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Lookin' After Number 1

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Posts: 2
Tht Bono Ego

ADMIN:I have put this in paragraphs, it is otherwise untouched, though as spc1970 so rightly points out below moderating your language would be advisable in order to get your valid points across.


I Really like Bob Geldof, but telling our Prime Minister not to go somewhere else if he does not do what Bob says, well...try insulting. Imagine if I tried barring "Oasis" from Canada, or, for Real People...Her Majesty. My name is Vaughan and I hate pretentious people who strut and crow, thinking they are imporant, when they are just looking for another invitation to another party while actually doing NOTHING to change the condition of the poor. Especially just to Do IT!!!

Now..good ol' "I am the best and most important person ever", Bono. He makes me Hurl, burp in technicolour and generally puke. "We Don't GIVE MONEY, we only make people AWARE of Africas problems, because nobody ELSE is"!!! Good Go! Everybody from Doctor's Without Borders to half a dozen U.N. groups to Every Church on the planet to even Sally Struthers have been doing this along with C.A.R.E. and thousands of other aid groups for the past 50 years and more! He wants P.M. Martin to give more...nice to be on the sidelines Bone Head! Give More? Right...That means raising taxes to pay for it, something the Irish Gov't does not and therefore is a haven for Rock Stars and U2 could feed thousands from the gate receipts of just ONE tour.

Hey, Bono, the hungry need Food! They do not need people telling other people they need food..they Need Food. So, You want others to geive more while you make us all "Aware". I think we are already aware...From S. America to Asia to Africa. You Jerk. By the Way...George Harrison is right, nobody will be playing your stuff 100 years from now, I stopped after I gave my first cd of you away. And Boy!!! Money is ONE thing Bono taxes, hitch a ride on Bob Geldof's Africa Campains and get tons of T.V. and soon, this little garage band is a SuperBand with the power to lecture us mortals in a single bound.

Prediction Dept. I bet that Bono will keep on with his life of luxury and retire satisfied that he. almost single handedly saved the world by showing up and telling us what we already know and we give hard cash to try and prevent. (does anybody here remember Bono the StarFucker embarassing himself at a large get-together by pushing and dancing his way up to Muhammad Ali Years after Ali's retirement and saying "Hey, this is Ali, A Star, one of the Biggest Ever in the World, Ali!", yes, we knew That, too, even if Bono was not even sperm when Ali was Champ and in his Prime. But thanks anyway).

Also, Mr. Harrison's statement will be read in future and people will say, Dead On Target!, while listening to The Beatles and The Travalling Wilburys. Last, but not least, all the people here will look at the comments they have yet to make, but will, on Bono's behalf and say..."Well, we were Vaughan was right, but we were very young...and Yes, we never play U2, as I said...young..." At least Sir Bob raises Real Cash, he could work more on his carrer or party like Bono, but he raises Cash. In closing, Good ol' Eric Clapton is right on: "If you are a Rock Star, Do the music" ! Other than that, as Holmes says, Run for Office and Then see how easy sitting in the stands or on an Andy warhol designed chair is in comparison.

As a P.S., I would like to say that Canada gives in Cash, Spirit, Heart and People. We never get noticed for this, but giving is not about getting noticed. We send aid, and we back up our ideals with standing BESIDE people who need it. We were the first in to New Orleans, (Hugged by the Mayor,), to give search and rescue...all the cameras were on preperations in the Debate Stage by The U.S. Gov't and other allies. We have been PeaceKeepers in Cyprus for DECADES, separating the warring Turks and Greeks.

Quick, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for defusing the suez Crisis and World war lll, when The Soviet Union threatened to Nuke Paris and London and the U.S.A. did the same finacially, by saying they would call in all Frances and Englands loans. Give up? Foriegn Affairs Minister Lester B. (Mike) Pearson. He was later P.M. and had todays P.M.'s Father in his cabinent. I love the fact that I can give books and clothes to poor and choose to let the aid agencies put them where there is need.

I Don't make as much in 5 years as Bono makes in a day, but I am working to be a Foster Parent within the month. My money will give food, water clothes and school supplies for one kid, as well as 8 years of being Able to go to school. That makes me happy.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:49, 2005-10-28

The VaughanFather


Status: Offline
Posts: 234

ADMIN: This type of post is not acceptable.  I have edited it (to some extent), but I'm not sure it should remain at all.  The opening post was provocative, but in no way should the messenger be insulted as this post originally stood.  I have only preserved it to some extent, as subsequent posts would make no sense otherwise.





""We Don't GIVE MONEY, we only make people AWARE of Africas problems, because nobody ELSE is"!!! Good Go! Everybody from Doctor's Without Borders to half a dozen U.N. groups to Every Church on the planet to even Sally Struthers have been doing this along with C.A.R.E. and thousands of other aid groups for the past 50 years and more!"

He hasn't given money? I don't honestly know. If he hasn't, it's because he's been busy touring, meeting with elected officials, and running DATA, all of which raise awareness and generally fight against poverty, AIDS, etc. And even if he doesn't answer all of the problems, at least he asks the questions. Think of it like this: If raising awareness is a sick joke, a ploy for him to just get more attention, boost his ego, and gain more fans, and none of it is enough, you have absolutely no right to harass Bono like you are now.


"He wants P.M. Martin to give more...nice to be on the sidelines Bone Head! Give More? Right...That means raising taxes to pay for it, something the Irish Gov't does not and therefore is a haven for Rock Stars and U2 could feed thousands from the gate receipts of just ONE tour."

None of us doubt his wealth. Would you rather 4 men sell everything they own and live on the streets while perpetuating a problem that was failed from solving 20 years ago through the same means, or would you rather see the common citizen finally have national revenue go to something besides a war? 


"Hey, Bono, the hungry need Food! They do not need people telling other people they need food..they Need Food."

Don't tell other people that a man whose telling people of starving people in an effort to globally save their lives that he's not doing enough.


"So, You want others to geive more while you make us all "Aware". I think we are already aware...From S. America to Asia to Africa. You Jerk."

If it were on a basis of taxes, he is in a higher bracket. He'd give a higher percentage, probably more money than you'll make in your life, if his efforts pull through.

And you think people are still aware? Americans don't even care about Hurricane Rita or Katrina anymore. They're in the past already. You have to keep driving the message. Unless your name is Jesus Christ, then take up thy food and walk to starving children who need it.


"By the Way...George Harrison is right, nobody will be playing your stuff 100 years from now, I stopped after I gave my first cd of you away. And Boy!!! Money is ONE thing Bono taxes, hitch a ride on Bob Geldof's Africa Campains and get tons of T.V. and soon, this little garage band is a SuperBand with the power to lecture us mortals in a single bound."

I doubt he cares if you don't like his music. If you don't like it, oh well. Millions of other people do. He's not lecturing you or anyone else. He's trying to persuade an international body of people (also known as mankind) to realize that they can use money already being given to national governments to end poverty. If you don't like the idea, move to a nation that doesn't feel like helping to save lives (America), and stop criticizing a man's noble efforts.


"Prediction Dept. I bet that Bono will keep on with his life of luxury and retire satisfied that he. almost single handedly saved the world by showing up and telling us what we already know and we give hard cash to try and prevent."

If you don't want the money you already pay every year to save lives, evade taxes.


"(does anybody here remember Bono the StarFucker embarassing himself at a large get-together by pushing and dancing his way up to Muhammad Ali Years after Ali's retirement and saying "Hey, this is Ali, A Star, one of the Biggest Ever in the World, Ali!", yes, we knew That, too, even if Bono was not even sperm when Ali was Champ and in his Prime. But thanks anyway)."

Lovely language...he was recognizing a champion boxer. Have you met him? Would you like to? So did he.


"Also, Mr. Harrison's statement will be read in future and people will say, Dead On Target!, while listening to The Beatles and The Travalling Wilburys."

And Pink Floyd too if I get my way.


"Last, but not least, all the people here will look at the comments they have yet to make, but will, on Bono's behalf and say..."Well, we were Vaughan was right, but we were very young...and Yes, we never play U2, as I said...young..." "

I try to extrapulate some sort of meaning or sense from this, but I can't...


"At least Sir Bob raises Real Cash, he could work more on his carrer or party like Bono, but he raises Cash."

Which he uses, in coordination with organization's like DATA and his own Band Aid Trust, to raise awareness and donate supplies.


"In closing, Good ol' Eric Clapton is right on: "If you are a Rock Star, Do the music" ! Other than that, as Holmes says, Run for Office and Then see how easy sitting in the stands or on an Andy warhol designed chair is in comparison."

Instead of being an "artistic" blues-betraying cad like Clapton, Bono is trying to make something happen. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, sir.


"As a P.S., I would like to say that Canada gives in Cash, Spirit, Heart and People. We never get noticed for this, but giving is not about getting noticed. We send aid, and we back up our ideals with standing BESIDE people who need it."

I'm sure you do. Bono is just standing there for young feeble minds to poison about his terrible ideals of ending poverty and fighting AIDS. Let's all move to Canada, and be real helpers.


"We were the first in to New Orleans, (Hugged by the Mayor,), to give search and rescue..."

Indeed? I didn't know that. Muchos gracias...but you weren't there. That's like me saying, "US soldiers were first on the ground in Iraq", and then me taking credit for it on behalf of myself and all of America. Give it a rest.


"all the cameras were on preperations in the Debate Stage by The U.S. Gov't and other allies."

No. All cameras were focused on the buildings with stranded people on roofs and in apartments and in the Superdome and convention center where bodies lay strewn, feces everywhere, little girls were being raped in the darkness, looters were being shot, and bridges into a nearby town with plenty of space for refugees were blocked off by armed guards. That's what I saw for 4 days. No one was helping them. But hey, I guess Canada can take all the credit for helping those poor people.


"We have been PeaceKeepers in Cyprus for DECADES, separating the warring Turks and Greeks. Quick, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for defusing the suez Crisis and World war lll, when The Soviet Union threatened to Nuke Paris and London and the U.S.A. did the same finacially, by saying they would call in all Frances and Englands loans. Give up? Foriegn Affairs Minister Lester B. (Mike) Pearson. He was later P.M. and had todays P.M.'s Father in his cabinent."

Which all equates to you and Canada as a whole. Some patriotism...or should I say narcissism?


"I love the fact that I can give books and clothes to poor and choose to let the aid agencies put them where there is need."

As do I.


"I Don't make as much in 5 years as Bono makes in a day, but I am working to be a Foster Parent within the month."

Excellent. If the world was filled with 6 billion Bonos, and then you, you'd be the best person on the planet.


"My money will give food, water clothes and school supplies for one kid, as well as 8 years of being Able to go to school. That makes me happy."

And it also has nothing to do with Bono in any way, shape, or form. Don't worry, be happy.


Welcome to the Bob Geldof forum. I'm Meekus.

-- Edited by meekus at 10:04, 2005-10-23

-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:45, 2005-10-28

-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:51, 2005-10-28

Stay Groovy

Lookin' After Number 1

Status: Offline
Posts: 2

Sorry, Mr. Republican, I hit the wrong button..I guess you and your pal Chaney know all about That. So I left the messege to your private Box....but as I said...Go Away, snuggle up to Tom Delay (spelling noted), And Bye Bye.

The VaughanFather

Rat Trap

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Posts: 34

"Americans don't even care about Hurricane Rita or Katrina anymore."  -Comrade Meekus

No, the media has moved onto the next story... the American people still do care.  There isn't a church out there that doesn't have some sort of relief mission trying to help the Gulf States.

"...I feel no remorse calling you a prick."  -MeePacifikus

Tango, would this be "slagging off?"  Funny how the Meek-man questions the intelligence of the moderators by telling them to look up the definition of hypocrite but thinks he can sneak this past.

"Sorry, Mr. Republican..."  -Vaughan

Stop insulting the majority of America by calling MeeMarxkus a republican!

"...Bono the Star****er..."  -Vaughan

Please refrain from this language.  Right or wrong, you weaken your arguement when your language goes to the gutter.

I too find it odd that a man of such obvious personal wealth pushes government programs to feed the world when private funding and free markets are the only way to prosperity, as his wealth proves.


***  As always I accept all blame for faulty spelling




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"No, the media has moved onto the next story... the American people still do care.  There isn't a church out there that doesn't have some sort of relief mission trying to help the Gulf States."

Just because congregations are donating doesn't mean the whole country is bleeding money to help victims. The tsunami is past, Live 8 is past, and the hurricanes are past. Look out! Here comes Wilma!


"Tango, would this be "slagging off?"  Funny how the Meek-man questions the intelligence of the moderators by telling them to look up the definition of hypocrite but thinks he can sneak this past."

I don't question their intelligence. They question my use of language. I battled his insult with one upon him to see if he enjoys it. Judging from my personal reply, I don't think he does.


"I too find it odd that a man of such obvious personal wealth pushes government programs to feed the world when private funding and free markets are the only way to prosperity, as his wealth proves."

Right indeed. Perhaps he could do more. Do you have an organization like DATA? Do you plan on creating free markets for the world's poorest nations anytime soon? Then quit bashing the helper. It can't happen overnight. It's a process, and this is the beginning.



Vaughn, I thought you a Republican. I'm disgusted that you'd think I'm one. For shame...There's only one thing worse than a Democrats, and it's a Republican. Today's politicians are a bunch of moderate hypocrites who treat their job as a business rather than a duty. I have political party, but I do tend to side with Republicans more than Democrats. That having been said, John McCain isn't so bad.


Keep up the good work, guys.

-- Edited by meekus at 00:36, 2005-10-24

Stay Groovy

Rat Trap

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Posts: 34

I'm not bashing the helper.  I am questioning if it is wise to try to get big government programs to help failing nations.  His group, DATA, should be pushing even more for internal reforms in these impoverished nations.  The greatest amount of good, pound for pound, comes from private funding such as those from Christian organizations.  That is the model that should be followed, not some large bureaucratic, and blatantly unfair, system.


Rat Trap

Status: Offline
Posts: 34

I merely adjust a name to fit a boy's own admissions of his character and you say that I attack him and throw personal insults.  He throws vulgarity around with excuses and is heralded as an unbeatable force in this forum.  Thank God for you the guru title is earned simply by number of posts and not by the intellect behind those myriad of posts.

It is obvious that Meevis and Tangohead are in cahoots to subvert intellectual conversation on this board.  One likes to argue everything down to the bone for no other reason but to argue, while the other is the firsts sycophant.

Keep trying.



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I stated I'm not a pacifist, but a conscientious objector to war.

To subvert intellectual conversation...yup, that's my goal. That's all I came here to do. You caught me. "The jig is up, the noose is on, they've finally found me. The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty, etc..."

Freedom of opinion and speech is a strange anf foreign concept to spc1970. I've been begging to ask, what does that stand for?

"Thank God for you the guru title is earned simply by number of posts and not by the intellect behind those myriad of posts."

Please be more considerate who don't believe in God, or your God. Thanks for throwing in that intelligence bit. I guess all of my A's in every year of school I've had means nothing because a complete stranger in a blog disagrees with my views on things. Thatks for the wake-up call. I'm gonna lay in my bed and change my life now.


Abd Tango, don't rattle on him. I find his nicknames amusing. Not all correct, but amusing.

-- Edited by meekus at 04:43, 2005-10-25

Stay Groovy


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Posts: 424

You don't expect anyone to read this without paragraphs?

My suggestion: Why don't you go to a U2 board and discuss your problem there?


V Deep

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Posts: 951

Katharina wrote:

You don't expect anyone to read this without paragraphs? My suggestion: Why don't you go to a U2 board and discuss your problem there?

Excellent ideas.  The general forum at would be a good place to start.


V Deep

Status: Offline
Posts: 951

meekus wrote:

..... Your call, I guess, Mein Fuhror.   

..... I feel no remorse calling you a prick.   

..... Welcome to the Bob Geldof forum. I'm Meekus.


Now I will quote ArrGee from The Rules > Netiquette:

We are all for freedom of speech and valid debate, but we will not tolerate people who are offensive or use offensive language.  We will ban users/IPs and close threads if they breach this condition.  By all means criticise, but please do it in an adult and reasonable manner.

                                                     . . .

Should you persist,  I will ban.  Many valid points are lost in name calling.  Make your point to persuade.

That is about the only rule we have.  Enjoy!


And lastly, it's spelled Fuhrer

-- Edited by franna at 03:39, 2005-10-28



Status: Offline
Posts: 234

If YOU wanna boot me, go ahead.

Sorry. I'm the only one who misspells words, I guess.

Stay Groovy

V Deep

Status: Offline
Posts: 951

You're lucky.  I don't have the power to boot you.  If I could, I would.

Perhaps my post was not clear due to my selective use of the bold function.  Hopefully, I've now clarified that ALL the policy statements are courtesy ArrGee.  I am simply re-stating board policy, as you have obviously stepped way past what I'd consider a reasonable interpretation of the guidelines.  The actions ArrGee takes, or does not take, are his choice as a mod.  But I'm no longer going to sit by and silently take it while you PISS ME OFF by flagrantly violating those policies. 

No, you're not the only one who can't spell.  Neither can Tango.

-- Edited by franna at 03:53, 2005-10-28



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Posts: 234

" have obviously stepped way past what I'd consider a reasonable interpretation of the guidelines.  The actions ArrGee takes, or does not take, are his choice as a mod.  But I'm no longer going to sit by and silently take it while you PISS ME OFF..."

Wow. I love Orwellian writing.

Stay Groovy

Back To Boomtown

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Posts: 7230

meekus wrote:

If YOU wanna boot me, go ahead.

Ok, done.  And can I thank Vaughan and spc1970 for their restraint in not rising to the bait. 

-- Edited by ArrGee at 12:02, 2005-10-28


 What is this bloke talking about? 

In the Long Grass

Status: Offline
Posts: 1894

franna wrote:

No, you're not the only one who can't spell.  Neither can Tango


da spallin tis opporling

well by meekus.

-- Edited by Tango at 12:22, 2005-10-28



Back To Boomtown

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Posts: 7230
Bono incensed as Hillary plays politics at U2 gig

"U2 concerts are categorically not fund-raisers for any politician. They are rock concerts for U2 fans," said his close associate, Jamie Drummond, who runs Data, the Third World advocacy group set up by Bono with Sir Bob Geldof.
The phrase that comes to mind is 'he who lives by the sword....'  Maybe politicians don't approve of rock stars playing music for political aims.

Vaughan's original post made some very interesting points.  The tax he should pay (along with the rest of his band) would raise funds a plenty for good causes in Ireland.

And what exactly is his beef with Hilary Clinton?  It's alright for corporations to do this glad handing at his gigs (I remember a Golden Circle at their Wembley gig), but not politicians.

Bono's sincerity is questionable.  U2 slipstreamed Band Aid/Live Aid and used it to their own ends.  Not the only one, but certainly the most prominent.

As for Bono, he wishes he was Geldof. I'm sick of his waffle - committing the rest of his life to fighting poverty, whilst wearing Gucci. I'll listen to Geldof, thanks.


Sincerity rating

While Geldof seems earnest enough, the same can not be said for every one of his bandwagon-jumping mates


Sincerity rating

Mortals marvel at how Bono manages to summon the energy to support so many causes " there must be some sincerity leakage


Sincerity rating

A journalist once quipped 'Sting discovered the plight of the rainforest from the window of his private jet'


 What is this bloke talking about? 

In the Long Grass

Status: Offline
Posts: 1894
RE: Tht Bono Ego

stings not really seen as a leading activist though.i think he would be good if he put his mund to for bono.i agree on many grounds, but he gets the job done



V Deep

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Posts: 951

The way I see it, and whether you agree with him or not, Bono is trying hard to move US policy on Africa.  He's been somewhat successful because he's been able to connect with both the Left and the Right at a time in the country when basically, the Left and Right are barely speaking to each other.  He's acting as a bridge builder, but the bridge is narrow and shaky and it only works on this one issue.

REPUBLICAN Senator Rick Santorum and DEMOCRATIC Senator Hillary Clinton both staged fund raisers at U2 shows, shows which are really difficult for fans to get tickets for in the first place. This pisses off the fans, who see the band as supporting politician/scalpers rather than the people who buy their records.  (In other words, that the band is supporting:  "If you donate $6,000 to my campaign, you can see the show from my lovely, catered box seats."  While the fan either can't get tickets, or is up in the bleeds behind the stage.)

And in the context of DATA, perhaps more importantly, Bono CANNOT BE SEEN TO BE TAKING SIDES and supporting ANYONE'S political campaign.  If he's perceived as supporting Santorum, he loses a lot of his fan base as well as every single Democratic politician he's gotten on board.  If he is seen to be supporting Hillary, he loses a small part of the band's fan base plus every single Republican politician he's gotten on board.  And, while this DOES NOT PLEASE ME, the Republicans ARE the majority party at the moment.  Maybe that's why he has to bash Hillary.  Maybe he just doesn't like her, who knows.  I have no idea what he's said about Santorum.

I think the article you link to is interesting in that it makes it appear he's "bashing" Hilary more than Santorum, and I doubt that's true.  He has to distance himself from both of them to be effective.

Next issue:  Irish Taxes.  Bono has said that he and the band pay enormous amounts in tax, and that the only thing NOT taxed is their publishing - which accounts for approx. 1/3 of their income.  Let's assume he's telling the truth.  Let's further assume that most of the rest of the income is funneled through various corporations, and last time I checked, corporate tax in Ireland was roughtly 12 percent while in the UK and US it's somewhere around 30-34 percent.  Should Ireland risk economic prosperity, achieved by having a really low corporate tax rate - thereby encouraging business development - well, should they raise the rate to be on par with other Western nations so that the Irish gov't could give more of a declining pie to Africa (or whatever)? 

Next issue:  The band's personal giving.  I don't know whether or not this was an unintended leak, but, if I remember correctly, the band gave ... was it a million dollars?  to some sort of Africa-related cause earlier in the tour.  Maybe Rita remembers the details.

Bono's personal attitude, for what it's worth, is that charity must be a private matter.  He's said that when it's public, it becomes publicity...he just becomes a bigger star and is then accused of different unkind things.  Either way he loses, and he's got to choose the way that allows him to sleep better at night. 

I imagine he's got more cash than any human being could hope to piss away in one lifetime, and he probably does give a hefty sum to the causes he supports.   I'll never know for sure, and that's fine with me.

I'm mostly in it for the sound of the music, and if there's any making the world a better place that results from it, so much the better.  The guy is ridiculously famous and wealthy and using his meglomania to try to achieve something positive.  Why must he be perfect?  If he can make progress in the US about lifting another continent out of needless poverty, something that neither Geldof nor any US politician can do, what's so horrible about that?

I'm sure he's not always sincere, and I know he sometimes contradicts himself.  So what.  The guy is human.

Oh, the remark about the Canadian Prime Minister...maybe he regrets saying that.  If it backfired as a tactic, he probably does.  It's not like BG's never screwed up by insulting people....

-- Edited by franna at 13:33, 2005-10-28

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