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maybe i'll get into god. i need some evidence though. however i remain open minded since most people would think i was completely bloody bonkers if they knew i thought i had encountered a load of evidence that people can have conversations with dead people.
actually i've got an idea for a website but first i need to work on myself, i should get fitter and stronger................. will i manage it better if i decide to believe in god....... at least i'll meet lots of clean living individuals which would be good..................
ah over to you................. Bob Geldof i would love to know what you think about this and that................ there you go splashed over this and that publication, appearances on telly and radio, you can talk lots and lots but never really say anything.
and what are my friends who believe in god on? why are they so goddam happy and positive? why dont they drink or smoke? can i have some please?
I don't have any friends who truly believe in god (bar one). Not sure they are really happy. I became far happier when I rationalised there wasn't a god. Catholic guilt is a bad thing.
................. Bob Geldof i would love to know what you think about this and that................ there you go splashed over this and that publication, appearances on telly and radio, you can talk lots and lots but never really say anything.
Geldof stopped saying much of real interest to me over 25 years ago. Sometimes I think the world of the Rats and Geldof would have been more interesting if Band Aid had never happened. Changed my world.
Anyway, if you are bored, get out! The sun is shining, and best of all Pulp are playing in the park tomorrow! Tickets on sale at the box office from 10am.
ArrGee, sorry about yesterday, i was bored and pissed off as you know............ but i didn't feel like going out............ was meant to go out last night but cancelled it................ sometimes thats the way.
Which park? I'm going round friends for lunch today and sit in the garden soaking up the sun....... i dont' want to spend any money at the moment either!
But i am feeling just fine now! Just booked a holiday in dorset for august.............. and i'm looking forward to seeing bob at cadogan hall in september......... and just before that its off to ireland for a week........ so hopeully i will be anything but bored! hehe
haha i've had the blues ArrGee cos my boyfriend moved to france.......... in january........... went to see him in May........... I do miss him although i keep telling myself its time to move on........... which i am............ sort of.