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Reminding us that the Boomtown Rats didn't sound so bad. Johnny Borrell and his cohorts perfected the sound made by Live 8 pal Bob Geldof. In The Morning and America are proof positive.
Reminding us that the Boomtown Rats didn't sound so bad. Johnny Borrell and his cohorts perfected the sound made by Live 8 pal Bob Geldof. In The Morning and America are proof positive.
Do you agree?
Where was this review from?
It's a bit of a back handed compliment. The Boomtown Rats never sounded bad, it's just a widely held perception from people who only ever heard Mondays. I have often seen it written that the Rats were surprisingly good in concert, Tonic was a better album than they expected and so on.
As for Razorlight, they are a good band. The similarities with the Rats have often been noted but the original's still the best. Would be nice if the Rats got a bit of exposure off the back of Razorlight's success, but somehow I doubt it.
Razorlight are a great band and the influences from the Rats are obvious, however they still have their own style. The Rats were and still are underrated. They have true class and I don't understand why people make such negative statements as 'Reminding us that the Boomtown Rats didn't sound so bad.' Well I suppose it is a backhanded compliment as ArrGee says, but actually they were brilliant, dynamic and energetic.
Razorlight aren't bad (prob one of the best bands around the place these days) They might have "The Golden Touch" but to be honest they never will touch Bob and the boys...
"Bishops wrote letters. The Irish Times wrote an editorial. We were banned.
People think we were arrogant, but that wasn't it at all - We were just enjoying winding everybody up" - Bob Geldof on the legacy that was The Boomtown Rats!!
I would definately agree that Razorlight are one of the best bands around. When I first heard 'in the morning' I was stunned how like The Rats it sounded. The Rats were big 30 years ago when music was more noticed. I believe now there is so much rubbish around eg Westlife etc.. its much harder to spot real talent & potential. Most music we hear now is manufactured crap & real talent can go by so its good to see a band like Razorlight being recognised as 'good' & especially being compared to The Rats..
Regards, Musicmania...
“To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” Aaron Copland.