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in ratssongs or in general? hrm...well, yeah...always been a fool for a good guitar....
oh, and saxophone..bass..cello...electric violion..come to think of it I like all instruments I've heard so far! when someone who knows what they're doing is playing anyway
so who's your favorite guitarplayer then? gerry cott? my favorites are classic I suppose, but I really love Dave Gilmour, he's got the most expressive guitar I've heard so far...other than him I like Frank Zappa, Johnny Winter, Jorma Kaukonen (from jefferson airplane and hot tuna if I'm not misstaken)...but there are a few more...
I love all musical instruments, what can be made from them by those who can is incredible. I only wish I could play something properly!
I managd to play Yesterday on the glochenspiel when I was at school, it was so exciting to actually produce something. I managed to play Jingle Bells on the keyboard and the mexican hat dance, for someone who can't read music and has no talent whatsoever it was a huge achievement
Well done Jules! when I visit my grandparents, I often did play on their keybord. I have learned myself to play, The wind in the willowtree (I think it's called that) and the keybord play in Aha's song, Take on me! But I haven't played for a long time, so I don't now if I still can.
Stupidly I sold my keyboard to pay off some debts, I regret it now! I'd like to learn how to play a Rats tune, it may be rather ambitious for simple musical (lack of) talent.
I'm partial to the trombone, since I used to play it in my elementary/middle/high school era, for nine years. I still have it but haven't pulled it out in about 5 years now. I like it a lot, it's such a unique instrument.
As far as what I like hearing in music, I love the piano and violin. The guitar can sometimes be very beautiful, depending on who's playing it.
yeah, guess we are all a bit partial to instruments we played in school so you played the trombone? hmm..that's very groovy I must say...I played flute for a couple of years myself..
cello yes...I've started likeing it more and more, since I heard Je Crois Entendre Encore, from Bizets the Pearlfisher...beautiful...actually I haven't heard the whole opera, but I do intend to listen to it...I heard it on the David Gilmour in concert dvd..( great stuff by the way..)
So.. I'm still at I'm definatley partial to the instruments i play.. so.. I play Piano, Keyboard.. and I used to play violin when I was a bit younger.. but now it's just the piano and keyboard.. I'm pretty good at it.. but i also like the guitar.. just haven't got the hang of it
I went to guitar lessons in 1/2 - 1 year It was fun, but it was the schools guitar, and I never bought one myself
I also like to listen to the obo (it's called that in danish, don't know if its the same in english) and yes, the violin is also beautiful. I guess every instrument has its own beautiful sound, depending on who's playing it, and in what connection it's in