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V Deep

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U2 - The Rita and Jules at Twickenham thread

C'mon ladies!  Tell every last detail!  And I mean EVERY detail!


(I'm so friggin' jealous I can't stand it!)

-- Edited by ArrGee at 23:21, 2005-09-15


House on Fire

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RE: The Rita and Jules at Twickenham thread

Don't worry we will tell you all about it, lol!  I am so excited.  I have waited so long...and by the way just how many times are you seeing them this year?!! 


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Great thread Fran :) we'll be sure to tell all.

I'm going to be seeing them TWICE, once on Sunday and again on 2nd July at Hyde Park whoooopp eeeeeee

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Back To Boomtown

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U2 concert on Radio 2 - Saturday night - 9pm

franna wrote:

C'mon ladies!  Tell every last detail!  And I mean EVERY detail! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  LOL (I'm so friggin' jealous I can't stand it!)

U2 concert on Radio 2 - Saturday night - 9pm.

I'd record it, but the Live Aid - 3 hour special is on BBC2 at the same time.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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RE: The Rita and Jules at Twickenham thread

It's all happening at once!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Just how many times am I seeing them this year? far, twice (in May) and I have tickets to three more shows.  I expect to add to that total before it's all over. 

I think there are another four or five shows at MSG that I don't have tickets for - yet.  I've come to believe that if U2 are playing somewhere I can reasonably get to, well, there's nowhere else I'd rather be.  Some days, my definition of "reasonable" seems to expand to include Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, Tampa, Chicago, Dallas, Oakland, and Vegas....LOL!!  (Twickenham and Croker almost made that list!  I'm currently in negotiations with someone who lives across the street from Croker to stick his telephone out the window if I phone him.  Wonder how bad the sound will be?)  And if there IS a Belfast show, come hell or high water, I'm going!

I'm getting a bit desperate to go to one of the Las Vegas shows to join the massive gathering of fans I "know" (through the web), but I doubt I'll be able to manage it financially.  Still, it's months away and you never know.

Don't worry, you'll be updated regularly - and you're welcome to join me in NYC.

Still, it looks like I'll have to wait till OCTOBER and I'm none too pleased about that!


ArrGee:  "I'd record it, but the Live Aid - 3 hour special is on BBC2 at the same time."  I just CANNOT understand your priorities....  LOL    Ah well, to each his own.   I mean, I think "Pink Floyd reunion" and yawn.

Is this available on the web as an audio stream?  I've heard conflicting reports.  If there's a url, I'll check it out and see.  (is it - wild guess - and then navigating through to the proper station?)  Sadly, I don't know how to record a stream...but I'm sure it will become available.

-- Edited by franna at 11:29, 2005-06-17

-- Edited by franna at 11:41, 2005-06-17

-- Edited by franna at 11:42, 2005-06-17

-- Edited by franna at 11:48, 2005-06-17

-- Edited by franna at 11:49, 2005-06-17


House on Fire

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You can listen live on Radio 2 website here:

They aren't broadcasting all of it, just 9.00 to 10.30 and U2 are due on stage at 8.00p.m.


V Deep

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From the website:

Due to rights reasons you will not be able to listen to this concert online during the event or after transmission.

BWAAAAAHHHH!!!!  (Whine)

The lads won't let me listen to their concert for free!  Disgraceful!  They should be ashamed of themselves!  Haven't I given them a great life?  Those capitalist bastards!  (LOL)  They aren't playing my apartment this tour, either!  The nerve!  Who do they think they ARE?? 


V Deep

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Rita rocks Twickenham tonight!!!  WOOO HOO!!!!!!



V Deep

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VR panorama of Manchester (click & drag on the photo for 360 degree view):

This is why you must get there EARLY on Sunday!!!! 


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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phew, we won't get there until 2 pm, hope we aren't too far back! Can't wait.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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2pm is unacceptable, unless it's unavoidable do to extremely extenuating circumstances!  6am is more like it - with ample sunscreen, water and sandwiches (well, maybe not the sandwiches - I know what passes for a sandwich in the UK - maybe something else to eat!) 

I need to know whether Adam closes his eyes when he plays "With or Without You", so you must be close enough to tell!



It seems like Manchester was SUPPOSED to give a wristband for an inner GA area to the first 500 people that showed up at each of several gates....but the system broke down (I won't get into the details of the rumors here)  This is supposedly Twickenham's response:

"FROM Sarah Newton Twickenham Stadium Operations Department
Firstly thank you for your email.

I actually had two colleagues up at Manchester yesterday who were equally appalled at the lack of event control for the queuing system.

I can absolutely assure that Twickenham Stadium takes on board everything that occurred yesterday at Manchester.

For the past few days now we have been setting up Twickenham Stadium to cope with the 15,000 people expected on the pitch area for Saturday and Sundays concerts. An elaborate queuing system has been put in place and fans will be accessed on the pitch on a first come first served basis. You will be able to leave the queues if you wish for a limited period of time through a pass out system. We have dedicated 120 staff to this whole system. We are providing tap water for you, toilets, concessions etc.... You can queue as early as you like and where possible, the system is concise and elaborate and we asked that all people queuing remain patient as we have everything under control. Everyone will be given a leaflet explaining the queuing system and the staff will regularly keep you informed as to when the turnstiles will open.

The security companies employed at Manchester are not the same ones we use here, we pride ourselves on a customer focused service and I very much hope we deliver and don't disappoint

Please be aware that the weather is going to be extremely hot for Saturday and Sunday so fans should prepare for extreme weather as shade isn't something I can sort out!

Enjoy the concert and let me know any other concerns you have."

-- Edited by franna at 13:54, 2005-06-18


V Deep

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Early reports indicate you were blessed with: With Or Without You, Walk On, New Year's Day, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, and Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses!!!!!?????!!!!!! 


I didn't get any of those, though I did get 40 and Jean Genie and ... (don't remember what else).



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I've loved U2 for more than 20 years, but for some reason have never managed to see them live. This year I was determined that I would, but didn't actually make any attempt to get tickets. How I was going to manage this remained a mystery! I read avidly, U2 websites and fan forums where the band are discussed in general and information about their tours and I have also talked to others who have been to U2 concerts who tell me that their shows are an experience not to be missed. A mix of music, politics, peace, love and sexuality. Somehow I knew I was going to get to see them, I didn't how or when, but I would.

A chance email conversation with a fellow Rat led to my securing a ticket to see U2 - and meeting a fellow Rat into the bargain! Rita had a spare ticket and asked me to go with her. The ticket was one of the best - a general admission standing ticket, where you could get very near to the stage. The pitch is divided up into different areas, dependent upon what time you get there, you get a wrist band which gives you access to a particular area.

As we live on opposite sides of Reading from one another we agreed to meet at Reading Train station and travel into London together, so neither of us would be travelling alone or having to travel through London late at night. Mark (my partner's son) managed to buy himself a ticket from Ticketmaster quite late on (although his ticket was a seated one and he wouldn't be with us inside the arena) after they released a few more, so he joined us. We caught the 12.54 pm train to Twickenham. Mark wanted to find a pub and get some beer, we wanted to meet Bono and secure a good position at the front! We arrived at the Stadium around 2 pm and spotted the U2 tour buses. We had to split from Mark to take our place in a rather long queue, which grew longer and longer. While we were waiting we heard a sound check - it was Vertigo. We knew it was too late to meet the band, they were already inside. Next time maybe?

Despite that, this was good timing as we managed to get a wrist band for the inner circle - the second best area on the pitch, but also very, very close to the stage. There were 4,000 people in our area. We had to keep our place in the queue so that we got a good spot once inside. So we waited for around 2 hours in a very hot dusty, dirty place in a long queue, at this time going nowhere. How mad were we? It must have been over 30 degs, we were filthy, sweaty, slimy (from suntan lotion) and desperately uncomfortable and still had over 5 hours to wait before U2 would take the stage. But none of this really mattered. Once inside we found a reasonable place fairly near the front (about 10 people back from the stage) on the left of the two runways leading out from the stage. Rita had been last night as well and knew the form, so she lead the way to a good spot. And she was right, this was the place where Adam, Edge and Bono came out to perform at different times during the show. Despite there being 4,000 people around us and everyone clamoring to get a good spot people were friendly and thoughtful and made way for each other. We chatted to others occasionally, when we could hear each other. The atmosphere was fantastic.

The opening acts were Idlewild and Ash, who were received warmly by the crowd and performed exceptionally well. Support bands can often be boring or awful, so it was a refreshing change to be treated to a couple of good and established bands. U2 came on stage at 8.20 pm. Kicking off with Vertigo. I had already seen the play list so had a good idea of what was coming. A good mix of songs from the new album and some U2 classics, including Sometimes You Can't Make It, Elevation, New Year's Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Love and Peace or Else and I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. Bono was on excellent form and so were the rest of the band. Edge played some superb guitar (as ever) and Bono even took Larry's place and played the drums briefly. The light show was amazing. It is hard to describe to those who weren't there. They managed to project flags from around the world from the lights, symbols of different religions and even the band performing at one point. Of course, it looked better once day light had gone, but being so close to the longest day it was light very late into the show. Nevertheless, it was an amazing sight. Some incredibly lucky woman was pulled up on stage to dance with Bono, during With or Without You. Whilst the rest of the women in the crowd looked on enviously as she was huddled up very close to him. He removed his sunglasses and sang very close to her, looking right into her eyes. He also removed his glasses during Sometimes, a rare treat.

Bono knows how to work his crowd, how to drive us into a frenzy and bring us back down, drawing us all in along with him.

It must have been seriously hot performing up there, but Bono kept his red lined black leather jacket on, only changing into another equally heavy leather jacket. He commented at one point 'it's very hot, take your clothes off!'. What about him? ;). He did slip the jacket down off his shoulders very briefly, but promptly put back on again.

Bono dedicated a song to Aung San Suu Kyi, the revered human rights leader of Burma and sang happy birthday to her. She was 60 yesterday and spent her birthday in prison, just for being the opposition leader. Having drunk 3 1/2 litres of water I couldn't wait any longer and missed this very important part. Fortunately the queue wasn't long, but finding Rita on the way back was very hard. But I eventually found her and rejoined the concert.

Bono talked about Live8 and the Make Poverty History campaign. He thanked Richard Curtis (who was there) for coining the phrase Make Poverty History and all his work in the campaign, and then he went on to talk about the great man who 'got us into this mess, my blood brother and good friend, who is here tonight - Bob Geldof' and pointed across to a box. So Bob was there too and experiencing what I was experiencing. How excited was I to hear this?

He then went on to acknowledge Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for all their efforts in the MPH campaign and the G8 meetings.

Bono then asked us to text the word Africa to a number on the screen with our name. Some names were shown on the screen behind, I didn't spot mine or Rita's. Mark managed not to put his name on his text! We each received a text from Bono this morning thanking us for doing this and it would be forwarded to Tony Blair as part of the MPH campaign.

They finished the show with Vertigo again. Mark told us afterwards he could see the band coming on and off the stage and they waved at that section of the crowd, as they cheered back.

Goodnight Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam, see you at Live8xxx...

Official review:


U2 singerBONO dedicated the song 'ONE' to BOB GELDOF at their second sold out show in TWICKENHAM last night (June 19).

The frontman "saluted" Geldof, who was watching in the audience for getting him involved in helping Africa and for his efforts over the forthcoming Live 8concert and the G8 protest.

"I want to thank my brother Bob Geldof for getting me into this mess in the first place," Bono said on stage. "I hope to see you all at Live 8 and the G8. This is the year to make poverty history."

He also praised Tony Blair and Gordon Brown again for their work in helping towards the cancellation of third world debt but he urged the Prime Ministerto speak up for Africa at the G8 summit.

Earlier in the night during 'Running To Stand Still' Bono also sang Happy Birthday from the stage to Burma'’s pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who last night celebrated her 60th birthday and her 2,523rd day under military detention, behind bars.

The U2 frontman then went on to sing a few bars of the song 'Walk On', the track the band penned for the pro-democratic leader on the 'All That You Can't Leave Behind' album.

The band were playing the fourth night of the UK leg of their 'Vertigo' tour.

Much like their previous shows they began and ended their spectacular two-hour concert with the Number One hit ’Vertigo’ and played a number of tracks from their current album 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb', the 1991 album 'Achtung Baby', which saw the band perform 'Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses' for the first time on the tour, and 1987’s 'The Joshua Tree'.

Bono dedicated 'Sometimes You Can't Make It Your Own to his late father, who died in 2001, and during 'With Or Without You' typically he brought a girl on stage and mixed the words with LMC Vs U2's 'Take Me To The Clouds Above'.

Support came from Idlewild and Ash.

U2 played:

• 'Vertigo'
• 'All Because Of You'
• 'The Electric Co.'
• 'Elevation'
• 'New Year's Day'
• 'Beautiful Day'
• 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'
• 'Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses'
• 'City Of Blinding Lights'
• 'Miracle Drug'
• 'Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own'
• 'Love And Peace Or Else'
• 'Sunday Bloody Sunday'
• 'Bullet The Blue Sky'
• 'Running To Stand Still/Walk On'
• 'Pride (In The Name Of Love)'
• 'Where The Streets Have No Name'
• 'One'
• 'Zoo Station'
• 'The Fly'
• 'With Or Without You'
• 'Yahweh'
• 'Vertigo'

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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PS I've got some photos (of very mixed quality) and two movie clips (no sound). I don't know how to post any of these on here, so maybe someone could help me out or I could email pictures those interested???

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I'm disappointed to learn that BG wasn't in the front of the GA crowd, pogoing with the best of them; but I can understand why a bit of separation might be a good idea.

Unless they changed the graphics in that section, those were all African flags.  Also, interesting that in the US, we were asked to text "UNITE" (if I'm remembering correctly), not "Africa"...otherwise it was the same.  I hear that the "hold your cell phones up" thing didn't go over very well in the UK, with a sparse response.  It didn't seem to get an enthusiastic response in NJ (New Jersey) either, but in MSG (Madison Square Garden, NYC) it was magical.

How mad were you?  Well, we're all mad.  For the NJ show, I waited in the sun without sunscreen (stupid me!) from 10am-6:30pm, when they opened the arena doors.  U2 didn't actually come onstage 'till about 9pm.  

I played Yahtzee with the guys behind me on line, and made friends with the Peruvians who'd flown in for the show and were in front of me on line.  Then, around 3pm, due to some prodding by the Peruvians and my own desire to find another $4 bottle of water, there was that "meeting the band" incident...

My long hours of sunburned suffering were rewarded by a spot directly on the outer "bomb shelter" rail - Edge's side.  Highlight of the NJ show:  Bono stopping directly in front of me - maybe 18 inches away - at the beginning of Love and Peace or Else (which has always been my favorite track on the new record - and I was going friggin' crazy!), looking me dead in the eye, and the two of us singing the first 4 or 5 lines together before he moved on.  Well, actually those moments were shared - Bono probably made eye contact with everyone around me, but the attention I got was more than sufficient to temporarily alter my consciousness. 

For MSG, because I wanted to upgrade my crap tickets, I sat on the box office line hoping for something better from 9:30am on....but that wait wasn't in the sun.  I eventually traded my fourth tier behind the stage tickets for dead center lowers, behind the sound mix position.  MSG highlight: I was so out of control for the Achtung Baby set, someone behind me put a pink feather boa around my shoulders!  Hilarious!

In the US, the band would generally arrive anywhere between 2-4pm, with a 9pm start time (but start time varied with the venues - some had earlier curfews than others).   

My next goal in life is to sing harmony with The Edge.  It doesn't even have to be onstage, the parking lot will be just fine....



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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The flags were definitely different ones from around the world. If they'd have put just GB ones up it might well have been construed as being nationalist (not that they are British!). It just wouldn't have worked.

What happened to the Unite messages, did they go to Bush as part of the MSH campaign? My next goal is to meet Bono... I want to see them live again, this is completely addictive, once bitten by the U2 bug...

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I think the "Unite" text messages were basically an effort to get people signed up for the "one" campaign/petition.  I didn't send a text message as I'd already given my name to "one", and I'd need the manual for my phone to remember HOW to send a text.

Quite frankly, I've no idea what is supposed to happen with either the names texted in, or those submitted online.  I expected to be contacted by and asked to DO something, but I've never heard a peep, other than a thanks for submitting my name.  Either my name was lost in the early phases of database development, the whole thing is being poorly managed, or I'll start getting emails at some point.

To the best of my knowledge, all the flags shown on the US leg behind Streets With No Name were African flags. 


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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They may well have all been African flags, my attention was diverted elsewhere!! If I think about it they probably were.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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LOL!!  I can certainly understand THAT!

I heard more tickets were released this morning for Monday at Croker...maybe there are still some available?  Ahhhh...those horrible memories of Ryanair....


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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RyanAir is bareable from the UK (short flight) I couldn't do it from the US though, but all the hotels were booked out months ago. So you might be camping out somewhere! It would be good to see them play in Dublin.

I have to add the message of African flags isn't wasted on me even though my attention might have been elsewhere - preaching to the converted anyway, if you understand!

-- Edited by Jules at 17:43, 2005-06-20

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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My single Ryanair flight (from Dublin to Manchester) was not what I'd consider bearable...but it makes a good story years later.  At least it was cheap, and no one was physically injured in the process.

I wonder if you could get an empty dorm room at UCD (University College Dublin)?  When I was there, they seemed to do a pretty good business in selling dorm rooms as accomodations.  It was cheap, too - although an inconvenient bus ride into the center of Dublin.  No idea where Croke Park is located, but I still have my Dublin map around somewhere....



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Unfortunately I can't make it, but would love to be able to go. Maybe next time? When I get to meet Bono??

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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OK.  Next time I meet him, I'll tell him you said hello.  LOL

Come to the states sometime in the fall, I suspect it's easier to meet the band here.  The smaller the crowd, the more likely the band will stop for a meet and greet.  (Except Larry, who claims to simply be too shy and uncomfortable with the idea...meeting Larry is a rare thing indeed.)  As you might expect, Bono seems to have the hardest time turning down an opportunity to chat with fans.



House on Fire

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What a fantastic weekend.  2 nights of U2 and still Live 8 to go.

It was great to meet Jules at last and, dare I say, realise her dream.

To comment on some of the above.  Fran, yes I agree and as we sat there in sweltering heat in the GA queue I looked round and said to Jules "we're all mad".

Also Fran, we actually have some very nice sandwiches in the UK.  Now don't be shy I know how partial you are to Marmite.

Back to U2, I would think the band arrive quite early as the first support band start at 5.30 which is a lot earlier than in the US.

We queued in the heat for about 2 hours and ended up filthy, hot and sweaty but we got our inner circle wristbands so we were happy!  As soon as we got in all the discomfort was forgotten.  As Jules says everyone around us was very friendly and chatty which was good.  We got a great spot at the end of the runway and it was great to see the band so close when they came down the runway.  (The bit like the US elipse was slightly different and I think you would only get in our equivalent bit if you arrived at 5am!) I would never have believed that I would be so close to them. So close that we could see Bono's sweat, lol!

I got completely lost when I went out to get a drink and couldn't find my way back into the circle let alone find Jules, lol!  I decided to stay put after that.

Slightly changed setlist in places between both nights which was great for me.  Fantastic light show.  Lots of special moments and very emotional in places which, if you've seen them, you will understand.

There was a slightly surreal experience as crowds of us were leaving the stadium where the mounted police used their megaphones to tell us not to pat the horses as it was slowing everyone dow, lol!

Absolutely exhausted today, aching all over and lost my voice but wouldn't have missed it for the world.  Amazing experience.



V Deep

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Rita wrote:

Also Fran, we actually have some very nice sandwiches in the UK.  Now don't be shy I know how partial you are to Marmite.



Back to U2, I would think the band arrive quite early as the first support band start at 5.30 which is a lot earlier than in the US.

True.  Here the support bands would normally start at either 7:30 or 8pm.


(The bit like the US elipse was slightly different and I think you would only get in our equivalent bit if you arrived at 5am!)

Yes, well, that's why I was agitiating for a 5 or 6am arrival! 


Slightly changed setlist in places between both nights which was great for me. 

Second night seemed to be better, from my perspective - first night appeared to be the "standard" set list, while the second night had several lovely surprises.  Which is not to say that the first night was not amazing (I've just listened to the BBC stream, and as usual, I lost the ability to function normally from the "slot machine/ma-ma" video clip introducing Zoo Station all the way through Mysterious Ways.  Not the only point where I lose function, but the most lengthy.) 


Lots of special moments and very emotional in places which, if you've seen them, you will understand.

Yes, the funniest part for me was that at my first show of the tour (NJ I), I started weeping at the HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION!!!!  Funny, I never wept while doing my homework in law school....only at exams!   See also parenthetical comment immediately above.


Absolutely exhausted today, aching all over and lost my voice but wouldn't have missed it for the world.  Amazing experience.  

WOO HOO!!!!  Well said!

And now Jules joins us as another mad, addicted soul!  WOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

So, when are you two coming to MSG???  LOL!   Or, how are we ALL getting to Vegas? 

-- Edited by franna at 03:22, 2005-06-21


V Deep

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May I suggest:



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I am officially a massive U2 fan now, completely addicted and totally nuts. You never know I might even come to the States to see them sometime (when I can get the money together).

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Well, they're claiming to be extending the tour into Australia in 2006....  I hear it's a nice place.  LOL

I suppose the good financial news is that they probably won't tour again for several years.  Of course, this could also be viewed as extremely bad news...


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Well we'll sve some cash I suppose. I'd like to see them again, at a full concert. Oz is it a bit ambitious.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Hey ladies, have you ever seen THIS:

"I think women are the stronger sex. I don't think it's necessarily putting women on a pedestal, but I think it's acknowledging that women are stronger and you need their support and companionship to help you realize your potential as a man. That's an unusual theme in rock and roll. Rock and roll is usually... [very macho] ...yeah." Adam Clayton


BTW - there's a sudden BG interest over on the U2 boards ... a few women have even gone so far as to change their Bono av's to BGs ... there's speculation about BGs gifts as a lover!  Hilarious!




The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Great quote Fran.

And it's good to hear the U2 fans are enjoying Bob as much we enjoy U2, I'll call in and take look.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Fran could you give me an example of a thread to look at, I find that forum so hard to follow. It just isn't organised nicely like this one is

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Drag Me Down

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BG's gifts as a lover?? aw lol


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Sadly we won't ever know

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Drag Me Down

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that's what you think..........


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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And just what are you trying to tell us?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I thought you two might find this interesting:

Archived audio interviews


Someone's Looking At You

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Did any of you go to the one on Saturday 18th June?????

It was either in Milton Keynes or around that area.

I know of it cos i was at Green Day that night n Billie Joe (the frontman) told us to sing so loud 'that everybody at the ****in' U2 concert can here you' 


Btw... that setlist... why did they do Vertigo twice?? It's cool they still do real old uns too.

Love Jodie xx

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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They were at Twickenham then too. Rita was there, I wasn't unfortunately.

They do two different versions of Vertigo one to open the show one to close it. Some people criticised but I liked it. Apparently they've done this before at other concerts on different tours.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Someone's Looking At You

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Jules wrote:

They were at Twickenham then too. Rita was there, I wasn't unfortunately. They do two different versions of Vertigo one to open the show one to close it. Some people criticised but I liked it. Apparently they've done this before at other concerts on different tours.

Oh cool Vertigo's a good song

Love Jodie xx

V Deep

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Opinions?  I love it.


In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

why do you love it exactly??



House on Fire

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I like it.  Who is it Fran?

The only problem was I couldn't hear it at first because there was a sound of water and waves etc., then I realised my children had a Spongebob site open!!


In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

its not exactly thrilling.i stopped listening after about 10 seconds



V Deep

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Rita wrote:

I like it.  Who is it Fran? The only problem was I couldn't hear it at first because there was a sound of water and waves etc., then I realised my children had a Spongebob site open!!

It's Pras.  Look here:

Spongebob!  ROFL!!


House on Fire

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No don't laugh Fran - I had to go to the Spongebob movie and I actually quite enjoyed it!!


V Deep

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OK OK OK - I'll have to try the Spongebob experience again sometime.  I tried watching the cartoon once, and didn't make it past the first 10 minutes.  But everyone loves it, don't know why...I'll give it another chance.

BTW - Keane is opening for U2 on the Oct MSG dates.  I can live with that.  I think they're switching out support bands across the tour.  No idea yet who'll be I'll seeing open in November.



In the Long Grass

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spongebob rulez!

-- Edited by Tango at 09:44, 2005-08-25



V Deep

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From Damo's magic blog:

Monday, August 29, 2005


I started working on a 'video' for the song "LOVE AND PEACE OR ELSE" by U2 to help create awareness for G8 before Live8 was even announced. Between some strange personal emergencies and work being it's demanding self, I was unable to finish this work until recently.

Although G8 and Live 8 have passed, there are still many issues, mostly regarding social justice, that desperately need the attention of everybody in this world. it is my hope that this 'video' is both informative and entertaining. Please also take the time to visit some of the organizations mentioned at the end of the piece.

Click the link below to see LOVE AND PEACE OR ELSE:

(My note: this link should also work  )


In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

thats very good.



House on Fire

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That's a great video (considering it's not official) - very striking.  Picks out so many themes from the live shows.  Your favourite track off of the album isn't it Fran?  I liked it even more after seeing it live, particularly Bono drumming on it at the end.


In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

does anyone agree that some of the new u2 stuff sounds the same as the old.atleast the riffs do.sometimes you cant make it sounds like, i think its sunday bloody sunday or it could be bad, i get them muddled up



V Deep

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Yes, Rita, it's been my favorite track on HTDAAB since the first listen.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Thanks for that Fran, finally got to watch it It was brilliant.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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This article will appear in next Sunday's New York Times:

I haven't read past the first page yet. 

Oh, apparently, Bono's also taking questions - submit yours here:

A nice summary -

Bono is featured in this Sunday's cover story in the New York Times Magazine. The 9,000+ word article goes behind the scenes as yer man tries to balance his commitments to U2 and his work for Africa. Writer James Traub offers great detail about the past year of Bono's life, from the World Economic Forum to the G8 Summit to the Vertigo Tour and much more. But it's Adam who delivers perhaps the most telling line: "The band has survived, but there's been a price in terms of relationships." The article is online now. Use the link. Registration required. And look for the "Ask Bono a Question" feature, too.


"Registration required." So does this mean you can't read my NYT links?  Let me know.


And, Adam's remark....maybe that's why he laughed the way he did when I told him I thought Bono got way too much love for everyone's good....

-- Edited by franna at 00:18, 2005-09-16


Back To Boomtown

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Tango wrote:

does anyone agree that some of the new u2 stuff sounds the same as the old.atleast the riffs do.sometimes you cant make it sounds like, i think its sunday bloody sunday or it could be bad, i get them muddled up

Careful what you say about Bono round here Tango! I think he's a great songwriter it's just a shame he only wrote one and released it 400 times under different names.

(From one of our witty Clash buddies!)


 What is this bloke talking about? 

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

what a ovely bunchi have nothing against bono or u2 ,i really like them, i was just making a statement.the riffs are very similar but the old ones are somehow better



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RE: U2 - The Rita and Jules at Twickenham thread

OK ladies, I'm starting to get psyched for my next 3 shows (7, 10, 11).  WOO FRIGGIN HOO!!!  The fun begins Friday night.  There's still time for LHR - JFK, and I'm sure tix will be procureable.... don't say I didn't invite you.

Dream of the day: Exit.

Edited to add:

The band will be the only guest appearing on Conan O'Briens late night chat show, taping and airing in the US on Thursday (I can't go due to work obligations).  Here's some UK commentary -

 "Just been flicking thru my TV channels here in the UK..... UK viewers who have SKY can see the Conan O'Brien show on CNBC Channel 510! Chances are is that it will air the day after it airs in the US - But hey, at least we get to see it too!

Keep checking channel 510 - Conan is on Weekdays at 10.45pm, Saturdays at 8.45pm & 9.30pm and on Sundays at 8.45pm"

-- Edited by franna at 11:27, 2005-10-05


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Fran I'm so jealous.. You'll have to tell us all after you've been to the three shows. And I want to hear everything.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

oo your gonna have fun fran.hope you have an ace stuck in school till 8:30 every night rehersing for bugsy malone *sulks*



House on Fire

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Have a fantastic time tonight Fran (I know you will) and next week.  I'm so jealous


V Deep

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Oh. They. Were. So. Beautiful. Tonight.

This is not the same band I saw in May.  This was something else entirely, something utterly transcendent.  There was liftoff, we climbed to altitude, and then we all had Church.


I have tomorrow off, they have Sunday night off.  Next one is Monday, down low and behind the stage. 

-- Edited by franna at 15:16, 2005-10-08


V Deep

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Rumor says the Conan O'Brien show (U2 is the only guest for the hour) will air on Sky TV channel 510 on Tuesday night.  Don't know what time.

I won't spoil it, but one of the skits is absolutely HILARIOUS.  You might not get ALL the jokes, but you'll get enough of them.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Thanks Fran, I'll check that out. Any good pictures of Bono there at all?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Ummm....not really.  So far this is the best pic from last night:

But then there IS this (to satisfy those working the Irish Falcon fetish):

I'll post anything that looks interesting.  I'll see what's around from Conan.  I just don't want to give away all the Conan jokes, many of which are visual.

OK - Bono on Conan

and because I just can't resist:

I'm so hopelessly in lust with Mr. The Edge at the moment, it's ridiculous.

-- Edited by franna at 19:03, 2005-10-08


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Wow! Those both certainly satisfied my fetish. How close were you? Amazing Fantastic. You're so lucky. How many times have I said that? And I'm so jealous, how many times have I said that. Drool, drool....

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

wow thats one cool jacket.i want one



V Deep

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Jules - I edited the post to include some Conan pix.

The Irish Falcon is the name of Bono's green Gretsch. 

Those are pictures taken by other fans, I wasn't anywhere near that close - I was up three levels on Adam's side.  Possibly my worst seats of the tour.  There was a binoculars rental concession, and I went for it.  Turns out, the ramp that leads from Edge's stage position to his piano (off the oval) is designed with slats.  Through those slats I had a clear view of Dallas' world, and got to watch him work his butt off all night.  I decided that Dallas really is Santa Claus.

During the changeover from Keane, Dallas took out a tapemeasure and checked the height of Edge's mic.  Now I'm desperate to know.  I figure, when I bum rush the mic stand to sing harmony, I guess I should know how tall the thing is....

The binoculars were very fun.  I spent a good portion of time watching the crew at the mix position, a good portion of time watching my friends who were on the floor (directly in front of the tip of the ellipse), and of course, the band.  I tried really hard to see what was on Bono's teleprompters, but I was at the wrong angle.

I don't have a digital camera, and the only camera I do have is definitely of the "professional -we won't let you in here with that thing" variety.  I might try to borrow a digital for Monday.


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These photos are fantastic, but they keep jamming up my computer. They are rather large. I bought myself a cheap digital from eBay when I saw them. It has been rather useful for concerts.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Tell me which ones you want me to delete and I will (or, alternatively, which ones to keep). 

-- Edited by franna at 19:05, 2005-10-08


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I want them all, of course. Can you put them onto links?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I'll just take out the html code.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That's fabulous, thanks Fran! I'm waiting for more next week... please...

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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No problemo.  I'll put stuff up as it comes.....

There's another broadcast tonite, let me know if you can stay up that late (which basically means all night).

Just....Rockin' the Garden....


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Sadly I'm not up for an all nighter even if it involves Bono I'll wait for the pictures. Lots of droolworthy ones please.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

House on Fire

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They are great photos Fran.  I've got the Edge on my U2 calendar for October - you'd like it!

I want to go and see them again !   

Glad you had a good time.


V Deep

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How many times do I have to say...."LHR to JFK"?

Conan update.....while I was coming home from the show last night, I missed this:


V Deep

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Other assorted memories:

During Sunday Bloody Sunday, at least 4 or 5 enormous Irish tricolors popped up in GA, one of which ended up onstage.  After a few moments, Bono said something like "No, no, this is a night for the stars and stripes, I think I see one of those, pass that one up here."  It was.  Of course, we went absolutely nuts.

Whatever blabbering nonsense Bono was spouting at the intro into One ended up with me weeping through half the song.  Although this is not the first time it's EVER happened, I don't normally cry at concerts.  (The first time was at a Steve Goodman show in college.  Rest in Peace, Steve.  I know you've probably never heard of him.)  My first show of the tour I cried at the Declaration of Human Rights text.  That was weird, but it may have been an emotional release about law school.

Streets was absolutely transcendent.  I think we drowned Bono out.  He kept saying "Thank you" (which is not remarkable) and "Oh my God" (which is) and "I'll never forget this night."

They did "The First Time" and "Stuck In A Moment" (dedicated to Michael Hutchence) .... both acoustic. 

The boring people behind me wanted me to sit down for Sometimes You Can't Make It, among other things.  And then they were bull****ting about the Stones and Bruce and God knows what...pissed me off.  I came close to telling them to f*ck off about telling me to sit down if they were going to yap rather than pay attention to the show.

There was one guy a few seats to my left who was also there by himself, we bonded.

Between us was a woman with a cane, and two of her friends.  They kept getting up and coming back and getting up and coming back.  Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me...annoying as hell.  Finally, I think they moved to disabled seating somewhere, so the solo guy and myself were the only people left in the row....which was when we really bonded.

In Yahweh, Edge did a BG and broke a string.  Bono took the dangly thing and started playing with it, teasing Edge with it.  It was adorable.

On separate occasions, there were three audience members brought up onstage:  a shirtless heavily tattooed male, a large Black woman wearing a yellow Jamaica t shirt to dance with B on Fast Cars, and a cute blonde for With or Without You, which closed the show.

The band members were hugging each other and individually went to the mic to say thank yous before leaving the stage.  I have no idea what they said, you couldn't hear anything but screaming.

Somewhere near the end, Bono made a big deal out of wishing us safety (the subways are supposedly the target of a current terrorist threat, and security is tighter than normal).

Larry usual, all focus and concentration.  Adam was, as usual, pretty reserved, except when he was out working the ramp and flirting with the women.  Edge is transforming into a new sort of being entirely.  Bono seemed a lot more relaxed than the first leg, but then they all did.

Keane is a hell of a lot better then Kings of Leon, and they were very warmly received.  The vibe for the night was totally different, and I think the choice to have Keane open had something to do with it.  That and the fact that it wasn't the one and only date U2 was playing in town.

I REALLY hated Adam's stage clothes last night.  And I still hate Bono's.  Edge was, of course, perfect.  Keane all wore all black, and both the lead singer and piano player did the white belt thing.  It annoyed me.  Not two of them.  Not when it's a sort-of-but-not-really uniform.

My crush on Willie Williams is also deepening,  BTW.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Now they were details I wanted before you will still be on a high from last night when you go on Monday. Oh you are so lucky. And Rita I want to see them again. They are completely addictive.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Hey, I posted and then apparently erased the thing when I edited it earlier, and now I can't remember what I said.

I know I apologized to Jules for not giving details earlier, I was just too exhausted and it was beyond my power of concentration.  I don't remember what else I said.

I just remembered though, that at the opener, City of Blinding Lights, Bono kept carrying on about how good it was to be home in NYC.  Personally, I felt that was sweet, but sorta weird (I mean, I don't think he lives here anything close to full time) - but it did get the crowd reaction you'd expect.

Oh, I see, it was probably the set list I put in:

MSG Oct. 7, 2005:

City of Blinding Lights
Cry / Electric Co.
The Ocean
Still Haven’t Found
Beautiful Day
Miracle Drug
Sometimes you Can’t Make it on Your Own
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet The Blue Sky
Miss Sarajevo
Pride in the Name of Love
Where the Streets Have No Name

First Time
Stuck in a Moment
Fast Cars

All Because of You
Crumbs From Your Table
With or Without You

-- Edited by franna at 00:20, 2005-10-09


V Deep

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Listening on Yahoo right now.  They're doing I WILL FOLLOW.  WHY AM I NOT AT THE GARDEN??????  AAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pain!!!!

Edit to add: Next:  A Happy Birthday phone call to someone we can't identify (will get details tom'w), followed by: ALL I WANT IS YOU.  F********CK. 

Edited to add:  Sunday Bloody Sunday just gave me goosebumps and I'm probably about 10 miles away.  Through a lousy, distorted cellphone connection routed through the web.  That's sick.  And Edge is now doing the Bullet The Blue Sky solo....more goosebumps...

Edited to add:  Apparently when Edge's string broke last night, it hit Bono in the face.  First the drumstick, now a string....poor man.  Being a rock singer is hazardous work.

Edited to add:  Mary J. Blige on stage for One.

Edited to add:  Sound problems with drums and bass, Larry and Adam leave stage, then come back, then WILD HORSES.  Problems continue, but band plays through them.

Edited to add:  3 sisters pulled onstage for With Or Without You.

Edited to add:  Setlist:

1. City of Blinding Lights
2. Vertigo
3. Elevation
4. I Will Follow
5. All I Want Is You
6. Beautiful Day
7. Miracle Drug
8. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own + Black Hills snippet
9. Love and Peace or Else
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
11. Bullet the Blue Sky + Hands That Built America snippet + Johnny Comes Marching Home snippet
12. Miss Sarajevo

Declaration of Human Rights

13. Pride (In the Name of Love)
14. Where the Streets Have No Name
15. One

16. The First Time
17. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
18. With or Without You

19. All Because of You
20. Fast Cars
21. Original of the Species
22. 40

Edited to add:  At some point, I don't remember exactly when, Bono admonished someone in the Bomb Shelter who was pretty much right in front, and right in front of HIM, who'd spent most of their time yapping on their cell phone.  At the time, we heard something about a cell phone, but couldn't figure out what was going on.  This is apparently unrelated to the happy birthday phone call.  Still don't know who had the pleasure of having the Garden sing Happy Birthday to them....

Edited to add: ............

(from the originator of last night's broadcast)

To clear up a few things:
He called Gavin Friday on the phone and we sang him Happy Birthday- but he was not home so we left him a message!!!
He pulled up one girl during WOWY- she kept looking down at her friends and Bono kept telling her to look at him - the last time he pulled her chin to meet his gaze (sigh) then he let her down and took up another girl. Then he saw 3 sisters and rather than pull them up said "I'll come to you" and he leaned over and sang to them. Then he pulled up a guy in a turban and danced around with him (uh...ok) After the show the turban guy was taking pictures with fans...
At one point in the show he told a fan in GA to "hang up the ****ing phone- you are at a concert!" Pretty funny.
They had a bunch of problems with Larry's drum kit and Adam. I think the end of the show ended other than it was intended. I think Whose Gonna Ride your Wild Horses might have been a substitute...


In that case, Happy Birthday, Gavin.

The word from those who were at both shows is that the first one was better.  Good to hear, but I'm still quite upset at missing I WILL FOLLOW and Mary J.  I WILL FOLLOW...OMG.  Well, there's always Monday & Tuesday.

-- Edited by franna at 10:40, 2005-10-09


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Fran these are exactly the details I need to hear. I can imagine being there. I'm still jealous and want to actually be there, not just imagine.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Differences of opinion from people who were there both nights:

One fan says: The second night at MSG was absolutely wonderful. The energy was totally different from the first night and the people in Section 55 rocked!!!!!!! U2 amaze me!!!!!!! I am a very happy fan today.....AMEN!!!  (They weren't happy with the first night.)

Another fan says: 7/10/05 show [first night] was the best show I have seen since the Joshua Tree tour. Bono was in excellent form. MSG was shaking from beginning to end. i will never forget what happened Friday night

From my friend (for whom I got the May 17 GA, and who met Bono that afternoon because I was wandering around looking for water): I agree with you [the first] nights show was the best show I have seen to date!!!  I'm still on cloud nine...was on the right/center railng with about 15 zootops and I was holding Bono's leg!!! OMG...and Adam shook Alexa (I am I am) 's hand!! Edge shook Erika's hand and Bono shook Amrita's hand!! what a freakin awesome night!!! I thought May 17th was the best day of my life, move over...Oct 7th is here to stay for a very long time!!!! THANK YOU U2.......for a killer show last night followed by another one tonight!!!!!

And from the person who originated last night's broadcast (though she wrote this before the second show): OH MY GOD! That was one of the best U2 shows I have ever seen. They were amazing and Bono's voice was awesome. I've seen 20 U2 shows over the years and this one is in the top 3! I still have goosebumps. They sounded...god, I do not even have the words and if you know me- that is saying something. LOL!  At one point Bono stood there stunned at the crowd and just said "Oh my God...Oh my God" He could not get over the crowd.  5 stars, 2 thumbs up...whatever- just awesome!

Edited to add: Sharon's comments after last night:

Guys...this was surreal.

I have no idea what I have but I am running a fever and have a sore throat/gravel voice. You know you are really sick when during Bullet you want to leave to get a drink....but you want to be a trooper for the show and you stay. By the time PITNOL started, I was just trying to remain standing.

I completely lost it when I Will Follow is one of the songs on my wish list and at this point in the tour I never thought I would hear it....but OH MY GOD.

Then All I Want is You.....THANK YOU THANK YOU

Bono was NOT in the best of moods at points...he talked to Larry and Adam at one point for some time.

They kept changing the setlist....guy came out and rewrote things on Larry's copy.

Mary J Blige...knew something was up when Bono moved his mic stand at the beginning of the song....her performance tore the roof off the building.

Wild Horses....Yes!

What happened to DISCOTHEQUE!!!! Come On!!!!

Original had me in the worst sobbing tears ever because of something with the visuals

No more behind the stage for me...3 in row...thank god I get to see the show head on FINALLY

I am going to crash some uploads of pics....I will have them on line this week

I took 120 last night (not as good as night one -- 150)

I need more albums

HUGS to all....

(note - I have behind the stage seats for the next 2 shows....!!  That's OK, I saw the Stones that way in 82 and had one of the best nights of my life.  I'll deal.)


Edited to add:  Amri's comments after last night:

I can't talk throat's gooone!

what a ****in awesome show...I neeeed to meet The Edge....I'm lost and feeling very depressed about it....:(

He danced during Fast Cars....oh my God!!!

I love him.... :'(

(Note: Edge danced for Fast Cars???   I smell a catfight brewing!!!  Meeeooooooowwww!!!!!)

Edited to add yet another opinion: Last night’s show was definitely different from NY1. Bono seemed to have so much fun the first night. Last night he seemed pissed off at times His mood didn’t seem to recover when he told that person off for gabbing on the cell phone in the front row. I also noticed that Bono had his glasses off – not just for SYCMIOYO, but for several other songs after that – not typical Bono. Edge, on the other hand was having a blast.

(Note:  Shit.  I SOOOO should have been there last night!  Who watches Bono, anyway?  LOL)

-- Edited by franna at 18:09, 2005-10-09


V Deep

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Jules, this oughta make you's huge.



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6290

Yesssss droolworthy material. hmmmm that's wonderful! Any more? LOL Post a few more and you'll be a Guru!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

House on Fire

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Posts: 148

Thanks for all that Fran.  As close to being there as I can get.  Sounds fantastic.  Have a great time tomorrow and Tuesday.


V Deep

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Oh. My. God.

This will be short, as it's after 2am and I have to be up in 4 hours for work.  I had a feeling this was gonna be a good one.  COBL opened, I wasn't really into it, bit Vertigo (which I don't particularly like) grabbed me this time around.  It SMOKED.  And from then, I was gone.  I must have sweat off 5 pounds before the end of Vertigo alone.

I Will Follow, the Achtung Baby Set (Zoo Station and The Fly) and BAAAAAAAD.  Those songs ROCK MY WORLD.  And tonight, ladies and gents, was a ROCK SHOW.  Let's just say I was pogoing.

And about the seats behind the stage......Adam Clayton has the finest ass in rock 'n roll.

And with that, goodnight ladies.  More from tomorrow's show, and tonight's if I can still remember anything.

Oh....before I forget.  Bono hugged and kissed my friend Sharon at the meet and greet.  (Allegedly, she's never washing her face again.)  She said 5'5". 

Edited to add:  Setlist

1. City of Blinding Lights
2. Vertigo
3. Elevation
4. I will Follow
5. Electric Co
6. I still haven't found what I'm looking for (snippet - in a little while)
7. Beautiful Day
8. Miracle Drug
9. Sometimes you can't make it on your own
10. Love and peace
11. Sunday Bloody Sunday
12. Bullet the blue sky
Sang Happy Birthday to Pavarotti
13. Miss Sarajevo
14. Pride (in the name of Love)
15. Where the streets have no name
16. One (snippet Old Man River)

17. Zoo Station
18. The Fly
19. With or Without You

20. All Because of You
21. Yahweh
22. BAD (for Patti Smith who was in the house) (snippet - People have the Power)
23. 40

Edited again to add:

Whoever did the setlist forgot to mention the snippet of the Door's "BREAK ON THRU" at the end of Electric Co.  Un-fu*king-believable.  But then, they were probably too young to know what it was. Or couldn't tell thru the cell phone connection.

And, BTW - "In A Little While" is my second fav track on HTDAAB, which I still don't like all that much as an album, so I'm always happy for a bit of it.  (Edited to add: I'm an idiot with not enough sleep.  That's not on HTDAAB!)

I CANNOT wait for my floor tix in November when Patti Smith opens.  That will be the shiznit.

-- Edited by franna at 07:03, 2005-10-12



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franna wrote:

Oh. My. God. This will be short, as it's after 2am and I have to be up in 4 hours for work.  I had a feeling this was gonna be a good one.  (...) Let's just say I was pogoing. And about the seats behind the stage......Adam Clayton has the finest ass in rock 'n roll. (...)  Oh....before I forget.  Bono hugged and kissed my friend Sharon at the meet and greet.  (Allegedly, she's never washing her face again.)  She said 5'5".  (...) 


Fran, I'm so glad to read you liked it! It sounds like it was just what you needed! And glad to read about the four hours, as it's for work.

5'5'' - I have no idea how much that is... But it sound tiny.

Really hope you have an equally good night tonite!


V Deep

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Posts: 951

Reminder - U2 on Conan O'Brien tonight in the UK/Ireland

I think it's CNBC at 22:45 GMT / 23:45 CET, but I'm not positive so check.  And look back down the thread to check whatever station info I'd noted there, because I don't remember.

I have four words for you: "In the Year 2000"


House on Fire

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Posts: 148

Sadly I can't watch it.   I only have CNBC between 5am and 9 am - what use is that to anyone!  Is there anywhere to watch it online.


V Deep

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Posts: 951

I don't know, since I have it on tape, I haven't paid attention.  I think I remember seeing several links on the fan site, but I'm too tired to look for them.  You'll have to find 'em.



I've now seen too many shows.  The first night was awesome (I guess I'd forgotten what a U2 show was like).  The second night, with them playing several of my favorites completely blew me away, but tonight was basically a repeat of Friday night's show (with Out Of Control substituted for, probably Electric Co.)  While Out of Control is fun, it doesn't make my head spin.  They did the best 40 by far, and Crumbs rocked harder than Friday, but the highlights of my night were Edge doing a flamenco dance on Fast Cars and Bono giving a shout out to Joe O'Herlihy for winning an award as sound engineer of the year.  When those are the things that set me off more than anything (except Adam's ass, which should be in the Smithsonian) I know I've seen the show too many times.

I will now take a break till November.  Just watch, Friday night they'll play Ultraviolet or Desire or Angel of Harlem or Exit or Discotheque or Gloria or any number of other things....and I'll have to shoot myself.

Oh, I finally figured out what the snippet at the end of Vertigo was.  Took me three shows to do it.  Rockaway Beach  by The Ramones.

Have I mentioned Adam's ass lately?  LOL  I seriously need to get into the ellipse twice, once so I can be directly in front of The Edge (*sigh*) and once so I can be directly in front of Adam.  I REALLY need to see the look on his face when he does those things he does.  Of course, I'll be distracted by the hideous stage clothes.  That's a problem.....

Oh, by the way, Adam f*cked with my mind at MSG III.  I couldn't get the bassline from Vertigo out of my head ALL DAY LONG.  This predicament annoyed the hell out of me.  (I tried to work thru it by thinking about his butt.) 

Also spent a good portion of the day thinking about what on earth it would be like to be as famous as Bono (or Edge, for that matter) and how it would REALLY f*ck with your mind.

In closing, Adam and J Lo should have a child, just to see what it's butt would look like.

Edited to add setlist:

1. City of Blinding Lights + Old Manhattan Snippet
2. Vertigo + Rockaway Beach snippet
3. Elevation
4. Out of Control
5. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For + In A Little While snippet
6. Beautiful Day + very short Walk On snippet
7. Miracle Drug
8. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own + Black Hills snippet
9. Love and Peace or Else
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
11. Bullet the Blue Sky + Hands That Built America snippet + Johnny Comes Marching Home snippet
12. Miss Sarajevo

Declaration of Human Rights

13. Pride (In the Name of Love)
14. Where the Streets Have No Name
15. One + Old Man River snippet

16. The First Time
17. Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of
18. Fast Cars
19. With Or Without You + 3RD VERSE!!
20. All Because of You
21. Crumbs From Your Table
22. 40

-- Edited by franna at 12:10, 2005-10-12


V Deep

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Posts: 951

For you, Jules:


V Deep

Status: Offline
Posts: 951

Reviews, Night 1:


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6290

Rita your problem can be resolved. I have taped it and I have two videos, i.e. I can copy!! Bear with me, it won't be immediate, but expect a video tape in the post sometime.

Fran thanks for those fantastic pictures. You can probably see me drooling from there.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

Status: Offline
Posts: 1894

oo nice cool is the tatooed fan?!



House on Fire

Status: Offline
Posts: 148

Thanks Jules that is very kind of you.  You've made my day.


V Deep

Status: Offline
Posts: 951

More photos and Amri's ellipse rail vids:

Oh, these look sweeeeet:

-- Edited by franna at 12:44, 2005-10-13


House on Fire

Status: Offline
Posts: 148

Great photos.  Thanks for the link Fran.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

Status: Offline
Posts: 6290

You're very welcome Rita :)

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)
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