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I have been a activist on the frontlines since childhood - Unicef :)
In the 90's I was premed studying my prereq to enter the nursing field or possibly science research. I left school in 96 and did recovery- still studying the sciences in spare time. Building on my knowledge of mircobiology it is my hunch that Hiv is not a true virus but a snake venom prion that has attached to the cold blooded chicken in the code of infected people. Venom is very common in Africa from Ants to scorpions to snakes and spiders.. They will sometimes use the protease saponin from the four wing salt bush to calm the bites of these venomus creatures.. The plant can be eaten and was used by the ancients for food. The leaves are burned and used as a replacement for baking soda. Little cakes anyone?? :) The plant is a natral protease from the area and our good GOD would do that.. leave us a plant that would help us to combat infections such as being infected with venom. If that does not work then a suggestion would be to use the blood from people who have been bitten and survived a bite from a snake indigenous to the area. I have been bitten by a pit viper and survived and then by a brown reculse spider and I did show a immune response to the venom.. my eye teeth filled up with immunogens... dracula this Halloween Maybe my antibodies could help someone else survive or the code could be copied and at least we would have an idea of what to do.. It has been 20 years of death and disease for Africans and now World Wide infection with little progress being made to erradicate this disease. A fresh look at the problem is the answer..
1. Use the correct Protease.
2. Use the correct antibodies for the disease.
Talk to me :) and Happy Sam Hain and Hallowed Ween to everyone!!