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Lookin' After Number 1

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Canada's Live 8

Who does Sir Bob think he is? He has told our prime minister Paul Martin, that if Canada isn't willing to commit to giving Africa what he thinks we should give, that Mr. Martin should stay home and not attend the G8 summit. Does Mr. Geldof pay taxes in canada? NO HE DOES NOT!!! The fact is, good people, that in Canada right now, specifically in the province of Ontario where I live, we have a number of problems to deal with. WE have crisis' in health care, education, veterans affairs, and military spending, to name but a few. Granted, our problems are far less severe that starvation, but not to the people here who are hungry. Mr.Geldof should keep his ego-maniacal, self centered opinions to himself. How dare he tell the governments of the world or their tax payers what to do with their money? Shame on you Bob! When you become a tax payer in Canada, then you will have that right. Until then, SHUT UP!!!:


In the Long Grass

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Military spending,who are Canada going to war against?..No Bob does not pay tax in Canada but he still has the right(as of any free person) to say what he believes what is right for Africa.Every country has it`s own issues but Africa must be helped now.If we do not try to get rid of poverty now then Africas problems will only get worse.I hope Bob Geldof shouts at a few more World Leaders and get them to help Africa more.

PS I have heard Canada has spent MILLIONS of taxpayers money on SPY PLANES.If that is not a waste of money what is?.


Lookin' After Number 1

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Canada isn't going to war against anyone. We still need a strong military to defend ourselves as best as we can. Our military also act as peace keepers around the world. Right now, their resources are stretched well beyond acceptable limits due to the ever increasing demands put upon those resources.Without more funding, our military is going to dry up. As for spy planes, are you nuts? They have spent some money on planes. They are not the "spy" planes you might be thinking of. Rather, they are used to patrol our borders, and our shorelines for drug runners, poachers, illegal fishing in our waters, and things of that nature. Not for spying on people. You must have us confused with our neighbours to the south.

As for African relief, do you honestly believe that anything we, or you do financially really helps? You can't be serious. The situation in those countries has only been made worse in some ways due to the fact that all of those tinpot dictators sit back and relax, while we do all of the work. I would be willing to bet, that almost none of what's donated by us, be it financial, or goods and services, reaches those most in need. Just look at how big and strapping, and strong the soldiers all are in those counties. Look at their governments, and their reps. None of them are starving. Where do you think they got the food, water and medicine to keep all of those people healthy? They didn't buy it on the open market.

So, before Sir Bob feels the need to tell others what to do with their own money, he should actually look at what's really going on. Sure he might save the lives of a few, but what about the rest? Is money the only answer? No.Lets try to figure out some other answers to the problems before throwing good money after bad, endlessly.



V Deep

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tnt wrote:

You must have us confused with our neighbours to the south.

Well, well.  In that case:  "Blame Canada.  Blame Canada.  It's not a real country anyway."



In the Long Grass

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" he might save the lives of a few,but what about the rest".tnt I have got to ask what tablets are you today?...



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If Paul Martin's Liberal gave as much of Canadian's money to Africa as they gave to some fat publicity firm owners backing the Liberal Party, there would be enough to build schools for thoughsands of African kids, and feed them for years. Shame on Bob? You gotta be kidding. Shame on Paul Martin!

Don't Believe What You Read.

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franna wrote:

tnt wrote: You must have us confused with our neighbours to the south. Well, well.  In that case:  "Blame Canada.  Blame Canada.  It's not a real country anyway."  

nicely put, franna


Lookin' After Number 1

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I quite agree with your comments concerning Sir Bob. This man would like governments to put up considerable funds to bail out the African nations or at the very least ignore their huge loans. Okay I would agree to this but once they have a clean slate then they are on their own. It has been shown that most aid money to African nations ends up in the hands of those that least need it and therefore the poverty level/war level remains the same. Sir Bob has come up with no original thoughts on the African poverty problem in regards to really solving the problem. All he would like to see is more money and then even more money. I wonder how much Sir Bob has donated to the cause? Has he played the statesman or has he just organized yet another musical get together? Honestly what have all the others really accomplished when it comes to eliminating poverty? Somehow I still see poverty no matter what country is examined.

Unfortunately the picture of Sir Bob with this webpage shows an older man with long, straggly hair trying to hold on to some form of youth. Youth with lofty ideals and short on realistic solutions. At his age he should be a leader not a hold over from the '60's.


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Stibnite90 wrote:

 Sir Bob has come up with no original thoughts on the African poverty problem in regards to really solving the problem. All he would like to see is more money and then even more money. I wonder how much Sir Bob has donated to the cause? 

what? First of, This is not a matter of how much K.B.E Bob himself has donated, it really isn't. It is certainly is not about his hair either, that or his age, has nothing to do with extreme poverty, and has no place in this debate. Second, Live Aid and Live8 are both pretty original ideas. If his ideas are original and revolutionary is not the question as long as they are good ideas. Good ideas aren't always the newest ones thought up by some kid with a beard. Live Aid did help. The money went straight where it was needed to go. As you mentioned alot of the helporganizations out there just put the money in their own pockets, which is very, very sad. But we know that in this case the money got there. Was that enough? No. Of course it wasn't. We do need to drop the debts, and no, just putting our hands in our pockets is not enough.

Mr Geldof, you must remember, has no "real" political power. He is not in a position in which he can make the choices necessary in order to solve the problems. Nor is he a saint. He is just a man trying very hard to get our, and the world leaders, attention. He has done much more in order to help eliminate poverty than most people have, or ever will. We could be very close to the solution, we will know for sure if we are after the G8 meating.

Frankly I think it's a bit disgraceful for someone to put Geldof down, when all he's trying to do is to help. Fine if you don't like him, his manners, or even his hair, but mind you...atleast he's trying.


Lookin' After Number 1

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Yes Johanna Sir Bob is very trying. And you are right by saying he has no real political power. By threatening those that do however reflects his immaturity and lack of any grasp on what reality is. However he is a well known personality and like others in his position he could/should consider political office. I think that he would be very good at it. So instead of hastily throwing together musical concerts and openly threatening a world leader (only one) he should take a place beside them. He then could have hands on experience in really fighting poverty perhaps starting on his own home turf something he seems to have forgotten. All countries suffer from poverty and once that poverty is overcome then that's when these countries can tackle other theatres of poverty.

I don't see Sir Bob in Africa going village to village doing a documentary. I don't hear/see Sir Bob visiting aid agencies and getting them to straighten out their acts. I don't hear/see Sir Bob actually discussing the problems with current world leaders or African leaders for that matter. What I do see is Sir Bob making verbal threats to Canada's leader that unless "he" pays up then he shouldn't appear at a world class meeting. Nothing is perfect. One other thing I didn't hear/see was Sir Bob threatening Prime Minister Tony Blair. Why is that Johanna????


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Stibnite90 wrote:

Yes Johanna Sir Bob is very trying. And you are right by saying he has no real political power. By threatening those that do however reflects his immaturity and lack of any grasp on what reality is.

Alot of the worldleaders of today (and the ones of yesterday too, for that matter) need a kick in the behind to get going. They know that they should be doing something, but don't really want to. Reality is that even though alot of the leaders are very awear of the problems, especially now with both Live8, make poverty history and of course the G8. I don't belive trying to get them to do something is immature, but obviously you think differently.

However he is a well known personality and like others in his position he could/should consider political office. I think that he would be very good at it. So instead of hastily throwing together musical concerts and openly threatening a world leader (only one) he should take a place beside them.

Well I agree! I do think that he should get some real political power, and I too belive he would do a very good job. Let's all hope he does, but honestly, if this guy doesn't want to do it...he's not gonna..we'll see.

I don't see Sir Bob in Africa going village to village doing a documentary. I don't hear/see Sir Bob visiting aid agencies and getting them to straighten out their acts. I don't hear/see Sir Bob actually discussing the problems with current world leaders or African leaders for that matter.

I haven't seen the Geldof in Africa documentaries, nor have I read the book, but I wish I had. I'm sorry to say that I don't really know what's in them, and cannot comment on what he discusses or not with worldleaders. I'm sure alot of things happen when we're not watching, but you never know.

What I do see is Sir Bob making verbal threats to Canada's leader that unless "he" pays up then he shouldn't appear at a world class meeting.

I laughed when I first heard what Bob had told the Canadian leader, and I do agree to certain extent. If a leader of a country doesn't take action in this matter then it is obvious that he's not really supporting the Live8 cause. Should that person then be at the concert? On the other hand, I'm very sure that many of the "civilians"  in the audience don't really care about the cause, but do care about hearing their favoriteband and being part of a historical event. Something to tell the grandchildren.

 Nothing is perfect. One other thing I didn't hear/see was Sir Bob threatening Prime Minister Tony Blair. Why is that Johanna????

No. I haven't heard Bob threaten Blair either. My theory as to why that is, which you were asking for, is that different people need to be treated differently in order to get them to do stuff. (Drifting over into some amateur behavorism now, so be aware.)  People are different, let's say Bob shouts at two different people at different time with different dispositions, in order to get them moving. The first person might react in a good way, actually getting moving, because all he needed was a good shouting. The second person might react in a very negative mood, causing him/her not to take action at all. He/she might feel, in a very unconcious way hopefully, that he/she will now not do the thing that the shouting person wants them to.

An example, Bob gave compliments to president Bush for being so proactive about extreme poverty, which I'm sure made alot of people wonder what Bob was up to. Why would he ever want to compliment Bush? well...because Bush needs compliments and, to take it to a very basic level, needs to be told that he's a good boy, now keep on doing that Georgie. When told he's good he might do more of that work in order to get more compliments. Shouting at him wouldn't get the same results.

these are very amatuerish theories, I know that, but it is what I belive, dear old Stibnite90.


Never In A Million Years

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why do a lot of people want to critisice bobs actions and opinions? everyone is free to their own opinion, and my opinion is for people to stop picking on him.


and leave his hair alone too.

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