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well my god....I knew you like posting alot Tango, but guru allready? you've really worked hard on it haven't you so...congratulations would be in order I guess!
and Jules, I'm so sorry...but I think it's gonna be Tango rather than you who finds out first if there's some higher level than guru
From past experience I think there is a higher level than Guru.You can become a God if you post 1000 posts.I've never become a god but I know people who have.
Fran you've only got 97 posts before you can enter the Guru room. What you gonna do about it?
Well, I'm trying to avoid going from "Pooh-Bah" to "Carpal Tunnel" on my OTHER haunt, so I guess I'll have to spend more time here. "Carpal Tunnel" sounds ... like a disease. Not Happy Buddha at all.
Which reminds me, I've been craving Indian food lately....
Close. It's an anatomical location: "the osseofibrous passage for the median nerve and the flexor tendons, formed by the flexor retinaculum and the carpal bones".
In other words, the wrist .
"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" is lots of fun; the nerve is squashed in the tunnel, producing sensations of pain and burning or tingling in the fingers and the hand, which can extend to the elbow. Surgery to free the nerve is faily common.
"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" is lots of fun; the nerve is squashed in the tunnel, producing sensations of pain and burning or tingling in the fingers and the hand, which can extend to the elbow.
Probably not, unless you're into sitting on your wrist as well, which might make for some very interesting positions . Sitting on your hand is a great way to limit the blood flow, which causes those wonderful pins'n'needles .
Franna wrote:
Because it requires something like 3500 posts.
Ahhhh. I get it. Sorry, I'm just a little slow . That "osseofibrous passage for the median nerve and the flexor tendons" (aka the wrist) sure gets a workout doing that many posts.
BTW, Franna - I thought Halloween was 31 October ... am I missing something?? (love your graphic anyway!)