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Post Info TOPIC: Edinburgh - Bob an idiot!

Banana Republic

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Edinburgh - Bob an idiot!

I admired Bob when he raised awareness with Live Aid all those years ago. I watched it on TV, bought the T-shirt and thought "what a great guy".

But..I can't sit back and watch him urge 1 million people to arrive in Edinburgh without thinking he's utterly, utterly stupid!

So, he thinks Edinburgh will cope with a million individuals turning up on it's doorstep "coz they do the festival each year". Yes, that is true but having been squashed at the bottom of George Street at a new year party (the early years before they limited the numbers), I can tell you PEOPLE WILL GET HURT!!

At the Royal Bank of Scotland fireworks (held in August) a few years back, a group of youths thought it would be a "laugh" to slash the legs of those watching the proceedings. These were random attacks and about 30 people ended up at the Royal Infirmary Hospital that night..

It only takes a small minority to create panic...the last couple of G8 summits haven't exactly gone peacefully and even if 95% of those attending are there to protest peacefully, you can guarentee (sorry but true) there will be some that are there to create trouble.

At the very least, windows on Princes Street / George Street will be broken (loss of revenue for the shops - they will probably close resulting in underpaid shop staff loosing a days wages - so much for helping those less fortunate!). OK, maybe they have a job so shouldn't complain but should the bus drivers / taxi drivers / shop assistants / local people be abused!! I think not and what of the new weapons created - even falling on broken glass will cause injury.

Perhaps we should all toddle down to his house and park our bums outside and see if he's still happy with the idea!!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of the concerts - properly executed and run these are a fantastic idea. There will be security, first aid and toilet facilities available for those lucky enough to get tickets. Edinburgh won't have that. The already stretched police force will oversee Bob's braindead, the Royal Infirmary will need to cope with the wounded (and there WILL be people injured), the back alleys / shop doorways will be their toilet. I personally don't want to be anywhere near Edinburgh if that's the case. The damages will be paid by an increase in taxes by the local councils (Mid, East, West Lothian and Fife) which will come from the wages packets of those that can barely afford to pay it (the old etc). Hardly fair is it

And before anyone mentions "well, it's not fair that African people have to..." I agree. But decending on Edinburgh will NOT solve the problem - it will merely create one. So, before you book that flight, grab that train, jump in that car (increase carbon emission tenfold for that week!), think VERY carefully.

Do I really want to sit in a casualty department for 6 hours (that's the average waiting time - I know I've worked there!)?

Will you really make a difference? (the country voted for Labour in the recent elections - let the G8 attendees discuss the problem and if you feel Britain hasn't succeeded then vote for someone else!).

Attend the organised events (why always LONDON!?! ) or watch Live 8 on the tele.




Banana Republic

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Posts: 75

Just to add...

Lothian and Borders Police could not control a crowd of 17000 at a soccer game 2 weeks ago in Edinburgh.

They failed miserably to control 2 pitch invasions and this was with the help of a couple of hundred stewards.

How do you think they'll react to 1 million people on the streets of Edinburgh?

A recipe for chaos....


She's So Modern

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Edinburgh ??

I haven't heard anything about Edinburgh. Did I miss something? Do you know something that we dont know?






but Edinburgh? Duh!


She's So Modern

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Just googled this:

did you mean that? the demonstations?


Banana Republic

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Can't read

"Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of the concerts - properly executed and run these are a fantastic idea"

Did I actually say there was to be a concert in Edinburgh - no!

I was talking about Sir Bob inviting everybody and their cat to Edinburgh to protest about the G8 summit held in Gleneagles..if you'd bothered to read the response PROPERLY then you'd have seen that.

ADMIN:   I have edited this message to just contain the main point you are making.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:42, 2005-06-05


She's So Modern

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Can read.



No need to be rude Alison. All I did was ASK a few mere questions, that's all.


I had no idea about a protest/demontration, which I did google AFTER my first post. Granted, your post was long and I just scanned thru it but you don't have to be unfriendly.



Lookin' After Number 1

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RE: Edinburgh - Bob an idiot!

As Alison said DON'T GO TO EDINBURGH. There is no point. Gleneagles is 49 miles away from Edinburgh Airport. A few dignatories and minor officials may be staying in Edinburgh, but they can't change anything. What would people go to Edinburgh for? Where would they protest? Who would listen to them? If Edinburgh is blocked off the world leaders will stay in that hotel estate for the whole duration. They are building an 11 mile fence around the whole place to protect them from intruders. There will probably be armed guards. There are 2000 US marines off-shore and a US submarine in the Firth of Forth. It's interesting to see that only the US has gone over the top in to defend the most unpopular man in the world.

I think that Gleneagles has been chosen so that if anything goes wrong there the people of Scotland will get the blame and not the English. Tony Blair hates Scotland as much as Margaret Thatcher did. If anything goes wrong at Gleneagles or due to an influx of people to Edinburgh then the people of Scotland will suffer.

The best thing people can do during the G8 summit is to take a week off work and stay at home. Maybe organise a bring and buy sale for Africa in your home town.

-- Edited by michael at 23:54, 2005-06-01


Mary of the 4th Form

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i was under the impression that there is going to be a gig in edinburgh on the 6th of july?! They have metioned it and travis have agreed to play it so now im very confused.


Banana Republic

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Not being rude - just replying

To your comment -

"but Edinburgh? Duh!"

Which I found touche!

As it turns out I think there is to be a concert in Edinburgh at Murrayfield Rugby stadium on the 6th but if Bob thinks a million people will fit in there then he's woefully off the mark. The vast majority of people from Edinburgh do not want that many people coming - it simply won't be able to cope and as I said before, people will ultimately get hurt. That will not help those in Africa (and according to the paper, many over there aren't even aware there IS any concert s being held indeed one African Paper stated Bob of "Pink Floyd fame" wanted people to march to Edinburgh and didn't mention the concerts at all!).

I just found Bob's comments extremely irresponsible and naive - to even suggest kids bunk off school (the Scottish Kids will already BE on holiday) is stupid beyond belief. To suggest for example an 8 year old get on a bus and head to Scotland because Bob said he or she should..with no place to stay, thousands of people pushing and shoving..and potentially violent confrontations with the police is really frightening....




Mary of the 4th Form

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RE: Edinburgh - Bob an idiot!

I seriously do not know what you people are talking about. Isn't Edinburgh in England or Scotland or something? I live in Pennsylvania so I really dont know. But I couldn't go even if I wanted to. The people who live in the U.K are lucky.

Brittney Elliott

Lookin' After Number 1

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Alison, thank you for posting that - I completely agree with you.

It's easy for his followers to agree with him - especially when they don't live in Edinburgh and don't have to deal with the mess they'll leave.


Never In A Million Years

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i would VERY happily host a concert in my city of Adelaide (in Australia). Adelaide could do with some excitement. I know that it is messy and whatever, but who cares when u are doin it for a place which needs some attention and answers

so to bob geldof or anyone whos in charge of the concerts: bring one to Australia!!!


She's So Modern

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 Dearest Alison -

 The "but Edinburgh? Duh!"  comment was meant for me, myself and I, since I didnt know what you were talking about, which I also stated. It was never intended for you. 

ADMIN:  I trust your misunderstanding of Alison's response and reaction has been resolved.  I have edited this message as Alison may misunderstand the other points you were making.




-- Edited by ArrGee at 11:40, 2005-06-05



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Whoever monitors this forum:

I got nagged on for leaving offensive content in a reply to one member in a different topic.

Isn't the title "Bob an idiot!" offensive to Bob Geldof? Do you extend him no quarter in a forum officially designated to him and his work?

It just seems a little awkward to me...

-- Edited by meekus at 23:46, 2005-06-08

Stay Groovy

Back To Boomtown

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ADMIN - If Geldof posted on here he would be afforded the same protection!  Maybe you are right, but Geldof is the foucs of debate and if he does things which are idiotic (or reak of jealousy ) in some people's opinion then they should be allowed to say so.  You will find that his devoted fans will be very quick to defend him, something most posters wouldn't expect on their behalf.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 08:01, 2005-06-09


 What is this bloke talking about? 

Banana Republic

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Posts: 75

I thought this forum was for people to express their views...I was expressing mine. I have given my thoughts as to why I think Bob urging people to come to Edinburgh is irresponsible...there's another thread here with details of past G8 summit protests (that no doubt started out peacefully but ended in tragedy - death in Genoa).

The title Bob's an idiot was to grab attention (hey, it worked didn't it!) and perhaps get some of his "fans" at least thinking about the consquences of his "little rant".

I said that before he did that I respected the man, but how can I respect someone that shows utter contempt for fellow humans in a city that will find itself bombarded with peaceful protesters and a small minority out to create trouble...much as I'd love for it to run smoothly and everybody to have a great time, I can't help think there will be trouble and people will get hurt... 


-- Edited by Alison at 08:57, 2005-06-09



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The only comlpaints I've heard are in this forum. I have heard nothing on the news about Edinburgh officials being angered. That's because the leaders are confident that their decisions are right.

Who am I to say that it will go right? Well, who are you, Alison, to say that everything will go wrong?

"Give peace a chance." - John Lennon (may he rest in peace)

Stay Groovy


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Alison - Your first post said it all.  I agree, agree, agreee. And I don't even live anywhere near there.  The detail you gave displayed that you know very well about the risks.  Does anyone in the world really believe a demonstration/march/protest involving such vast numbers, no matter where it is, will NOT contain people who are there to make trouble?  No matter if 99% aren't, 1% is 1% too many if anything resembling a "peaceful" march is the goal.

You might like to check out my thread in Band Aid/Live Aid/Live 8 called "Opinions, anyone?" ... I think you'll like the first couple of paragraphs of the article I refer to.

Oh, and BTW, I'm definately not going to Edinburgh!!!!!

I'm gonna be like ... me!


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I'm glad you won't be going, guys. Other people will be doing something taht helps people and you'd be going around preaching the apocolypse of the town.

Stay Groovy

Never In A Million Years

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i think that people cant see the good in anything...instead of focusing on what ur complaining about, look at what it is going to (and already has began to) accomplish


Banana Republic

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And I thought the people of the UK were allowed free speech and to express their opinion..

Looks like that's not the case eh!

Anyone who disagrees with the great God Sir Bob is obviously mad...

Let's all join hands and sing...altogether now....

"let's give peace a chance"......



Banana Republic

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And yes, I am trying to make light you obviously can't (or won't) comprehend what could happen so why bother....



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Alison wrote:

And I thought the people of the UK were allowed free speech and to express their opinion.. Looks like that's not the case eh! Anyone who disagrees with the great God Sir Bob is obviously mad...

I'm not exactly sure what you expect here... You've clearly stated your opinion, you were allowed to insult Geldof just to attract attention, and you're still not happy? People are respectfully agreeing with you or disagreeing. The only disrespectful post with name calling on this thread is yours.

And don't worry, I'm not going to visit your town any time soon.

Don't Believe What You Read.

Never In A Million Years

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Posts: 90

just to agree with MJ and ask Alison a question: if people are allowed free speech then why are you so critical when we express our opinions?

and why are you mad for disagreeing with bob geldof? none at any point said that, you assumed that. we we were simply stating our opinions, as we are free to do so.

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