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Has anyone thought of starting a Bob Geldof site on Yahoo Groups? I don't think there are currently any active sites for him or The Boomtown Rats on the Yahoo Groups right now.
If you did, I would join that. [I'm not on MSN, and don't want to start on that too. I'm already on Yahoo, a little bit on MySpace, here, another message board and snopes. And one for HR type stuff that I check into occasionally at work.]
And, no, I'm not going to start a Yahoo group for Bob, since I already have one for one of my other favorites.
take care,
"And Lenin said 'There is no Heaven, so I don't believe in Room 19'" - Bob Geldof
"you can find adventure/in someone else's life/or you can criticize/when you need a lift" - Ric Ocasek
MY flickr one is technically a yahoo site. I have not invited anyone to join yet, but if they would, send me a p.m. "The Bob geldof Story, a personal and musical journey"
Thank you Jules. You will get your payment later! I am fast steaming towards the 1000 hits. Nearly 700 now. I am trying to attract people who are not necessarily Geldof fans. People will find this site just while browsing. I want people to smile, hence the odd captions on some, and also learn a bit about Bob, past and present and think ,"I didn't know he went there or did that." Also I have managed to find pics which I have never seen before, though you all probably have. I have corresponded with the likes of Chris Walter, and Hans Arne Nakrem to get their permission and put in links to other sites. (some excellent rats pics). I am still trying to get copyright permission on some. I must put in a link to this site somewhere.
Hey, I became a member last night and posted a few things (links I found). I was reading the other link on listing your home page. Thank you very much.
I know that sometimes on Yahoo some groups can start out sort of slow. I have put a link to your Yahoo group on my little Yahoo group for my other fav. (I now have about 30 members and I only started my group in February).
I think it's helpful to keep posting it in different places whereever you can.
I like the format of the Yahoo Groups, and think that they can be very different than this type of forum. I try to set up my Yahoo Group to be a place to discuss art, poetry, music, life, etc. [In other words, I annoy people with questions on different topics every once in a while. Not everyone chooses to participate, and that's cool, but sometimes we have had some good conversations.]
take care,
"And Lenin said 'There is no Heaven, so I don't believe in Room 19'" - Bob Geldof
"you can find adventure/in someone else's life/or you can criticize/when you need a lift" - Ric Ocasek
Please go ahead and 'annoy' us with questions. We need some life around here! We are somewhat devoid of good conversations - well not totally devoid but they are fairly rare.