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Did anyone hear this in the SE of the UK? My sister heard it in SW London.
For those outside the UK, there has been a big explosion (more than one) around 6 am this morning in an oil depot. It is not being treated as a terrorist attack, it would seem it was some kind of accident/failure. A number of people have been injured but no-one is on the critical list. Fortunately it was the quietest ttime of the week that something such as this could have happened. There are clouds of dirty black smoke spreading across the SE at the moment, but we haven't seen anything yet in Oxford. I believe it is going the otherway.
We heard about it going to London in the car this morning and there were signs to say part of the M1 was closed - presumably for that. They also said don't panic buy petrol as it is aviation fuel - which explained the massive queues to buy petrol this morning!
I heard people were panic buying! It doesn't take much. Then It turned out to be the wrong sort of fuel.
Did you see evidence of the black smoke coming that way? It looks horrific. Thankfully it didn't happen on a Monday morning. It doesn't bear thinking about.
its nuts.absolutely mental.iv never seen so much fire.although living in lancashire we didnt hear the actual explosion, our tv did turn itself on just after 6 and start showing the news
we could see the cloud of smoke in the distance. Looked exactly the same shape as it was on the tv so I knew it was that. We are such a long way from it though so it must be huge.
It's now onto Google here in the US, I just discovered a few minutes ago, so I'm glad at least there are not too many injuries. What a surprise, though...
I've just returned from my London trip (you know, I was supposed to go to the gig etc...). Sunday morning I woke up and when I checked my watch it was 6.10. Later on, I realised that I might have been woken by the blasts. We saw the smoke coming over London. I believe they've managed to extinguish the fires now, thank god.
London is a great city, by the way. The Natural History Museum was my favorite. But, can anyone tell me what's up with the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square? I was expecting a huge, wonderfully decorated tree, but instead it was a small, sorry one with a few bare light bulbs...
theyv extinguished it but then it set on fire again.they think they might know the cause as someones come forward and said that he saw vapours seepng out so he flicked a switch or something to stop it but clearly it didnt work
Here are a couple of pictures, taken out the window doing 60MPH on the way to the Leicester gig. Notice the flames still visible in both of the pictures.
I'd estimate it was probably 1/4 mile from the motoroute. On the way back from Leicester, the flames were shooting even higher than you see in those pictures.