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Post Info TOPIC: I don't like Mondays....

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I don't like Mondays....

.... I'm fed up with it.  After twenty five years I feel that Geldof should sing another song when he turns up to sing.  Anything!  Crikey, even Another Piece of Red if he has to, but it's time to bury Mondays.  Especially that reprise of the first verse (the album version).

Dare I say it but he has umpteen better songs.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

In the Long Grass

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Got to agree with you on that one.He should have played Mudslide(are you on my side or are you on the other sides side).Or he could have played Scream In Vain.I hope he plays some songs from Sex,Age and Death when he plays in Scotland but I fear it will be Mondays and Rat Trap.


Rat Trap

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Its still one of my favourite all time songs :)

The long walk to Justice

Drag Me Down

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god yes! please make him sing something else, and maybe get rid of that white suit too? there are so many other songs he could do, maybe Dave, the happy club or even In the pouring rain?


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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It's the only sng most non-Geldof people know!!!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Rat Trap

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Sorry to say it because I'm as big a Geldof supporter as you'll find but if he plays anything but Mondays or possibly Rat Trap depending on the audience, there will be grumblings from audiences that people have no clue what the hell he's singing and the response won't be too great.

Mondays gets the crowd involved because everyone knows it.

PLUS Bob humbly felt not deserving of being on the stage anyways, although he's certainly a better musician than, say, Jay-z- but possibly he feels that although other songs of his are better than Mondays, Mondays is a big enough hit that it deserves to be played on the Live 8 stage where as others aren't as deserving

Joe Gravellese There's always someone looking at you.

Back To Boomtown

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joegravellese wrote:

Sorry to say it because I'm as big a Geldof supporter as you'll find but if he plays anything but Mondays or possibly Rat Trap depending on the audience, there will be grumblings from audiences that people have no clue what the hell he's singing and the response won't be too great. Mondays gets the crowd involved because everyone knows it. PLUS Bob humbly felt not deserving of being on the stage anyways, although he's certainly a better musician than, say, Jay-z- but possibly he feels that although other songs of his are better than Mondays, Mondays is a big enough hit that it deserves to be played on the Live 8 stage where as others aren't as deserving

He should have done Do The Rat!   Funny thing is I reckon Someone's Looking at You would have been better at Live 8 and it is a well known song (crikey it was number 4!).  Could have improvised they saw me there in the park when I was shouting my mouth off 'bout saving some kids.  The Great Song of Indifference would also have been apt.

Also I think Banana Republic is long overdue a good airing (another big hit).

The problem with Geldof is now everyone only knows him for Mondays (and Live Aid).  That's what you get for playing the same song for 25 years.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

Rat Trap

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Yes, that is unfortunate

But honestly, I love "Someone's..", it's probably my favorite, but do you think people in England know it today? I like the idea of singing "TGSOI," too

The one thing about the "Mondays" thing though, is that usually, when someone is known only for one song, and they always sing one song, they often seem (and rightfully so) that they are sick of that song and sick of performing it. But that doesn't seem to be the case with Bob. He seemed to put just as much passion and energy into the Live 8 performance as he did the Live Aid one. I don't think he's bored with Mondays at all. And if he's not bored with it, and the public is not bored with it, no matter how bored the 'diehards' are with it, we had best get used to it.

Joe Gravellese There's always someone looking at you.

Back To Boomtown

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Funnily enough Jonathan Ross on the TV said on a day like this a song about a spree killer isn't that apt!  I agree.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

Like Clockwork

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I agree with Joe, he seems to enjoy singing Mondays..well, unless it's all just a performance.

But then again, it may be that the places he's sung it recently - Brits25, Live 8 and on Parkinson - were quite special to him...I noticed at both the Brits and Live 8 he did the hand-in-the-air 'and the lesson today is how to die...' thing. Maybe he's trying to evoke that feeling he got when he did that at Live Aid?

I'm just glad to see him perform =) It was cool that he did Diamond Smiles on Parky..I enjoyed that.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I don't think Looking After No. 1 would have been appropriate - not exactly selfless and not wanting charity etc. TGSOI is suitable and probably would get even a crowd who'd never heard it going.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Like Clockwork

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I posted in this topic earlier and just have to say it got 'Someone's looking at you' in my head..then it lead me to think about if Bob did perform that at Live 8..can you imagine him singing 'on a night like this I deserve to get kissed at least once or twice'  infront of all those people? I think it might lead to random people mobbing him backstage and kissing him - Bono perhaps. (Has anyone seen those Live 8 promo pics?).



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"mondays" is my fav and that is that

It's A Rat Trap..... And You've Bin CAUGHT

Rat Trap

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Posts: 36

I dont like mondays is one of the best boomtown rats songs there are, maybe not as good as rat trap, but apart from that it is!!!!


Someone's Looking At You

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It's irratating for fans yeah but it is the most well known and for things like Live8 it should be jept cos most people won't know any more since they probably went for Robbie n Joss Stone (if she was there)

Love Jodie xx

Like Clockwork

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I Watched the Video and Loved it! I aslo liked the fact that there was alot of Bob to see on the video. yeah! GREAT Video and such a GREAT Song!


In the Long Grass

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yeah its good but everyone nos it and it would be nice to see the rats get recognition from our young generation for something else



I Don't Like Mondays

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Yeah! I agree with you! He should sing something else! Although i love "mondays" very much, he sings it to often! It is one of my fave songs, but getting a bit tired of it!

"Rat Trap" would of been good at live 8 or even "Drag Me Down"! He sang that at live aid, and the crowd loved it! He is so good live, and he still sings like he did 20 years ago! I think it would have been great with a crowd like that!

But still, Even though he does sing, "Mondays" alot, and we are getting abit tired of it! He is still the best singer and person in the whole intire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


House on Fire

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Not to sure bout ditching the song altogether,but there is far better than this eg Rat Trap
Diamond Smiles,Someones and Dave , if it was up to me Rat Trap has got to be the best for atmosphere and energy. Great song that everyone can relate too .......even now.
What do you all think


She's So Modern

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All artists have to play their biggest songs.  It is what the majority of the audience want to hear.  He is probably as sick of playing Mondays as some of you are hearing it, but it is a song everyone knows. 

Rat Trap is another must play but Someone's Looking At You is as good and deserves a place in a short set.


Mary of the 4th Form

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This kind of discussion you find in every fan forum of any artist/band. I find it kind of boring -  sorry.

Deep Purple shouldn't play Smoke On The Water, U2 should stop playing Pride and so on. We should make clear to ourselves that we as 'internet fans' are a small circle, compared to all the fans a band has. Not everyone is (lives?) online as we do.

Being an artist you should have a good mixture of greatest hits, songs from your new record and 'old stuff'. The Geldof shows I attended I was always very pleased with the setlists. It's a pity that there is no concert/setlist database for Geldof in the internet. I would love to recapitulate my shows and could prove to you the diversity of played songs.

... having my picture taken...


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susanna wrote:

This kind of discussion you find in every fan forum of any artist/band. I find it kind of boring -  sorry.

It's not that he plays Mondays at a gig, that's ok.  It's that whenever he turns up and plays one song it is Mondays.  I'm sure that U2 don't play Pride if they are asked to do one song and go. 

-- Edited by ArrGee1991 at 15:25, 2006-08-15

 What is this guy talking about? 


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If I remember rightly, The Boomtown Rats stopped playing Monday's live during most of the Long Grass tour because they were sick of it.

When BG sings Mondays he looks like he's sick of it too but still does it because that is what the fans expect to hear. Same goes for Rat Trap. When he does Rat Trap it is rushed through like they can't get it over with soon enough. BG's live into on Rat Trap is terrible and the original was far better.

-- Edited by BTR at 13:24, 2006-08-16


Mary of the 4th Form

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ArrGee1991 wrote:

It's not that he plays Mondays at a gig, that's ok.  It's that whenever he turns up and plays one song it is Mondays.  I'm sure that U2 don't play Pride if they are asked to do one song and go. 

-- Edited by ArrGee1991 at 15:25, 2006-08-15

No, it's either "Pride" or "One". 

And the fans in our forum are also complaining a lot about this. But unfortunately it will never lead to U2 playing something else. Maybe it's an irish habit we just can't understand...

... having my picture taken...

House on Fire

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Posts: 128

dont you all think that rat trap live is quality and its the best that he's ever written


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Quality but not the best. The whole of In The Long Grass is better and extremely underrated.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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At the 2002 gig here, it was pretty obvious that Bob's got a love/hate relationship with 'Mondays'.  He did a superb rendition, then chuckled and commented to the audience, "that one's on remote control".  We all LOL, recognising he must have played that song sooooo many times.

Unfortunately at the 2006 gig, it wasn't as intimate as in 2002, and although Bob did 'Mondays' really well - and it certainly ignited everyone there (as the only song some people know) - there wasn't the kind of repartee as in 2002.

The other thing about 'Mondays' and the 2006 gig was that there were a couple of lively lads who'd had a few and were mucking around very near me - at the front.  I was busily ignoring them but at the precise moment that Bob stopped with his hand in the air (and-the-lesson-today-is-how-to-die), one of the guys let out the loudest drunken laugh imaginable. I'm sure it wasn't related to the song at all - just incredibly, frustratingly bad timing.  Espescially as I was anticipating just that moment ...

I'm gonna be like ... me!


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BTR wrote:

If I remember rightly, The Boomtown Rats stopped playing Monday's live during most of the Long Grass tour because they were sick of it.

When BG sings Mondays he looks like he's sick of it too but still does it because that is what the fans expect to hear. Same goes for Rat Trap. When he does Rat Trap it is rushed through like they can't get it over with soon enough. BG's live into on Rat Trap is terrible and the original was far better.

-- Edited by BTR at 13:24, 2006-08-16

 I know I heard it in Birmingham in 1985. However, from listening to the summer 1983 gig in Bradford, it is clear it was being dropped around this time. I would have felt rather let down if I had not heard it at Birmingham.

-- Edited by Mark L on Monday 18th of April 2016 01:05:02 PM


In the Long Grass

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Once he done the whole arm in the air thing at Live Aid that was it for this song as it took on a whole new meaning. But he started doing it at the Rats gigs ITLG tour and now at todays gigs. You have all been there when we have heard some at the gigs call for him to get on with the song. What he did on the day of Live aid for me was for that day only. He should have left it at that.


V Deep

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Also remember this at the odeon new street in85, long grass tour last time i saw the rats I think also a good set list of songs had a good night. After. Enduring the awlful zerra 1 the fab rats appeared. And all was well with the world


In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1316

Sorry he didn't do it at the ILTG gigs as they where well B4 Live aid But you all know what I mean


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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He loves to milk it.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Mike menzies wrote:

Also remember this at the odeon new street in85, long grass tour last time i saw the rats I think also a good set list of songs had a good night. After. Enduring the awlful zerra 1 the fab rats appeared. And all was well with the world

 I remember it well. They kicked off with the Elephants Graveyard although I wasn't too sure what it was to begin with, due to the elongated intro that they had developed live for this song. 


V Deep

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Yeh went to gig wearing my 5 deep tour shirt & the wife wore a generic rats shirt with a rating centre if log. Came it weing t with a wood louse on it how cool is that


V Deep

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Posts: 943

My comp had a wobble imeantni wore my five deep,thirst to itlg gig and bought itlg t shirt rats were brill and last rats gig I went to


Lookin' After Number 1

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Forgive me.
The devil made me do it?
F-ck if I now. It's done. No turning back.
I love the song, but felt the need to remake it into something, well... else?


House on Fire

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Great effort! Not a million miles away from the version Garry and Simon's band used to play before reunion if you've heard that?

Just goes to prove a good song usually survives rearrangement.

Ironic that Singalongarat thread has drifted into discussion about lyrics and their motivation on the day you post this. It probably belongs in there in the growing list of cover versions.

I've got a disco remix of Mondays on CD made by a London DJ. This is better


Back To Boomtown

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Posts: 7345

ArrGee wrote:

.... I'm fed up with it.  After twenty five years I feel that Geldof should sing another song when he turns up to sing.  Anything!  Crikey, even Another Piece of Red if he has to, but it's time to bury Mondays.  Especially that reprise of the first verse (the album version).

Dare I say it but he has umpteen better songs.

As if to contradict myself, Mondays suddenly came on Spotify list of mine after Olivers Army and sounded AMAZING.   Better than Rich Kids that followed it for sure.

Random playing of playlist has now jumped to Ever Fallen in Love.  Also superb!


 What is this bloke talking about? 
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