day when all those people came and made a lot of noise about the way we used to treat African countries?". 

Remember that even the poorest people can be free in their minds whilst the richest are often enslaved by their own fears.

-- Edited by oeokosko at 13:00, 2005-06-05

Ya Congo
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Banana Republic

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I seem to have attracted a lot of attention with my previous comments on Bob Geldof.  I did not make my comments to deliberatly go out to offend anyone, so i would like to make this clear.  Afer reading the board i can also see their are a lot of people who agree with me.  And again i have to say that this is really getting out of hand and the whole thing should be cancelled.  Only this wont be possible because Bob's already stirred up a hornet's nest, so whatever, it will still continue.  Not only in Edinburgh now though, in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee (so far).  The local authorities in Edinburgh, along with police, hospitals, etc had planned for months for the G8 summit to be held in Gleneagles and everything was in hand until this stupid idiotic comment from Bob Geldoph. 

Many terrorist groups will now use this so called march as a chance to cause chaos and terror among people.  Another good one Bob!!!!!!!! (not).

The queen has already cancelled her yearly visit to Holyrood Palace after her aides had discussions with the office of the First Minister.  Well done Bob!!!.  If only you could understand the feelings of thousands of people all over Scotland.  The only thing i think you could do now is to hand back your honoury nighthood (which i was surprised that you accepted in the first place, considering your views on certain subjects.)


House on Fire

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mags wrote:

Many terrorist groups will now use this so called march as a chance to cause chaos and terror among people.  Another good one Bob!!!!!!!! (not).

Terrorist groups?  Are you thinking that Al Qaeda will use the event as cover to blow up Edinburgh castle perhaps?

Who's calling them "terrorist groups"?  The same people who are backing the organisations that are pillaging Africa and the other less fortunate parts of the world for their wealth, that's who.

You've fallen for the Government propaganda.

Ya Congo
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Mary of the 4th Form

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mags wrote:

I totally agree with Alison,and cant believe the stupidity of Bob Geldof and Midge Ure, on asking over a million people to demonstrate against poverty in Edinburgh, not only is it costing the tax payers of Edinburgh £100,000 in compensation to contractors etc. The police are already stretched to their limits regarding the G8 summit, will Bob put money where his mouth is and help fund this so called rally(i doubt it).  Its just totally diabolical. We applauded Bob and Midge 20 years ago regarding live aid, but unfortunately it is still happening.What i find it difficult to understand is that 20 miles down the road in these countries, people are living in luxury.  Why cant their own governments help. I have given many pounds to the live aid causes over the years, but because of Bobs stupid and selfish remarks over this issue, i feel this is the final straw, all he wants is to get back into the limelight.  Again i agree with Alison, there probably be people hurt and how will Bob feel then?.

Sir Bob mentioned in the conference last week that most of the music artists involved dont have to make records anymore...... Sir Bob and the rest are not trying to use this as a platform to launch there careers although as reported the Spice Girls want to reform again,with a Greatest Hits Album and a New Single.

Sir Bob isn't stupid and selfish he is trying to put his views across he has worked hard and campaigned hard to tell the world proverty is still happening.



House on Fire

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Seems like our so-called "world leaders" have lost touch with their own people even and exist in a state of fear.

Over the coming weeks teams of security experts are slowly turning the Gleneagles complex and the 850 acres of countryside surrounding it into a technological fortress. In addition to fears that militant anarchists could cause havoc there is also the recognition of just how tempting a target the summit could appear to the forces of terrorism.

Already work is well advanced on the construction of a steel perimeter of "ripper mesh" fencing, several miles long, which is intended to withstand an assault from rioters or terrorists. Arranged in triangular cages, more than 10,000 interlocking panels of the 6ft-high fencing have been erected around the hotel to provide an exclusion zone of almost a mile in diameter.

Police snipers on the roof, backed up by an SAS team on standby in the locality and military personnel armed with anti-aircraft weapons will present an umbrella of security around the complex.

full article

Ya Congo
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There are several misconceptions going on about what is a protest, what is a demonstration. There doesn't have to be violence. It doesn't necessarily mean that 1 million people are going to tear up the city...but there will be, unfortunately, litter & trash, no question about that. But it would be worth it, because it's an important event and you can help. The other misconception is about what is a terrorist vs what is an anarchist vs what is a protestor or demonstrator. As Oeokosoko said, there would not be AlQaeda operatives there, especially with all the various military around, undercover etc. Your problem could be anarchists but (speaking from what I've seen at Washington DC protests) there are some really tough pacificists who sometimes subdue them if need be, quietly. When a cause is just, like this one, believe me there are a lot of volunteers & good samaritans amongst the rabble. Because it is in Scotland, I think there's a pretty good chance the demonstrators will be carrying signs, maybe drumming, and wearing satirical costumes. But of course take precautions about your buildings, benches, plants, sorry. The other thing I'd like to say, and it's not meant as an insult, but some countries do not allow free speech or demonstrations, so be thankful that you have an opportunity to do something like march. As you realize, in many other countries, the people have no voice SO YOU ARE SPEAKING FOR THEM in a peaceful way with an event like this.


Never In A Million Years

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Alli wrote:

Don't they teach geography in Australia or were you absent that day? How can you never have heard of Edinburgh ?

in Australia we are taught how to do algebra and the immensley interesting (not) in-depth studies of shakespeare, but are not taught about things that actually matter, like where major cities are and the importance of events such as live 8. There only information we have heard about to do with live 8 was a news broadcast lasting about a minute saying there is going to be a live 8 in london. Didn't even know they were going to be in 5 cities, let alone about the protests in edinburgh. Or where it even is (note: i did actually find it on a map, i know where edinburgh is now).


House on Fire

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Useful websites



Ya Congo
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Never In A Million Years

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thankyou oeokosko


House on Fire

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Another useful website 

Ya Congo
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Mary of the 4th Form

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iluvbobgeldof wrote:

Alli wrote: Don't they teach geography in Australia or were you absent that day? How can you never have heard of Edinburgh ? in Australia we are taught how to do algebra and the immensley interesting (not) in-depth studies of shakespeare, but are not taught about things that actually matter, like where major cities are and the importance of events such as live 8. There only information we have heard about to do with live 8 was a news broadcast lasting about a minute saying there is going to be a live 8 in london. Didn't even know they were going to be in 5 cities, let alone about the protests in edinburgh. Or where it even is (note: i did actually find it on a map, i know where edinburgh is now).

I meant it more tongue and cheek rather than sounding combative. Apologies if it came across in a less than friendly tone.... I live in Canada and  you would be amazed at the ignorance (lack of information)  from across the US border.  People think we actually live in igloos year round and have moose walking intermingling in the cities.....We don't have snow year round, it's a balmy 80f currently.

I believe Ottawa has been added to the list of  concerts....


Never In A Million Years

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Posts: 90

no offense taken, its all good. I was just saying it so i didnt sound stupid.

Its funny that u say ppl think u live in igloos...people think us australians live in the outback with kangaroos as pets and that we are all like crocdile dundee. Or like Kath and Kim. Great show, did a bit of damage to our reputation though.

and thanks again to oeokosko, youve been who i turn to to get my info from


Mary of the 4th Form

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at the end of the day theres only 1 way to get a decent amount of money for aid in africa. and thats the celebrities REALLY showing they give a damn by giving money out of their own pockets. i can't believe people look past this and think celebs are great just because they appear on an advert, looking sad and clicking their fingers. they've got money they don't need, and it p**ses me off they keep going on about the public and the government doing something about this.


Never In A Million Years

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but celebrities do donate a hell of a lot more than average people do, its not fair that because they earn more that they should have to donate most of it away, they work really hard and do deserve the lifestyles they earnt...celebrities use their status to try to change the world, more than the average person can do


House on Fire

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Alli wrote:

I live in Canada and  you would be amazed at the ignorance (lack of information)  from across the US border.  People think we actually live in igloos year round and have moose walking intermingling in the cities.....We don't have snow year round, it's a balmy 80f currently.

But your cops do wear those wide-brimmed hats and ride around on horses, don't they?

Ya Congo
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Never In A Million Years

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oeokosko, you are from england, right? if you are, do english people really have bad teeth and talk very fast? and is it always cold and raining and muddy?


House on Fire

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iluvbobgeldof wrote:

and thanks again to oeokosko, youve been who i turn to to get my info from

Aw, shucks...  you've made me all embarrassed now...

Here's a treat

Ya Congo
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Mary of the 4th Form

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bulls**t. not a single penny comes from celebrities for these charity causes. if they were donating, why don't they turn round on the adverts they get paid to star in and say "give money. i know i do." ?

because u love bob geldof "iluvbobgeldof" u would be blinded to see that celebs don't cough up money. they make more money than they deserve. take robbie williams. worth something like £80 million? getting paid that much to make very average albums. do u really think he'd miss £1 million? should we feel sorry for robbie, that he will have to buy the £15 million yaght instead of the £16 million one, if he donates a worthless £1 million? i think not.

watch the episode "christian rock hard" of south park. there it shows how true that celebs have so much money than they really need.


Never In A Million Years

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okay i agree with one thing you say dave40000, celebs should do ads for free- especially whe these ads are for charity purposes. Its actually pretty ironic to pay someone when they are supposed to be promoting and getting money for a charity

but i dont agree that celebs should have to give away all of their money. sure the 1 million dollars will not not be missed, but the lifes that these people have chosen to live involves them being in posession of large amounts of money. They earn the money through hours of recording studio workshops or hours behind a camera. Sure they do not need millions and millions, and should give to worthy causes, but it is completely their decision how much they feel they want to give.

Not all celebs are worth as much as robbie williams as well, they do not all worth 80 million dollars or pounds or whatever, and i say once more if they choose to donate a lot of money, then congratulations to them they are making in a difference in the world, but if they dont then they should not be looked down upon. Not every single person gives to charity, not even one dollar, and these people are not looked down upon.

and there is nothing wrong with loving bob geldof- he is working very hard to make the world a better place for everyone


Mary of the 4th Form

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although i agree with u "iluvbobgeldof" with the fact charity adverts should be done for free, that isn;t what im making an issue of. the problem is that celebrities are constantly telling us to give money, when in fact they're not giving their own. thats the whole problem! they're always saying "come on, think how much change just £20 could make" and what about bob's "just pick up the f**king phone"? thing is they pressure us to be generous when they aren't themselves. yes, most people work their asses off in life to make a decent buck (except for chavs), and i appreciate some celebs do too, thats why so many people want to be one. but why tell EVERYONE to give money, when they don't include themselves as EVERYONE? seriously understand the point im trying to make here.

plus its dale40000. not dave40000.


Mary of the 4th Form

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let's think about some of the issues raised ie; celebrities and what they contribute. Perhaps their role is to raise awareness given the access they have to the media, nobody knows what they contribute financialy. Should we bitch about the money or hope that their protestations reach the ears of inept and self motivated politicians.

How many politicians back the abolition of poverty, how many of todays politicians are idealists who are prepared to step out of the lobby and criticise government. In fact they are not even able to address poverty within their own constituencies. Poverty is a global problem and is not just the domain of third world countries. I am sure that some of the people posting on this site live close to and turn a blind eye to poverty. How do you define poverty is it relevant to your own wealth or education. I like to think that the money that is contributed through Live 8 will go to educating, enlightening and regenerating a new generation. But maybe I'm foolish and idealistic.

If we tolerate this then our children will be Next.







House on Fire

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iluvbobgeldof wrote:

oeokosko, you are from england, right? if you are, do english people really have bad teeth and talk very fast? and is it always cold and raining and muddy?

Yes, yes and no, and yes-yes-yes but only at the weekend.  And the men hurry around in pinstripe suits and bowler hats and carry rolled-up umbrellas as they run for the train to take them home to their rose-covered thatched cottage in the country. And many people are stoical and have a heavy sense of skepticism, if not downright cynicism.  Oh, and yes s*x is never mentioned.  BTW. Will you take Rolf Harris back now please?

-- Edited by oeokosko at 02:58, 2005-06-11

Ya Congo
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Never In A Million Years

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well at least its not always HOT in ur country...its the middle of winter here and we are still having 25 degree celcius days and no rain. and nah dont really want rolf, its ok.

and sorry to daLe40000 was that into writing that didnt realise spelt it wrong. and i do think u make a valid point, even if it is not my opinion


Mary of the 4th Form

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I bet the G8 summit itself costs more than the protests. Every G8 summit is protested. If your city hosts the meeting of world leaders whose decisions could mean the lives of millins, your going to get protestors. That is just life.

Frankly, I can't help but feel that the problems of living in the host city of the protests, are rather petty compared to the many people starving in Africa.



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Hey hey. First of all I would like to say, PAST IS PAST. What Bob has said is past, so get over it. And none of you knows, if there'll even be 1.000.000 people in Scotland. Second, I want to say, that I agree with Dale. No one should be allowed to make that much money. And it's much easier for the rich and famous to say two words, for charity, while they are on the screen, standing in their 1 mio$ dress, anyway, than it is for us to be heard.     

camilla sørensen

Never In A Million Years

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but these famous people go a long way to helping money being raised...when there is a star studded stage and they are all saying to give money...what else are u going to do? sure they may not give every single penny that they earn, but they raise awareness so that good people around the world can give their money



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But can we agree that they earn a hell of a lot money. More than it should be aloud to earn.

camilla sørensen

Never In A Million Years

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yes ill agree they earn a lot of money, but.....

oh never mind. i have my opinion, other people have theirs


Mary of the 4th Form

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(2) Quote: The police are already stretched to their limits regarding the G8 summit.

Reply: The G8 summit is being held in Gleneagles, I live in a community somewhere between Edinburgh and Perth, The police haven�t had this much overtime since the miners strike.

Reply to reply:

And who do you think pays for this overtime? Try to look at something other than your own navel for a change - take a look at the big picture.

(3) Quote: Hey - here's an idea - how about holding it somewhere other than London.

Reply: Don�t you have a televison,

Reply to reply: Yes - do you have a valid point to make? If it's ok for us to watch on TV - why not make it a TV only event? Oh - would that not work? Why not? so why would it work for us? Get a clue for goodness sake.

You clearly have no idea about the politics of an event of this nature. Unfortunately neither does BG.


Mary of the 4th Form

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Posts: 4

Reply to Saladdaze.


Reply to reply:
And who do you think pays for this overtime? Try to look at something other than your own navel for a change - take a look at the big picture.

Reply: This is exactly the kind of reaction I was expecting, In the scale of things police overtime is just a splash in the ocean. Via EEC subsidies etc we pay vast amounts to uncompetative industries ie; 40% of these subsidies go to 4% of the comunity, farmers. This in turn blurs the boundaries of free trade and competition so that third world countries are unable to compete. Which in turn creates the need for global intervention to rectify the imbalance, how much do you think this costs, more than an overtime bill for policing G8?  Whilst this is going on we have small minded people whinging about the punitive cost of a protest march. Perhaps you would like to take a look at the global picture and whilst I am inspecting my navel for fluf.

Reply to reply: Yes - do you have a valid point to make? If it's ok for us to watch on TV - why not make it a TV only event? Oh - would that not work? Why not? so why would it work for us? Get a clue for goodness sake.

I think you have completeley lost the plot, The event was telivised around the globe. People gathered at locations around the world to view the event on large screens  (BIG TV's) and yes this did work. Whilst it would have been nice to be at one of the live events technological advancements allow live video streaming of multiple events in many countries all accessible by pressing the red button. So was this realy a London event. There is a live event in Edinburgh on Wednesday if you would like to attend a rally.

PS: Please respond as it would be an honour to be able to challenge your obvious political prowess and learned stance on global polotics.





Lookin' After Number 1

Status: Offline
Posts: 1

Hey Folks

Concerning rich people and how much they earn.


Actualy doing rather than spending will always yeild more. BG (bob geldof) or any other could bankrupt them selfs (inc Bill Gates)  before solving wolrd poverty. These people are simply trying to raise the issue. And good on them. I hope they enjoy what money they have. As for clean up bills, taxes and such.... Please.


Well done to all the above who are obviously more coherent than i am for their comments against those who's thoughts dont go farther thatn their own doorstep.





In the Long Grass

Status: Offline
Posts: 1894

hey the protests worked so wots the problem



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