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Post Info TOPIC: U2 - The Rita and Jules at Twickenham thread

V Deep

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RE: U2 - The Rita and Jules at Twickenham thread

Spanish lesson of the day:  "Adam tiene el mejor culo en el Rock."

If you haven't heard, both (Democratic) Senator Hillary Clinton and (Republican) Senator Rick Santorum are hosting fundraisers at U2 shows.  The politicians have purchased luxury boxes, and for a rather large donation, you can watch the show in comfort AND power schmooze.

The band has issued a statement basically saying that they do NOT endorse this practice, but it's beyond their control.


It will be interesting to see how this works itself out.  It could get ugly.

How come it's illegal for scalpers but legal for politicians?  It's sweet when you're the one who writes the rules.

Will Hillary and Rick dance their asses off?  Will the crew rig those suites with infrared cameras and play the video on the main screen?  That would be so lovely, but Bono's probably not pissed off enough to burn his political bridges by giving it the OK.

I will be desperate to hear those bootlegs, to see if he says anything about it.

Speaking of which - at the last NY show I went to, for a moment I stopped paying close attention to the Bono babble (I was probably mesmerized by Adam's butt), and was snapped back when he said something about how he's "the guy on the cover of Time magazine."  I won't make a judgement by taking that line out of context, but at the time I thought "What?  How far has his meglomania really gone?"  I'm REALLY curious to hear a boot of that night to find out what he actually said.

And Kath, I replaced the Halloween Ghost that annoyed you with Edge.  Is Edge better?


Drag Me Down

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I cannot belive the first topic to get to 2 pages is about u2...


In the Long Grass

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i was just about to say that.its ridiculous



V Deep

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Yeah, well....if Bob actually released some NEW music more often, or did more shows....

hint hint


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Yes I just noticed this has gone over 2 pages. Are we more interested in U2 than Bob around here or is it just Fran and me have a lengthy conversation!!! Oh dear we ought to show some more enthusiasm for Bob me thinks.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I think it's partially just my spouting off and trying to get to happy Buddha at the same time that U2's in town.

Since BG hasn't released anything NEW since 2002 (or was it 2001?) and surely hasn't toured the US since then....

I'll be happy to post about Bob if and when he does something new.  Endless re-releases don't cut it for me.  And his touring the UK doesn't give me much to post about either.

Still, in the grand scheme of things, there's ONE U2 thread while the REST OF THE BOARD is about Bob and/or the Rats (or relatively pointless political squabbling).  I don't think there's reason to worry.  If all the Bob threads were combined, I'm sure the result would run longer than 2 pages.


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I just watched the Conan O'Brien show, it was excellent. Rita you are in for a treat, when I've copied it for you

And Fran of course the Edge is better than some ghost. It was a bit busy and kept giving me a headache, thank you for replacing with something much more pleasing to the eye.

-- Edited by Jules at 18:59, 2005-10-14

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I'm now working on getting some Adam butt pics. Someday, I'll have to get an animated gif of Adam's butt.  OH HOW I WISH I HAD A DIGITAL CAMERA.  The friend I went with took some shots, but she's a crap photographer.

I've never seen anyone play bass in horse stance before (if I'm remembering my karate correctly)....


V Deep

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Newsflash:  Mr. The Edge just autographed Amri's Mrs. The Edge T shirt.  She's still shaking.  And I'm jealous.  BWAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! 

There's another cellphone connection tonight, BTW.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I'm jealous too!! This is so unfair *stamps feet*.

Get yourself a cheap digital camera. OK they aren't brilliant but at least you can get some kind of record.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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wow it sounds like sooooo much fun!



V Deep

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Conan - U2 Secrets Part II

Apparently, they aired another bit last night (didn't see it, and don't have a link to video yet).

Here's someone's transcript:

Edge says "When Irish people talk really fast, I can't understand them either."

Larry says: "The only reason I joined U2 was that they promised me I'd get to meet Jackie Chan. Well that was a load of bulls*t.

Bono says: "We didn't get into rock 'n' roll for the money, we got into it for the things you can buy with money.

Edge finished it off with: "Bono hits us...sometimes really hard."

All this while they guys were holding a cigar or cigarette over a table with a bottle of Jack on it.

Will add a video link if I find one.



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Would love to see that Fran, if you find a link to post it. Oh dear this thread is getting longer and longer. We'll be on to 3 pages soon.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Maybe it will Piss Bob Off and he'll record a new album. 


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Sounds like a good ploy Fran, let's keep talking. But will he ever know about this thread? Unless of course someone will tell him

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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hehe forget it



V Deep

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Final night at MSG (highlights were GLORIA and PARTY GIRL):

There is supposedly a ticket with my name on it for Philadelphia this evening, but I haven't decided if I want to go again or wait till November.  It's always hard to say no, but when I was listening to the feed for the show (above), aside from Gloria and (to a lesser extent) Party Girl, I was thinking "It's fine that I'm not there.  I've seen this all before."  Not sure that I want to spend another $100+ and schlep to Philly, but how annoyed will I be tonight?  In the process of deciding, but I'll probably pass.

Even my ultra-psycho-diehard friend who was at the last MSG show (and will be in Philly tonight) said that the best part of that MSG was the end, when the band turned the house lights on, Bono sprayed champagne into the crowd, they forgot the words to Party Girl (they were supposed to do Walk On, which was on the teleprompters), told the crowd "You New Yorkers are a bunch of noisy feckers" and generally turned the place from a concert to a party.

Now, while all that would have been fun, I still think that when it's the highlight of the night, I've seen the show too many times and have become too used to it.

Shall I go to Philly?  Hmmmmm....

Oh, I saw the Corbijn photo exhibit yesterday, and 1) I was shocked at the small amount of work they decided to show.  Really huge prints, but only maybe 20 of them,  2) I've looked through the book (U2 and I) and think there was LOTS of more interesting work in the book, and that the choices they made for the show were NOT the most interesting ones, by any stretch, 3) Women were posing for pictures in front of the naked Adam.  I guess I'm too much of an art snob, but I was appalled. On the other hand, I thought it was the most interesting piece of work in the show - aside from thae fact that it was Adam, and Adam in full frontal gloriousness (and not covered by stupid shamrock!), I thought it was the most interesting piece of photography on display.  If I had the cash to be a collector, even if it weren't Adam, I might have bought it.  My other faves were: the photo of the band with their fathers, Edge on a clean white background (a very Avedon / Penn style - I'm a huge Avedon / Penn fan, that's the stuff I grew up on), and "Bono in the cold" where he's in the snow in Sweden (I think), a lovely example of what they called environmental portraiture back in school.  Anyway, the book is worth seeing (or owning) the touring show probably isn't (unless you're going for the purpose of getting a signed copy (by Corbijn), especially because Bono often shows up and signs too.  Bottom line, although the book is cool, the gallery show wasn't terribly exciting.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Fran you have to go again! You can't wait until November. I wish it was me deciding - I would go again. November is too long to wait to see them again They are worth every penny.

Go to Philly and describe to us what you saw so we can imagine we were there too.

I don't have the book U2 and I, maybe it's another for my list. Oh dear how many U2/Bono books do I now own. Nearly as many as albums perhaps

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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You're too funny.  I don't own any U2 books, or T shirts or any of that stuff.  I'm simply in it for the music....but still, the photo book WAS really cool.  I might actualy get that one.

I do have the ticket Edge signed (*sigh*) in a frame, though.  And my COBL confetti in a jar....  Have I mentioned that when I met Edge was the ONLY time in my life I was starstruck and barely able to breathe?  (The diehards all tell me it gets easier when you've met them a few times.) 

Oh, BTW, it was POURING RAIN for the last week.  One of the nights, after the show at about 2am, people were still milling around the performers' entrance hoping the band would stop to say hello.  I was not there.  (I don't do standing in the rain at 2am, especially if I have to work the next day.)  Anyway, the story goes: Larry, Adam and Bono all left with a wave (separate cars), but The Edge stopped.   When asked why he did it, he said: "It's 2am.  It's pouring rain.  People are still waiting.  Why wouldn't I stop?"  Similar thing the afternoon Amri had her Mrs. The Edge shirt signed....pouring rain, Edge was the only one to stop.  Edge = Class. 

I haven't seriously attempted a meet & greet this time through, my schedule didn't permit; and I'm always a bit reluctant to get into that sort of thing anyway.  I did stop by the crowd the ... second show? ... I saw last week, to meet my friends who were there (all lusting after Bono.  typical.).  I saw them, decided that dinner was more important than meeting the band, had dinner, came back, they weren't sure who'd come in - but they were fairly sure Larry had, not sure about Edge and Adam, but no one had stopped (it wasn't even raining).  I'm not on the rail, but behind my friends, which is NOT where you want to be if you want to say hello, get a handshake, a hug, a kiss, or have something signed.  They were all on the rail, staking their claim to position.  Fine, I have no problem with that.  When I met Bono before, I really wasn't all that interested, and I'm still trying to think of something worth saying to him.  (Everything I think of needs an hours conversation to be worthwhile - I can't think of anything silly or short that I feel compelled to pass on, nor do I crave a Bono handshake/hug/signature, etc.)  Anyway, Bono finally arrives, stops to work the ENTIRE line (which was HUGE, as it encompassed most of the GA line the way it was set up), and I simply enjoyed watching my friends all freak out as they got their moment with B - especially Sharon when she got the hug and kiss.  Anyway, after that we all went for a beer.  I didn't stick around to see if Edge or Adam would make a late appearance (but to be honest, if I'd thought they weren't most likely already in the building, I might have. Bono is usually the last one to arrive, and this was LATE.).

Nah, I don't think I'm going to go to Philly. I think it's better if I wait till Patti Smith opens for them in MSG in six weeks.  I'd rather have it be an experience that lifts me than one I watch with a jaded eye, as if I were working crew.   And in the meantime, I'll have to obsessively search for a ticket for Patti/U2 II (I only have a ticket for the first night, there are two.  At least it's a GA floor ticket!)

Which is not the same as saying I wouldn't want to BE working crew.....If Willie (visual director) or Smasher (head of the video dep't) want to hire me on, I'm available.  And I'd even do it cheap.

Edited to add:

Jules' daily drool:

-- Edited by franna at 17:15, 2005-10-16


V Deep

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And just because it's amusing:

I was literally in NYC for a little over 24 hours, and thanks to Jet Blue, I got a free trip out of it. I wasn't planning on going to the show on the 14th, just to the 8th and 10th. (i flew back to California on the 11th). But because of technical malfunctions on my first trip to NYC, I got a free trip! And with a little coaxing from my friend, I booked a flight back to NYC just to see U2's 5th night at MSG.

So the story goes like this....I think....i'm trying to recollect all my thoughts...and they are a bit fuzzy but here goes (sorry it's a tad bit long)....

We land GA tickets at the last minute, and my ticket gets beeped for the ellipse. We are front row a little bit over to Bono's right. Our other friends get front row in front of Adam! We are soooo excited....5th night at MSG and front row in the ellipse! We dance like crazy girls. Fast forward to the encore. The First Time and SIAMYCGOO are played at the tip of the ellipse. After that, we hear the music of Fast Cars and Bono and Edge are coming back to the main stage. Fast Cars - woohoo - great song to dance to - and we go crazy.

Bono puts on his cowboy hat, flamenco dances with Edge, and about half way through the song, he comes over to me, looks at me, points at me...and I'm thinking, NO WAY. I want to make sure it's me, so i gesture to myself, and he shakes his head yes. I lift myself up over the rail; no security is there. I wait a second because i can't do this by myself. Then Murphy realizes that I'm about to go up, so he helps me on to the stage. All I want to do is look into Bono's eyes because he makes you feel so comfortable...and he has beautiful eyes too :) Although I'm no dancer by any means, I just try to dance. We dance around each other, I dance for him. And then, somehow, he ends up lying down. Whoa...I'm thinking Alli, please don't make a fool of yourself. Because a lot could go wrong. So he lies down, he takes his cowboy hat off and puts it on his chest, and then puts his hands behind his neck as if he's taking a rest in the park or something and gives me the hugest grin. Alrighty...I give him this look like what do you want me to do????? Do you want me to dance around you, take your cowboy hat and dance in front of Adam, lie down next to you, the list could go on but I'm not going there. So I pick the best behaved choice and dance around him. Then I'm thinking, B - please get up now because I really would like to lie down on this stage with you. So I give him my hand, he grabs it, gets up and we dance around each other some more. Then he puts one hand out to his side as if he wants to slow dance. I oblige. Song is over. He kisses my hand and I give a kiss on his cheek. Then a hug...a really long hug...and that's when WOWY starts. I really thought that after the kiss on the cheek I was heading back into the audience. I couldn't believe he would keep me up there for another song. Oh man, it was intense. My body was shaking. I hold on tight, singing the words with him. Then he lets go of our embrace, and he looks at me, and i just stare at him mouthing the words. Bits of my hair were in my eyes, and he brushes them out of the way. I could've fainted right there. Then he pulls me closer into him, and he keeps staring at me, and I want to look away because it's a little nervewracking having B look at you like that. But I don't turn away. Then he is on his knees, wraps his hands around my waist and he rests his head on my stomach. And I stand there in complete awe of this man who inspires me with his music, his compassion, and his activism. Then he stands up, kisses my hand, and I walk down the stairs and back i go into the ellipse. As I'm stradling the railing, he asks me my name, and I say Alli but he can't hear. He asks again, and I say Alli a bit louder. I'm not sure if he heard. Some people say they heard him say Alli over the mic but still not quite sure. As i get back to my spot he waves goodbye to me. I about hyperventilate and my friend is there to give me the biggest hug. It really was an unbelievable experience that I will never forget.

I just want to say, I feel blessed and priviledged to have this opportunity again. I never in a million years would've thought this could happen to me. Thank you for listening to my story.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Just to make me go green all over. Those were seriously droolworthy photos. He looks incredibly tired and in need of a serious sleep.

Fran how can you seriously not be interested in Bono, it's not human, not female!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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LOL - I just added a few more photos, check again.

How is it possible?  Well, I like Bono, I admire Bono, I think he's a FABULOUS frontman, but he's not my idea of a sex machine.

I'll take a main course of Edge with a side of Adam, please.

Speaking of which:

Edge FINALLY wears something I think is absolutely HIDEOUS!!!!  EEEEK, the man is FLAWED!!!!

Note:  "The flaws only make this item more valuable." 

Seriously, I'd never have thought Edge would require looking after by the fashion police.  God help us if ugly sweaters are about to become hip!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That is very unusual for the Edge. Bono does on many occasions need fashion police, I have to admit. Thanks for those very yummy photos of Bono. He certainly didn't need any fashion police there. I've seen the 'glass' one already.

I've got some photos of Bono with some very strange attire on his legs. It looks like black bubble wrap, what was the man thinking of?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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'handle with care' perhaps?



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I'll definitely handle him with care.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

aargh inuendo galore



V Deep

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mp3 about various things, including part 1 (of 2) of Bono's introduction of Jess Sachs' lecture at NYU.  It's edition 1-3.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I already have that one Fran, thanks anyway.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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You do?  I'm shocked.  I knew Rita probably would, but I didn't expect you would!  Shows you how little I know!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I'm registered on @u2

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Exactly.  Shows you how little I know!

(Five posts to go.)


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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And you think I wouldn't be?

I noticed you're nearly a Guru, you don't have to say much to enter the Guru room

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

come on fran your near the just a case of finding the key



V Deep

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Philly - I didn't go, and there was no broadcast as the people who normally run it were all at the show, and in GA at the tip of the ellipse.

You may know that there's been a banner circulating.  It started during the summer at the European shows, and says "Zootopians for Peace."  It was an effort by some Belgian/Dutch/Spanish fans (at least I think that's where it started) to raise awareness and show support from the fan community for MPH (among other things).  The thing has been travelling the world, been to lots of shows, and now has a ton of signatures on it - including both Bono's and Edge's.

Last night, my friends brought it to Philly, and (I think) during Streets (which would make sense) they stretched it out along the ellipse rail.  Bono was running by, noticed it, said something to Adam, came back, and asked that the banner be tossed up to him.  Then he pointed to Tania (or is it Tina? I get confused, I've only met one of them, and then only for a second) and asked her to join him onstage to hold the other corner of it, outstretched.

Now, Tania (or was it Tina?) is European, and has been there - well, while not from the beginning of this banner, pretty close to it - and had written a book of poetry called "Every Poet is a Thief" and handed it to Bono at MSG.  I think he probably remembered her.  Anyway, she was onstage with Bono and the banner, and is fairly ... shall we say ... HAPPY now?

I'm not really sure of the setlist, I've heard conflicting reports.  But If I'd been there, seeing her onstage with the banner would surely have been the highlight of the show (for me, anyway).

I'm fairly sure there will be photos to follow.

Oh, and it was Teresa's first U2 show.  Apparently she fainted from dehydration but is OK now.  And the ladies had a chat with AJ before the show, from all reports he's a total sweetie.


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The story of the banner (OK - Tina made it, Tania was onstage last night.  See why I'm confused?):

for those that don't know why I made it, here's the story (once more)

My first U2 gig was back in 1983, on the festivalfields of Torhout/Werchter. I was 13 at the time, and hardly knew U2. An experience that blew my mind away. one that obviously had me hooked for life, 'cause I haven't missed a tour since that day. Getting a degree, finding a job . it gave me the financial resources to go to 2 gigs on one tour. But I had this dream in my head to do a lot more. I took me 22 years to realise it. It was nerve wrecking to get tickets, but this tour, I was finally looking forward to one hell of a summer with 6 gigs scheduled. Little was I to know that reality was to be even 10 times better than my expectations already wwere.

I became member and soon enough, found my way to the Zoo. I ran into some great people there, we started talking . Early february, I descided II wanted to organise something special for U2's arrival in Europe. So I posted a few suggestions in the international section of Zootopia, to see if others felt the same. Much to my joy and relief, quite a few people responded. It took me, and my Zootop-friend Reggy, months of preparations, negotiations and hard work, and eventually a drastical change of our plans. The wonderful support from the Belgian AND the Dutch section here in the Zoo, helped us get through the worst days. We had a few problems with the press, to get the story in the news, (euhm, that would be the understatement of the year !) but the day of the Brussels gig, we and 6 others, convinced 4.000 people to wear a white band, not only to welcome U2, but also to show our support for ONE-MPH.

In the process of getting involved with ONE-MPH, I ran into other Zootops from Canada and Dublin, who were working on the same cause : trying to spread the word. We starting sharing ideas and resources, and 3 of us ended up on the phone with Dave Fanning, the day of the first gig in Dublin. A rather funny experience. Donna was in Canada and just got out of bed, Debbie was somewhere in Dublin, and I was in the general admission line for the show, with the soundcheck going. It was a great opportunity to let people know what we were trying to do, and to ask them to please, look into the issues, and get involved.

After the Dublin shows, I was at home, somewhat bedazzled because of all that happened so far. It's one thing to chat in the Zoo. It's another thing to get along in real life. Over the years, I have spend a lot of hours at doors to see U2 play. But I never talked to so many people as I was doing now. And for the first time in my life, I realised just how many people feel the same about U2 and the causes behind it. I really felt like I'd become part of an enormous family, one that didn't call me insain, whenever the subject 'U2' popped up. I had one sheet left from our Brussels experience, that hadn't been shred to pieces (we kind of ran out of time). So I descided to make a banner out of it. 2 parts : "Zootopians united"- "against poverty".

I felt a bit scilly when I was painting it in the garden, because I had no idea why I was doing it. But I got some very nice reactions when I posted pictures of the banners in the Zoo, so I thought, what the heck, I'll just take them with me and we'll see what happens. By then we'd inspired a lot of people to start acting. I knew Poland would give it one hell of a kick. Same for Italy. So I started gathering the names of the people who did the hard work, and added those to the banners. Sort of to honour them.

The Amsterdam gigs were coming. I took the banners with me and started taking pictures of fellow zootops who shared our ideas, and who were also trying to get the message spread. Again to my surprise, I ran into a lot more wonderful people, some of them becoming dear friends, . and added more names to the banner. . By then we'd set up a special One/MPH thread in the Zoo. All the pictures from people taking actions all over the world, are gathered there. (Or at least, we try !) I posted mine too and apparently, caught the attention of the rest of the animals in the Zoo. They asked me to send it to the other side of the pond. I agreed, but had one last show to attend . Lisbon.

The Portugueese set up the One World - One love action, to join hands during ONE. Excellent work, and more names to be added on the banners. By the time I got to Lisbon, I somehow was 'adopted' by a group of 49 Portugueese (and 1 Mexican) fruitcakes, who were going to all gigs on the Iberian peninsula. They took me to the Concha Bar the day before the gig, where I was introduced to the guys who started One world-One love, AND to the people from Pobreza Zero. More picturs for the Zoo coming, and the press had a field day.

Pobreza Zero (Portuguese official version of Make Poverty History) gave us one of their banners to take to the gig, where we had one hell of a party at the front rows. We ended up spending 4 glorious days with a few of those fruitcakes (Hugo, Tania and Alicia) ..truly amazing.

For me, one of the best summers ever, had come to an end. But the banners had another journey to make. Our work isn't finished . at all !

Once home, I checked if all the names were added, and off they went, to Jill in Canada.
The clan from ONE-MPH (including Donna), who set up the white ONE T-shirts campaign in Vancouver earlier on the tour, had high plans for the Toronto gigs, and they wanted the banners there. I guess somewhere on the road, they became some sort of a symbol for all our work.

As more people found out about it, they volunteered to take the banners to the gigs they were attending. Spreading it out in the GA-line and explaining people what they were for. Always trying to get them to at least think about the issues.

The next Zootop took them to the Chicago shows, where people who’d heard about it, went out to look for it, to add their names. Not exactly what I had in mind at the beginning. But if these banners symbolise the fact that we’re united, how can we say no to someone who wants to be ‘part of the family’. So we go with the flow now.

Up came Milwaukee, with one of the mods from the Zoo as safekeeper. I got alerted late at night, that she had it signed by both Bono and Edge. Now the things’s become an even hotter item ! We have to be careful, that it doesn’t fall into the hands of some nutcase who thinks he can make money out of it. But we keep it moving, because more people want to be part of it and more people have been inspired and are making plans for the gigs. Meanwhile, the 2 parts have been knitted to one, and someone added a black band which makes it easier to hang it on a fence. The rest of it's journey ? Well, what I know so far is that it should be in Philadelphia, Dallas, Houston, Vegas, LA, Ottawa, Montreal, Buffalo and eventually ... Portland. It's supposed to come back to Belgium after that. If we get more legs, it'll go out again. (Hope I can accompany it !)


Tina – alias Gloria002, Belgian fruitcake


V Deep

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And Tania's report:

WOW. I am trying to articulate some words after what happened tonight.

Things didn´t start very well, specially because i didn´t get inside the venue with the Zoo gang...and it wasn´t easy to reach them inside, when there were hundreds of people. But after some ateempts,..i finally reached them before City started.

The whole show was amazing. Fantastic performance of the band...apart from some mistakes, that turned the night even more unique. Sharon was holding the Zoo banner....and when Streets started...we stretched it trough the fence. Sharon on one side...Noreen and another amazing zootop in the midle...and me on the other side. Bono starts walking trought the catwalk..and stops right in front of us,,,staring at the banner...reading it..and looking at us...then he moves to our right..says something to Adam..and moves torwards us again...and starts looking at me right in the eyes,,,over and over again...and I start feeling GEEE...i am in troubles. A few seconds later...he points at me and makes me a sign to go UP...I can not believe I ask ME? And he nods his head and assures me it´s ME he wants. I just climb the fence..don´t ask how...and a security guy helps me get on stage... Bono was talking to Sharon..and asks her for the banner. Then he looks at me...holds one side of the banner and gives me the other side...and we show the banner to the crowd for 10 seconds....not more! Then Bono looks at me with the most amazing smile I ever saw on his face...a very nice humble happy smile..and we hug each othe rin the stage...I told him Í hope you liked the book´but I can assure he did not ear a thing I said. He smiled at me and turned around, while I was leaving the stage. And that was it..the most amazing moment I ever lived.

I could never live this...without thanking the most amazing zootops who were with me...and Tina, the ´mother´of this banner...and Alicia.,..who wasn´t there...but was like if she was...!

I´d better shut up now..I am simply talking non sense...!!! THANK YOU for tonight!!!


V Deep

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Only one more post to go:

Don't remember whose backyard this is.


V Deep

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This seems like the perfect thing to go Guru with -

Someone's post reacting to the banner episode (ROFLMAO!!!):

/bob geldof speech mode on

that must have been some awesome [censored][censored] experience!! [censored]
i'm so [censored] happy to be a part of this [censored]!!!

and having my [censored] name on the [censored][censored]banner makes me [censored] feel like i was on that [censored] stage with tania!! [censored][censored]!!!!

thank you tina for making the [censored]!! thank you all so [censored] much

[EXTREMELY censored]

/bob geldof speech mode off


V Deep

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Philly photos:

no good banner pix yet


House on Fire

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Posts: 148

Great photos - takes me back to June!

Love the story about the banner.

Congratulations on becoming a Guru Fran - I can't even make it to 100 posts let alone 500


V Deep

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Sure you can, Rita.  You only have to be willing to say stupid things in public.  (I speak for myself here.)


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Last night in Philly (Philly II) Bruce Springsteen and his wife, Patti, joined the band on stage.  (I guess Patti wasn't around for that one.)

OK, so my other (Bruce-fan) friends are right, Bruce DOES have a lovely butt.  Too bad Adam's shirt was so long, it would be nice to have a side-by-side comparison.

Frankly, I'll be happy when the band leaves the east coast.  I'm getting a little tired of all the semi-hysterical phone calls.  I'm nowhere near the uber-fan that some of my firends are....sometimes I think their attitude borders on worship, which I find inherently unhealthy.

And Jules - I was thinking.  I like(d) the band first and foremost for the SOUND (drums, bass and guitar) and paid no attention to the lyrics until fairly recently.  Probably another reason I'm not a "Bono girl."

-- Edited by franna at 19:00, 2005-10-18


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Fran I'm a lyrics person, well as much as the music, not just with U2 but all bands/singers.

I'm enjoying all the photos, thanks for that.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1894

i love the banner pix



V Deep

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Nice set of pics from DC:

Rolling Stone magazine cover story/interview (should be in stores in a few days):    (can't get the links to pages 2, 3 or 4 to work)

Tina (or was it Tania) on stage with Bono and the banner:  (I bet she's happy about this pic!  AKA - CALM DOWN JULES!  LOL)

-- Edited by franna at 01:53, 2005-10-21


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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*takes long slow deep breaths* lovely pictures. How much would I want to be that girl?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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yaay hes got the jacket on again!



V Deep

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Download of Bono - Rolling Stone Interview (mp3)


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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my computer took 3 minutes to download that

and saved it as

an Excel file
I thought I could actually listen to something for a change

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Sorry, Jules.  It must be a mac thing.  I can try uploading it to you as a yousendit file if you like, but I don't know if it will make any difference.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That may work. I've been able to get yousendit files before. Thanks.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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OK - I'm listening to it now, will send it later today.  It's an hour interview, so it will still be a long download (and an even longer upload!).


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Well it sounds very interesting. I hope it works after all that hassle

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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AHA!  Here's the original RS link:

There's a bunch of stuff there.  Apparently the "podcast" is the first of a series of four.



V Deep

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drool alert for Bono girls:


V Deep

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Possibly the funniest thing I've EVER seen:


In the Long Grass

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oh wow thats hilarious!i think ill watch it again hehehaha



V Deep

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Big fun at LA1 - 

Oct. 31 was Larry's birthday (the band had the night off).  Nov. 1 was the first Los Angeles show, and several fans in GA had Happy Birthday signs and had apparently somehow communicated to Dallas that they wanted to sing HB to Larry.

Here are some quotes:

Thanks so much to everyone that helped pass out the signs to the GA folks ... and big thanks to Jerry for mentioning our plan to Dallas ... we had a hard time trying to figure out where to sing happy birthday but Bono had our backs ....

When they came back for All Because of you, all four of them were wearing the Larry Mullen Band Tee Shirts!!

At the end...Larry came to the mic took the Bono hat..put it on and said Thank you for coming to my party..and thanked Bono, The Edge and Adam for being the Best Mates...


1. City of Blinding Lights
2. Vertigo - snippet Rock and Roll Nigger (Patti Smith)
3. Elevation - Bono wished Larry Happy Birthday
4. The Electric Co. - snippet Send in the Clowns - The Ocean
5. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - snippet In a Little While
6. Beautiful Day - snippet Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/Here Comes the Sun
7. Miracle Drug - dedicated to LA Hospital
8. Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own - Black Hills snippet
9. Love and Peace or Else.....Larry's surprise coming up!! No song yet...alternate plan is as they leave for the first time
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday
11. Bullet in the Blue Sky- snippet Please/Johnny Comes Marching Home
12. Miss Sarajevo

Human Rights Video

13. Pride (In the Name of Love)
14. Where the Streets Have No Name
15. One --- One campaign CellPhone Alert - snippet Old Man River

16. The First Time
17. Stuck in a Moment
18. With or Without You--Girl on stage

19. Happy Birthday to Larry - Now tonight they are the Larry Mullen Band
20. All Because of You
21. Girl Band onstage (called "Exit") playing Out of Control
22. Fast Cars -- featuring Cowboy Bono
23. Yahweh
24. 40


In the Long Grass

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cool sounds this is more appropriate thread'''where did you get the animation?



V Deep

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A friend sent it to me.


In the Long Grass

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its very cool



V Deep

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Further reports indicate that Larry came out shirtless at one point, making the Larry girls in the crowd quite happy.


V Deep

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Large photo of Bono and Adam in their Larry Mullen band tees:


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LARGE artsy Bono photo:

Aside from the U2 logo at his throat (which I could really do without) I like this a lot.  Does that mean I'm kinky?  LOL


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Nice picture. Wouldn't have minded seeing a shirtless Larry. If you find any pictures... When is your next gig again Fran?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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The 21st of November.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Is that your last? Looking forward to hearing about it. Not long to wait. Where is it?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Not sure whether it will be the last.  We shall see.  Where?  Why, MSG, of course.

Scroll up the thread a bit and look at the dates in the photo.

OOPS - I'm sorry - that photo is on page ONE!  LOL!!!!

See below......

-- Edited by franna at 18:50, 2005-11-04


V Deep

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franna wrote:

Here you go.  Sadly, it will no longer be that warm outside!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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They like MSG, 7 gigs there!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Eight, if you count the one back in May.  (Yes, I was there.)


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Yes I count the one back in May. Did they play so many elsewhere? I know they did a few in Toronto, but 8... Did they even do 8 gigs in total in the UK?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Don't know about the other cities.  I'd guess the other US cities that get LOTS of shows are probably Boston and Chicago  - I'd have to check their tour schedule.  Bear in mind that the US arenas seat roughly 20,000 while the EU stadiums held 80,000.

And Croke only got 3!  Or was it 4 in the end?

BTW - just found out that an old fiancee has relocated to Ireland.  THIS DOES NOT PLEASE ME.  He's just ruined an entire COUNTRY for travelling!  I can see it now...I'm happily walking down O'Connell Street....and THERE HE'LL front of the Post Office (and drinking, of course)!  AAAARRGGGHHHH!!!!!


V Deep

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This is TOO COOL!!!!:


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That is incredible. I would love to have heard them. I can't imagine an all girl band doing U2 tribute. What a dream come true for them! How amazing was that!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Heads up (hmm...does that make any sense in the UK?):

Radio One competition is taking place sunday at 4pm, during the chart show... all expenses paid trip to NYC to see U2!  (I think it's a phone-in thing). 


There is supposedly a cd:uk comp too, to fly to boston to see U2.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That's a tip off in the UK I entered a comp to win tix to see U2 in Vegas tonight. Obviously I had no luck there I'll try to remember to listen to R1, so I have to listen to the charts and R1! Great! I'd be worth it though.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

House on Fire

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thanks Fran, I'll look out for them

btw Fran, I can't see your animation, what and where is it?

-- Edited by Rita at 15:12, 2005-11-05


In the Long Grass

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yeah i think they gave out some info about he cd uk comp today.iv definitely seen that comp somewhere today



V Deep

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Rita wrote:

thanks Fran, I'll look out for them btw Fran, I can't see your animation, what and where is it?-- Edited by Rita at 15:12, 2005-11-05

There's a little animated Edge wearing a Yankees shirt, playing guitar, and stomping his foot (of course) in between the animated gif sexy Edge and the acoustic Stuck In A Moment Edge. 

This must be Edge month.   Oh, right - it's Thanksgiving soon.  It all makes sense.....


House on Fire

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Thanks Fran, I've got it now.  I had to change my User details to see signatures.  Looks like I've missed lots of other ones.

Just listened to the interview tih the girl from Exit.  What a great experience for her band.


House on Fire

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I tried and failed to win the Radio 1 competition so it looks like I won't be coming to MSG!!


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Can you believe I forgot until too late? What did you have to do?

This thread keeps crashing my computer, it's way too big. I have to hit the reply button so I don't scroll down to see the latest post!!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Very sorry to hear that, Rita - and Jules.  Maybe we should start a new thread - U2 Part II.

Last night's Vegas show was great - up till almost 6am running the chat feed.  We has a virtual afterparty (with Karaoke), and then a feed from the Vegas afterparty including commentary from the waitress.  I love technology.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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And you're still awake. Surely we can't have 2 U2 threads running, that would be a bit much

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

House on Fire

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you had to answer 3 questions on air, 2 easy ones, 1 not so easy.  The difficult bit was getting through



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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How many million people were trying to get through at one time? Impossible I'd say!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I've had too much time on my hands this morning.

US (20,000 seat arenas):

Yes, New York (MSG) had 8 shows, the the highest amount of U2 gigs this tour.  If you include the 2 shows in the New Jersey suburbs, that brings the NYC area total to 10.

Runner ups:

Boston: 7

Chicago:  6

Los Angeles:  4, but if you count the 2 shows in the LA suburbs (Anaheim), total of 6


UK (80,000 seat stadiums) - total of 6 shows.  Manchester 2, Twickenham 2, Glasgow 1, Cardiff 1. 


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Just when I thought I couldn't stand them any more.......The Edge appeared.....

Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE THE EDGE????????

Again, tomorrow.  Well, today - as it's 5am.


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OK, let's see.....

Patti Smith was doing Rock n Roll Nigger and suddenly I heard the bassline from Vertigo, and thought "No, she's NOT!!!"  And then she did.

Patti ROCKS.  How cool is it to be a 60 year old woman who does what she does????  PATTIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The confetti drop during the COBL opening has gotten much smaller.  Now it only covers the inside of the ellipse.  What's up with that?  The confetti budget got out of control?  I WANT MY GA RAIL CONFETTI!!!

Had to work yesterday, so was unable to stand in line all day.  Everyone else I knew with GAs got into the bomb shelter, and were feet away from the main stage.  I cannot tell you what a sickening feeling that was.  I ended up at the tip of the ellipse, depending on the part of the show, anywhere from 3 to 5 people from the rail, and none of my friends were around.  Worse, the people around me seemed like they only knew the hits and spent half the time standing there taking photos, sending text messages and just standing still.  AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!  They didn't deserve to be standing where they were standing.  There was NO energy where I was, except when one of the band passed directly in front of us on the ramp, and on the other side of that ramp, the Bomb Shelter was going close but yet so far....

And someone in front of me kept farting!

In U2's version of Vertigo (which I am finally starting to like, but I think it's mostly because of the bassline) Bono did snippets of Rockaway Beach (short) and Patti's Rock n Roll Nigger (extended).

Of course, there was Bad with a People Have the Power (Patti's song) snippet, but it ended the show,  No 40.  That ending doesn't work for me.  In a perfect world, tonight would be Bad/People Have the Power/Angel of Harlem/Yahweh/40.....a girl can dream.

Other Highlights (not part of the every single goddamned night set list): I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, I Will Follow, Until The End Of The World, Mysterious Ways  (Though I prefer the Zoo Station/The Fly set, this was still a nice change)  ... a long snippet of Sgt Pepper somewhere, I'll check where....U2 invited Patti onstage and they did a cover of "Instant Karma" together, which, while I generally don't like U2 doing covers, there was something about this which was pure magic.  Probably Patti and the vibe between them, it may not translate to a recording.

Happy that Miracle Drug is gone, but not happy that it was replaced by Original Of The Species, and I really don't like the graphic they're using for it on the lightscreens. 

Personal highlights:  Finally at the tip of the ellipse, I got to watch Larry drum up close on LPOE.  Had a moment of Larry lust.  And I finally understand how they're working the Bono drumming bit, yes, he's drumming, but the mic is turned off and what you hear is Larry - until the very very very end, when the mic is turned up and you get Bono for the last few smacks.

Directly in front of Bono for "the" note in SYCMIOYO.  Cool.  Way cool.  Uh-huh.  Wish I'd had a camera, but then I'd have been in working mode and not enjoying the moment. I very rarely pay attention to Bono during the show, so this was an especially good moment.

Got the acoustic encore, First Time and Stuck In A Moment (dedicated to Hutchence, as usual).  Edge, slowly walking the ramp, playing that really beautiful acoustic guitar....sigh....First Time....  But then......the mic for Edge's falsetto in Stuck is set up right in front of me, and he's got his eyes closed.....and one of my minor life fantasies is coming true, I am finally close enough to The Edge to watch him sing with his eyes closed....and I am melting.  Everyone around me is screaming for Bono, who is about 3 feet to my right....but I am utterly transfixed by The Edge.  That man kills me.  Another set of moments where I wish I'd had a camera.....  I ALMOST humiliated myself by screaming Edge I Love You from a distance where he would have clearly heard it, but I kept the urge under control. 

(I'l trying to limit my moments of humiliation to Adam.  I'm still fine with saying stupid things to him whenever possible.)  Oh, and did I mention that Adam was way too sexy for his own good last night?


1. City of Blinding Lights
2. Vertigo
3. Elevation
4. I Will Follow
5. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
6. Beautiful Day + Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band snippet + Blackbird snippet
7. Original of the Species
8. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own + Torna A Sorrento snippet
9. Love and Peace Or Else
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday + Rock the Casbah snippet
11. Bullet the Blue Sky + Johnny Comes Marching Home snippet + Hands That Built America snippet
12. Miss Sarajevo

Declaration of Human Rights

13. Pride (In the Name of Love)
14. Where the Streets Have No Name
15. One + Old Man River snippet

16. Until the End of the World
17. Mysterious Ways
18. With or Without You

19. The First Time
20. Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of
21. Instant Karma
22. Bad + People Got the Power snippet



House on Fire

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so you had a good time then Fran, lol


V Deep

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Just another satisfied customer.  I swear though, if McGuinness insists on getting every last dime out of my pocket, it would be nice if he instituted a frequent buyer awards I'd get to be in the damned ellipse at least ONCE per tour!!!!!!

Off for another night of pogoing.  My friend's husband, still a virgin, will be attending.  Report to follow. 

Oh, if you happen to be awake in the middle of the night, there's a broadcast.


House on Fire

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I'm very jealous Fran.  I've been listening to Twickenham on my MP3 player and remembering how much warmer it was in June than it is now!  They were two fantastic nights.


V Deep

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OK, last night was a fiasco.  NOT THE WAY I WANTED TO END MY TOUR SEASON.

The easier-to-deal-with complaint:  The set list was almost EXACTLY the same as the previous night.  I Will Follow was switched out for Electric Co, and the Old Man River snippet was switched out for an MLK snippet.  Otherwise, it was more Deja Vu than I wanted to deal with.  Yes, I know the set lists don't vary all that much, but that's why the differences are all the more important to me.

And the show was shorter by two songs.

DEBACLE:  The band invites Patti back for another go at Instant Karma, I guess they felt it worked well on night one.  On night two, it didn't work so well.

FACTS:  Somewhere in Instant Karma, if I remember correctly, Bono tried to get the crowd to take over the singing, and it just didn't work that well.  Bono led Patti off the stage, it seemed like the rest of the band was a bit confused at what was going on, and they left the stage as well.  The audience couldn't figure out what the hell was going on.  The band came back, with Patti, and basically did a repeat.  Instant Karma, try to get the audience, going, Bono leaves with Patti, the band looks confused, leaves.  Darkness.  House lights.  No ABOY, no First Time, no Bad, no Yahweh, no 40.  Edited to add:  I saw a printed setlist, and it definitely included Yahweh and 40 as the closer, can't remember if Bad was there as well.

THEORIES, RUMORS, FANTASIES AND CONJECTURES:  Rumor has it that Patti was entirely too f*cked up and out of control.  I did notice that during her opening set, she fell over a monitor and landed on her butt, but at the time I didn't think about drunkenness or stoned-ness - I just figured she was dancing and jumping around all over the place and tripped.

Apparently she was also spitting heavily, and has a reputation for doing so.  I wasn't close enough to notice, and as long as I wasn't hit with her bodily fluids, I don't know that I'd have cared.

Now.....rumor also has it that she was too out of it during Instant Karma, which was why Bono led her off stage.  When the band came back, they weren't expecting her to accompany them.  She did, and they didn't know what else to do, so they started Instant Karma again.  Yet another rumor has it that Larry gave the signal to get her off stage, and she then spit at Larry, which caused Bono to become enraged and storm offstage.

All in all, it was a horrible way to end 10 NYC area shows.  Everyone there who had never seen the band before thought the show was fabulous.  Everyone who had something to compare it to was somewhere between livid, mortified, and utterly depressed.  I'm sad for the fans, sad for U2 and Patti (who, if any of this is true probably aren't feeling very charitable towards each other today), and sad for myself because it wasn't the memory I wanted to wrap things up with.

Luckily, I have boots from 10/7 and 10/10 and have been listening to selected highlights from each.  THAT'S the way an MSG show is supposed to be.  I'll be happy when an 11/21 boot surfaces, and the 11/22 boot, maybe it will go down as a collector's item for an unpleasant moment in rock history...

If I had the cash, I'd go to Boston next week.  Or Mexico in a few months.  But I think I'm just gonna have to hang on till the next tour.

As they say about Iraq, "Embrace The Suck."

-- Edited by franna at 02:22, 2005-11-24


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Fran, I read someone else's review of this on another site. She said that Bono was upset and walked off stage with Patti Smith, because of her behaviour. This person may have been closer to the stage that you, perhaps, and was able to see the expressions on his face.

Patti Smith joined REM for a duet at Hyde Park this Summer. It was all rather perculiar, I couldn't really see much but suddenly they stopped singing. She didn't appear to know the lyrics of the song. I could just about see the screen and Michael Stipe had his arm around her and was talking to her, as the band played on. She didn't appear to know what was going on, and sometime later they started to sing. It was all very odd.

My guess is Bono took her off stage for a word about her behaviour, she promised to behave, they returned. She didn't and he took her off stage again?? I don't suppose he wished to continue after that, probably put him off and he felt bad about it??

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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This was just posted by one of the mods on the official site:

Just to clear up all the confusion and some stupifying stories / rumours / accusations and lies from the 2nd NYC show.

Patti Smith did not spit at Larry in any shape or form.

She was not drunk or on any drugs , she is neither an alcoholic or a drug addict.

The set ended because that's how the band decided to end it, now I personally don't know why they chose to do it that way but they did and at the end of the day it's down to them to decide how a show goes, when it stars and when it ends.

It had nothing to do with Patti Smith who is a friend of the band and their management and continues to be a respected peer and influence to U2 themselves.

Anyone saying otherwise is severely misinformed and up to nothing but mischief making.

So let this be the end of all the negative speculation / gossip and slander.

Any posts that are found to contain disparaging ,libellous references to Miss Smith will be removed and those responsible dealt with internally.

Let's move on

So, we'll never know what happened.  Other theories involve MSG putting an early curfew in place due to a college basketball game the following day, which would explain why the show was suddenly moved up 30 mins, from an 8pm start to 7:30 (causing a lot of confusion) and I've heard that the Garden was about to begin charging 10K per minute the band ran over...I've also heard that the band had to leave IMMEDIATELY for the airport to get back to Ireland for some reason (but I think I've also heard that Edge's car was seen leaving the venue about 30-45 mins after the show ended)....  Yep, I'll probably NEVER know what happened. 

I do know one thing, that ending sucked and pretty much ruined the whole evening for me.

I'll probably never be able to listen to Instant Karma again.

-- Edited by franna at 18:57, 2005-11-25


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That is odd. You are the second person I have seen say exactly the same thing about that concert.

After the REM gig at Hyde Park all the official reviews were saying how wonderful Patti Smith was in her duet with Michael Stipe. It wasn't, it was awful. I know I was there. Whatever she was on or wasn't on, she was clearly out of it, didn't have a clue what was going on and did not know the lyrics to the song they were doing.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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House on Fire

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Posts: 148

I've read a few reports of it as well.  Certainly seems like a strange ending but doesn't look like you will hear any more from anyone official.

btw Fran, I don't really know who Patti Smith is.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6290

She's been around since the 70's, kind of punky. did she do 'Because the Night'?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)
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