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Post Info TOPIC: Pets?

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this is something I always ask people b/c they're interesting to me and I'm curious to know - what pets do you all own (if any)?

I have a 2 year old black male guinea pig (Echo), and three female rats all around a year old (Lucas, Roy, and Hellion). Echo's a nice, calm pet to have compared to the intelligent and exploratory rats! Lucas and Roy were handled by my sister and I from pink little babies. We bought Hellion from a pet store not knowing that she was pregnant! My sis owns two sons of hers (Willard and Slick).

in Maryland my mom owns the family dog - Popcorn, a clever and spunky bull terrier. She's almost 10 years old.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I have a white cat with black splodges on her called Jessie. The black is strategically placed - perfectly formed around her nose and both ears and her tail. She's nearly 15 years old, has hyperthyroidism and recently lost an eye. She had an eye infection and managed to scratch her eye ball! Jessie is the preverbial scaredy-cat.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

I Don't Like Mondays

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Hia, I have a black, male 7yr old dog called Sinbad (don't ask me why...)

Hayley xxx

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got a crazy, black old dog... she eats flowers and can be a real pain...but you know, she´s a cutie...

no rats, though


Diamond Smiles

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I have a Cat, a dwarf Rabbit, two love birds and a budgie

-- Edited by Malteserat at 19:59, 2005-03-29


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aw poor Jesse lol. I'm sure she'll stick around for a little while longer. very cute coloration pattern

Hayley, what kind of dog is Sinbad? you too johanna. yeah our family dog can be a real pain sometimes, she's extremely independent for a dog (but that's a terrier for you) and chooses when she'll like to obey and when she won't. but she's still a good dog.

dwarf rabbits are really cute. my friend owns one (tuxedo-colored). their ears remain so small while the rest of their bodies blow up! Budgies are pretty cool too. I found a yellow & green one once abandoned on a street. It took forever to catch her (her wings weren't clipped & she was very scared and flighty) but we finally did, asked around to see if it was anyone's, no one recognized her, so I kept her. she only lived about a week though I took her to the vet and everything, but her body condition was just too small and thin after who knows how long she'd been outside. she had an appetite but it was too late. I was all sad b/c we had just started bonding (she was extremely skittish) but oh well. the experience was enough to make me want one in my future at some point.

what color's your budgie Malteserat?


I Don't Like Mondays

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Originally posted by: MMbullybuddyGP

"Hayley, what kind of dog is Sinbad?"

Oh..... Sinbad is a Whippet... A racing dog... you know...

Hayley xxx


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We have fishies. The top left one is Charlie, and he's the only one who lasted long enough to get a name. He's now twice as big, and we've had to remove 2 posts off of his favorite hiding place after he got stuck between them.

Don't Believe What You Read.

House on Fire

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I have a two year old saint bernard called Hooch his hates are flying leaves and birds and loves a god old english breakfast


Banana Republic

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we have a boxer called fi fi she nuts !

paul reeves

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Hayley - whippets are very nice-looking dogs, mini-greyhounds! Greyhounds are one of my favorite dog breeds (I've been around 'em a lot as my aunt fosters & rescues them), and whippets are nice, too. Now how about Italian Greyhounds, those are berely even dogs...

MJ, your fish are really pretty. they are pretty difficult to maintain from what I've gathered from fish-owners I know. so you're telling me that all the fish in the pix other than Charlie are dead now?

I used to own female Betta fish. they only lasted about a year and a half. really cute though.

Large breeds (like st. bernards) are pretty cool. It'd be neat to own an Scottish Deerhound or Irish Wolfhound. They seem almost large enough to ride

boxers...yeah, the majority of them I've encountered are "nuts!" There was only one big slug who was overweight, unneutered, and had some form of cancer - he was very calm . but the most of 'em sure do like to wriggle and romp like crazy

anyone else?

-- Edited by MMbullybuddyGP at 16:57, 2005-04-27


Like Clockwork

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I have 5 dogs..Pheobe and Oscar are about the same and West Highland White Terriers, then there's Pheeb's little puppies, who are about 6 weeks old and called Morag and Seth...and then there's Pixi who is about a year and a half and she's a Kerry Blue Terrier. My mum shows dogs!

I've got a leopard Gecko called Pollyana-Colin but she gets called Lizzie for short. Imaginative. And three fish...Nigel, Roger and Fizzie. At one time I had all the members of Spinal Tap but they I only have Nigel =( But yeah, I'll pull through.


Kt x


I Don't Like Mondays

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HELLO! i have a dog named Ozzie, a cat called Casper, and i had 2 fish, but now i have 4 and i cant think of anything to call them, i have one called bob and one called midge and would be very happy if any of you could think of what to call the other two.



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Stipey wrote:

 I let him on my bed and night and he actually lets me kiss him on his lips. , he's a big baby and he's very friendly. He often curls up and falls to sleep with me sometimes.

Thats cute I have two cats, one grey and white named Hannibal, nad a black one named frai. At first we called him Freya, After the nordic love goddes, but after a long time we found out that she was a he.

-- Edited by camilladk at 13:22, 2005-08-01

camilla sørensen

Rat Trap

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Thats so cute. ah.....You have one called hannibal? omg.....I think I might be afraid of that one there. lol.....He doesnt eat face now does he? lol.......They sound very cute though. I best watch what I say about cats around my Rat who is sitting on my shoulder at this very moment and best not poop on me. lmao! By the way my Rats name is "Sir Bob" ha-ha....And he rules my world. yes.......



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No, Hannibal is very friendly. But affraid and stressed most of the time. Sometimes it drives me crazy. I like the name you have chosen for your rat, it is almost royal, with that name.

-- Edited by camilladk at 19:27, 2005-08-01

camilla sørensen


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i av..

2 black pug dogs

a cockatiel

i used to av 2 rats but 1 died when he woz one and a half and the other died when he was three in december.

and my cat died in june she woz a himalayan persian she woz fifteen years old

It's A Rat Trap..... And You've Bin CAUGHT

Rat Trap

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Oh, well Thank you. yeah named him after Bob. lol.... He's my baby and he knows it. (the rat that is) He loves his peas though. He nibbles sometimes and tries to get alittle rough. but I just say in a calm quiet voice. " Sir Bob thats a no, no...." He looks up at me and I kiss his head. lol.....omg....never mind. But, he's my baby.


Rat Trap

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Ah, I'm so sorry to hear that. Thats so sad. I know the feeling I had a few pets that passed on too and it hurts a great deal. I'm sorry.....hey, you'll meet up with them again someday. Take care now. Here's a hug for you.....



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Frai is my little baby while Hannibal is my fathers boy.  

Yeah its's sad when your pet dies. I lost my hamster on my birthday a cuple of years ago, and the worst thing is, that I wasn't at home at the time, I was told in the car on the way home. And I can truly say, that I cried a lot. And I also lost 5 pets at one time, the mother and 4 kids. I don't know what the pet is called in english, but in danish, it's called a marsvin. It is a little bit bigger than a hamster, and says, oin oin

camilla sørensen


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yeah... ohwell

as you said i will meet up with them again sometime

It's A Rat Trap..... And You've Bin CAUGHT

Rat Trap

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you will. Last night my Rat wasnt in a good mood for some reason. he's very moody. I think I should get him a mate. I dont know though. But, if it will make him happy(and i'm sure it will) get it? lol.....I guess i will do that. I lost a black kitten myself a year ago and I cried very hard. I couldnt get over that quickly. he was only a kitten too. they said that he had a blood disorder and there was nothing that could be done. the vet than ask if i him to put him down there and i snapped at him and said. well, I cant use the words here.....but, I was like no way! I want to take him home with me so that I can be there with him. He said that he had only a few hours. yeah, that was hell.....he died in my arms. I'll never forget him. I called him "paddy boy"



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awww thats soo sad

i feel like i'm gonna cry i still haven't gotten over my cat and she died months ago i still cry.

It's A Rat Trap..... And You've Bin CAUGHT


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My hamster was old, so dead had to come. But for the other pets it was totally surprising. I still think of them. But fortunatly we manage to safe one of the children. But she is dead now to.

camilla sørensen

Rat Trap

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Sorry to hear all this said about pets passing on and all. However, yeah its a part of life. like it or not. this part sucks for sure i know. Its sure a sad thing though. I hate the fact that fact of death really. I wish we would never have to die. sounds not realistic I know. but hell its an ugly thing death. But we cant go on forever or can those those we love. Besides, Again I think we will all meet up with our pets, and loved one's again. surely this isnt the last stop.......



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Oh I wouldn't like to live forever, then the world surely would be overfilth with humans. And it  will not be funny to see the 3 world war, if that it ever happens. Death I think can sometimes be peacefull. It's nice to hear someone is dead, if you know the person has suffered for a long time. 

camilla sørensen

In the Long Grass

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i used to have an alsation called astro a black cat called spot a goldfish called tom and two rats, scabbers white and beige and patch black and white.  now i have two coolie crosses called tess (age 6 long haired beige small ears) and max (2 but still thinks hes a pup black and brown, huge ears).theyr both rescued dogs but max had it worse and went thru 3 homes in 4 months after leving the rescue centre.hes still very nervy



Like Clockwork

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I have quite a few pets.

We have a dog called Dot, and we think she is a whippet, if not half greyhound.

We have 2 cats called Keith and Phoebe. Phoebe is your average 12 year old tabby. She dribbles. Nice. Keith is a ginger and white 1-2 year old, who used to be a stray. Dont know why, hes great!!

Then we have a rabbit called Twix who acts like a dog. She'll get under the fence, run around the street, then come back home and go to sleep.

We have a hamster called Cinnamon, and a bowl with about 4-5 fish in it.

Just recently me and my brother bought some more fish for our bedrooms. He chose 2 goldfish and called them Angel and Willow from Buffy teh Vampire Slayer.

I bought a black moor and a blue oranda. My blue oranda is called Sushi, and my black moor is called Fluffy.

I think that is just about all of our pets......


In the Long Grass

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sushi? thats a bit crude




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I have two dogs, Brook and Caesar.  They are shetland sheepdogs - shelties.  Really cute and affectionate dogs - love um much0 grande!

Sad about your poor kitty jules!  Loved your fish pictures MJ!



Give Peace A Chance...

In the Long Grass

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i love two are collie/spaniel/retriver/anything alse desperate for a great dane tho.i absolutely love them.slightly cheesed off however as i have wnted a great dane called schmeicheal since i was 8 and used to write stories about him.but now if i name my dog schmeicheal people will think im a soap fan tho i despise them



In the Long Grass

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MMbullybuddyGP iv just read your biog and im amazed.i am desperate to own a great dane and have been for years.dya know any contacts in eng?



Like Clockwork

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omg.......I was feeding my Rat and I guess he thought part of my finger was food. He took a bite out of me and i came down with fever. I had to go to the hospital last night 2am in the morning. the little stinker bite me. no rabies though. thankful to that. he was running a fever himself from a cold and when he bite me he transmitted the fever to me at the same time. I had to get him some shots too. wow.......that hurt. lol. my finger is still sore as hell. I guess you cant be that to careful after all. I guess my point is this. just be careful while feeding your pets because they have no idea that we are Not food sometimes. lol........

Sue Walters

In the Long Grass

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i remember when my rat bit my dad.i found it hilarious.somehow he didn't see the funny side.the good thing about dogs is their teeth never penetrate your finger.



V Deep

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Tango wrote:

the good thing about dogs is their teeth never penetrate your finger.

Well, they've managed to penetrate MINE!


In the Long Grass

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*nelson muntz laugh* a dog of any decent size tends not to have sharp enough teeth to get through something so thin.or so i find



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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It would probably depend on the size and type of dog and also whether it's being playful or downright viscious!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Jules wrote:

It would probably depend on the size and type of dog and also whether it's being playful or downright viscious!

Linda 'what's her last name', about her German Shepherd, back when I was a teen:  "Pet her, she's friendly."  Dog then turns her head, bites, draws blood above my elbow. 

Babysitting a Boston Terrier puppy for a few hours last week, playing toss and retrieve with the Sponge Bob toy.  He didn't mean to, but Bernie broke the skin on my finger and blood was involved. 

I guess I'm just tasty.


In the Long Grass

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I have 2 dogs neither of which have ever drawn blood using their teeth although puppies do seem to enjoy eating me.namely a lab called sam and a dalmation called lola, very sharp teeth.claws are far more dangerous.i know a weimeranar called kai who is a bit overly jumpy.his claws hurt...alot



In the Long Grass

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I have a black cat :Csepereke and a puli (Hungarian sheperd dog): Pamacs



I Don't Like Mondays

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a budgie... which I hate...

................ but it is, (only because I had to persuade my mum...) called 'Bowie'... always an up-side isn't there

-- Edited by Hayley at 17:34, 2005-10-26

Hayley xxx

In the Long Grass

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hates a very strong word.poor bowie



I Don't Like Mondays

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Tango wrote:

hates a very strong word.poor bowie

Yeah I know, ok, not exactly... hate. but, well, i have a thing about birds!

Hayley xxx

In the Long Grass

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fear, dislike?



I Don't Like Mondays

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yeah, you could say both of those are right... bit of a phobia, maybe

Hayley xxx

Like Clockwork

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Well, he did it again! my rat bite me a second time now. this was just three days ago. I was cleaning out his cage and he decided to play with me a bit and than he got a hold of my finger and omg.......There's the blood running. I was in shock this time because he is bigger now and so is his teeth. I asked the person next door if he felt i needed stiches and he said.' No, i dont think so' who did it? he asked. i said my Rat. he looked at me odd and said may i ask you why do you have a Rat. I answered because rats are cute. he laughed and said if you wasn't so cute i would slap you right now. lmao! but yep. he did it again.

Sue Walters

In the Long Grass

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ouch!thats gotta smart.iv never been bitten by a rat-touch wood-they took out all the anger on my dad instead



Like Clockwork

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I think he feels that i'm his personal food anymore. lol.....It hurts alright. sore as hell is my finger now. I cant believe it but he done it. My friend keeps telling me to get rid of him. NO WAY! thats my baby.....Sure he's a biter, and he has a bad temper. but he's all mine and i love him still. I only hope he thinks that of me before he ever does that again......lmao

Sue Walters

In the Long Grass

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you cant get rid of a rat!there just so cute and funny.



Like Clockwork

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Not after i named him "Sir Bob" nah, he's my baby no matter how he treats me. He is adorable and he's getting so big. so does his bite as well. ouch! lol......

Sue Walters

In the Long Grass

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aaw i love rats.some people think theyr dirty and dumb but there not at all.very intellegent really



Mary of the 4th Form

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I have ratties too! Two hooded cuties. They make such good pets, they're about 5 or 6 months old now, I've kept rats since I was quite young

We also have a (pedigree!) Black Oriental, called Merlin, he's very vocal, and probably thinks of himself as posh! A bit like a siamese.

Oh, and I also keep quite a few goldfish, one of which is Hoggle.. I feel bad for him because he's been bred to look that way, and I think he has trouble swimming about sometimes, but I fell in love with him.. he was all alone, no one wanted him! I dunno how I've managed to go soft for a fish lol!

Anyway those are my pets.. but we've kept quite a variety of different animals over the years! 


In the Long Grass

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aaw theyr all so cute.




Someone's Looking At You

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I have quite a collection of pets, 3 cats, Pudding is a 12 year old tabby, Tigerlilly is a 2 year old ginger and white tabby, and then there's Jermaih, a 4 year old long haired tabby. We also have a puppy, she is a Bearded Collie called Yaffe, a giant English rabbit called Sully, two guinea pigs, Oakey and Henry and last of all a gold fish called Scoobie doo. I would'nt be without any of them. Kaz.


Drag Me Down

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MissJessica, your rats are really cute.  Pretty coloring too.  What are their names?  I agree, they make wonderful pets, and they're so intelligent.  I have a couple myself (see above). 

Hm, my first post needs updating I see; Roy and Popcorn have moved on due to age & ailments...

Hoggle's cute too (are you a Labyrinth fan?).  I guess as long as he's in a secure, safe environment in captivity no harm can get to those bug eyes.  Since he was born that way he'll adapt to his swimming ways

Guinea pigs are the best, the pets most closely related to a generic "blob."  What colors are yours, Kaz? 


In the Long Grass

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My Pets:


In the Long Grass

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aaw theyr really cute




Someone's Looking At You

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Oakey is brown and white, and Henry is gray and white. You can see a picture of my Bearded Collie pup Yaffe at


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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A picture taken in July of my Jessie (aka Cyclops).

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Someone's Looking At You

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Jessie looks a real sweetie.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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She's the cutest. She's as affectionate as she is beautiful. When she wants to be.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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aaw yaffe is dead cute

this is max



Mary of the 4th Form

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Awwww to everyones pets!!



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I have a dog and 5 carrier pigeons


Someone's Looking At You

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what breed of dog have you got? whats with the pigeons kaz


In the Long Grass

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my great uncle had pigeons.he died recently so i don't know what theyr gonna do with them.theyll just go home




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I have a German shepherd dog.

and the pigeons are sleeping now, I think!


In the Long Grass

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hehe.pigeons rule.i once had a german shepard called astro but i was only 1 so i dont remember him much.all i know is he used to really protective of me



She's So Modern

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Well I have 2 cats and yes a 2 year rat named Boomtown, cutest thing I ever seen, and the cats love it also, they let Boomtown crawl all over them and not YET tried to harm him...


Drag Me Down

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What color is Boomtown?  That's awesome that your cats like and tolerate him...doubt that happens often with those two species!


In the Long Grass

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One of my friends has a rat too his name is Nero.


In the Long Grass

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I have to stay home today and tomorrow, because my dog is sick and has to have an operation. I hope she will be alright.


I Don't Like Mondays

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I have a black cat who is 1 years old, his name is Bob (Named after bob geldof!)

He is reall cute but pretty ugly!

He likes to eat alot!


In the Long Grass

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i now have a kitten called smudge too.yaay



In the Long Grass

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Now I only have a cat.


My dog Pamacs died a few days ago.



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In the Long Grass

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The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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This is my new kitten Bobby

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)
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