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Another earthquake, this time affecting Pakistan, Northern India, Afghanistan etc. Whole villages have been wiped out, 1,000s of lives lost. If it isn't a man made disaster it is a natural one. And it always hits the poorest and most vulnerable (not that I wish it upon anyone at all).
If the frequency of such natural events can be attributed to global warming and human-created environmental problems and neglect, why can't the US government listen and act. They still refuse to sign up to any agreements and they are the biggest contributors. If it isn't related then what is it?
Earthquakes (and tsunami) and volcanic erruptions are not attributable to climate change. In fact, very much the reverse. These events within the earth's crust can CAUSE climate change: earthquakes by releasing methane (a greenhouse gas) deposits under the sea (thought to be the cause of a mega-extinction event millions of years ago); and volcanoes by releasing greenhouse gases and throwing particles into the atmosphere which shroud the planet and cause global cooling.
Increased incidence/severity of hurricanes/typhoons IS attributable to global warming as these weather forms are affected by the temperature of the water over which they form. Or not attributable... The world's weather is so complex, influenced as it is by short- and long-cycle changes, that it is only possible to identify a trend in climate change AFTER the event.
The US administration uses the confusion over temperature increase in seas and the increase in CO2 (a greenhouse gas and a product of the burning of fossil fuels) in the atmosphere to say that the change we are seeing in the weather is part of the earth's natural variability. However, I say, greenhouse gases cause climate change (hotter for most, cooler for some, sea levels bound to rise) and human activities not only pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere but are also ultimately unsustainable, so stop it now and move to renewable, sustainable energy forms. I want a wind turbine on my roof! I want to SELL electricity to the power company! I want a reliable, reasonably inexpensive supplier who will sell/fit my turbine. Oh, and I want a Liberal Democrat or Green Party government.
The Liberal Democrat party is the only main nationwide political party that is not controlled by big business, as the Conservatives and, increasingly, the Labour parties are. The Liberal Democrats have quite a few green policies but, as liberals, are locked into the idea of the free market economy. The Green Party is free of all that market economy thinking, basing it's philosophy on a sustainable future.
I have always voted Lib Dem or Green (I have never voted Labour/socialist). We have a Green Party MEP (European parliament member) for the south-east who has a very clear mind and is an excellent speaker.
There's a group of Native Hawaiians (meaning at least 1/8) over here called Kau Inoa. They have advertisements promoting the unity of Hawaiians worldwide.
I Think they're starting some sort of underground monarchy underneath the campaign.
In addition, our governor apoints as many unqualified officials as Bush.
I was sent this inspirational thought today and thought I would share it:
Inspiration of the Day: Amidst collapsed building, broken roads, and row upon row of tents inhabited by those displaced by the earthquake, the city of Mazafarabad, Pakistan is showing signs of life. Grocery shops, bakers, call centers, general merchants, and banks are reopening along the city's main bazaar. While residents are still shaken, there is a strong determination to rebuild. As Abdul Hameed, a barber in Muzaffarabad put it, "I am still terrified of being under a roof, but I will not leave. This is my home. This is where I was born, and this is where I will rebuild my life."
~~~~ Be The Change: Help provide desperately needed support to the earthquake relief effort in Pakistan and India.