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While Bob Geldof jets across Africa trying to sort out famine and Third World debt, his children must cope without him. David Thomas asks him how he juggles the roles of world saviour and dad
"Been good talking to you," says Bob Geldof at the end of our interview. Talking "at" me would be more appropriate. I haven't interviewed Geldof so much as plunged headlong into his furious, foaming torrent of words.
yikes...this article definitely has a negative slant toward Bob, the author makes him sound like some rabid bull or something
Of course he's going to be 'just as passionate' about denying Live 8 as he is passionate about the things he stands for, if he's really not wanting this to leak out. All of us who've read his autobiography (and/or know of other examples) know that Bob's a pretty good liar. If the author actually researches what Bob has done with the things he is truly passionate about (Father's rights, Africa, etc.), then he can see that his little stab at Bob's credibility should be removed from that article.
It's so apparent that the author's not too fond of Bob. Fine, but no need to be that obvious about it. I mean come on, look at the opening (non-bold) and closing sentences!
Personally, I think this author had a bug up his ass about revealing Live 8, and when he realized that Bob wasn't going to let him in, he got insulted. Who knows.
Originally posted by: MMbullybuddyGP "yikes...this article definitely has a negative slant toward Bob, the author makes him sound like some rabid bull or something "
I agree with you, the author seems to have a negative attitude toward Bob, it really shows in the interview..maybe wanted to be the journalist that got Bob to spill the beans, and when he didn't he got a bit pissed off...:-/
love that part about his daughter calling him up in Congo to ask if she could stay at a friends though