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Post Info TOPIC: Bob is the bomb

Lookin' After Number 1

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Bob is the bomb

i think bob must have been sent from up above. i think it's so corageous and wonderful what he is trying to do for man kind. he's using his art to try and help others. i think people who call him racist or a nazi should be hit by an overly sized bus because this man is anything but this. all he is trying to do is help and he gets all these people critisizing him. he didnt have to put on live 8, but he did because he wants to help. even if live 8 fails to do what he planned it to, at least he is giving it a go. how people can critisize that is beyond me. if only there were more people like bob geldof in the world, think about what a great place we would live in. keep up the great work bob.


I Don't Like Mondays

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i compleetly agree! I think that it is brilliant that someone can do so much for other people without trying to gain something for themselves. I agree that there should be more people like him around!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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More posts like this please :)

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Lookin' After Number 1

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Bob IS THE BOMB as you all know and I for one am also sick of the criticism he's been receiving in the press as if he didn't have enough on his plate to contend with!  In today's edition of The National Post, journalist Bruce Garvey wrote a Comment article entitled "A rock & roll fantasy" in which he criticised Bob's efforts for Africa and basically said that they would ultimately fail.  I wrote this letter back to him in response and sent it to the Editor as well so I hope they print it!  You can see the Post online at

June 22, 2005 ( /


Dear Mr. Garvey,


I am writing in response to your Comment article entitled “A rock & roll fantasy” in today’s edition of The National Post. 


I have been following the campaigns for Jubilee 2000, Make Poverty History, One, Drop The Debt and Made Trade Fair for the past five years and I do what I can in my humble, limited way to pass on that awareness to the people I know because I am a devoted fan of Bono, U2 and Bob Geldof and they made me aware of the importance of the issues behind those campaigns.  I am a supporter of Bono and Bob Geldof’s political initiatives and crusade for Africa, as well as a long time fan of Geldof’s music and his former band’s, The Boomtown Rats, who are from Dun Laghaoire, Ireland and not Liverpool!  You could at least do your research before you spout off about his failure as a rock musician too.  He is not a failure as The Boomtown Rats were a huge success in the UK and other parts of the world other than North America in the late 1970’s and early 80’s.  He has a legion of loyal fans all over the world and I have had the privilege of meeting him in 2002.  He has also not simply made a career out of his African philanthropy but if you had read his book “Is That It?” or his official website ( you would know that he’s a successful businessman and entrepreneur as well, but would like nothing more than to be able to stop campaigning for Africa and just make music.  His sense of moral responsibility and outrage for the injustice of the Third World won’t allow him to do that. 


Geldof doesn’t need me to stick up for him, but believe me, his “old tune” does not wear thin as he has done more as an individual to raise awareness for this important cause than anyone else save Bono.  These men are intelligent, compassionate human beings who are extremely well educated concerning the issues at hand and put their money, their mouths and their reputations on the line by speaking out for those who do not have a voice here in the West.  Evidence that Geldof has made a difference can be found in his book and the upcoming BBC television series “Geldof in Africa”.  Where there was once nothing but people trying to scratch around for food, or hundreds of thousands of people in refugee camps, there are now communities who have food and homes.  What more evidence do you need than that?


I take great offence when reporters such as you sit back and criticize the efforts of Mr. Geldof who is at least TRYING with everything he has to do something positive for Africa and whether or not his efforts ultimately “fail” (which is already not the case if you’ve been reading the papers lately) at least he has TRIED!  I admit that the issues that surround debt relief, fair trade and aid for Africa and the rest of the Third World (not to mention in our own back yard) are extremely complex and I can’t begin to understand the depth of that complexity nor the corrupt governments and political history behind it.  However, I am intelligent enough to know that the world’s problems cannot be solved by cynicism and apathy.  Nor can anything positive come out of armchair critics publicizing their ill-informed opinions to dissuade others to care or make an effort to do what can be done to change the plight of Africa.  If what was happening there was happening here in North America we would be in a state of national emergency.  Should where a person is born determine whether they live or die?  I don’t think so and neither do millions of others! 


What it comes down to is that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe they can make a difference and those who don’t.  What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?




Christine Bode (age 41)

Kingston, Ontario


One, Christine

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1023

Brilliant ,I could not have put it better myself.I cannot believe some of the things people are moaning about.Thanks to Bob and Bono millions of people have a chance of living good,decent lives.I hope the whole planet watches LIVE8.Good luck to Bob and I hope he toures again soon.

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