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Post Info TOPIC: What do you Think about what David Icke is saying?

Rat Trap

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What do you Think about what David Icke is saying?

Hi out there in this great space.

I was just wondering, if any of you had heard a David Icke speak?
Then I was wondering what you thought about what he is saying?

For my own part, Well I am a student of symbolic/astrology/ancient history/arkitekt drawer.
I must say, with my mouth open I just thought "that was about freaking time".
Since I study some lines he is speaking about, I must admit he it totally correct, even thinking about the evil magic (this has been in our gorv. since the last ptolemys died, slowly romas incoreperatet with jews has been making a system based on, what they kille with) The best eksampel for this is the speach of socrates (platons teacher around 491BC). If one clearly understands this speach, one can only come to understand what our systems today is based on.. Since I am an astrologer (and NOT working for others than the love in my heart) I have come to find, that the ancient astrologycial texts, are the most destroyed part. And Yet we practice it so much, based on Ptolemys understanding of the ancients astrology.
(right now I am working on a book about this). Off couse he does not get everything corret;
No Horus does not mean the Sun or the sun of God, I don't know where he got this from. But Horus is the child of Osiris and Isis, one would choose to call the gods of the Underworld.
So Horus is Son, of the underworld gods. In some texts, it has been mentioned that there is a Horus of the Sun, But again here people misunderstand the complexity of ancient belifs.l
Horus as the Son of the Sun, really means; Ra which Is the Sun and the Day, also has history behind him. Ra blended HimSelf with Horus in later times, to show his worrier attitude, and help against Evil. Man I could go on - Again sorry for writing so damm much, when It is about things I love I just sink Deep into things.


May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.


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The bookstore in which I work has one of his many books, the one called "Tales from the Time Loop", which a customer ordered from us but failed to appear to purchase it from us, so we put it into our "New Age" section. The author writes books about conspiracies and should be taken with, as the expression goes, "A Grain of Salt". Our customer previously ordered and purchased his book called "Reptilian Agenda". It is good to read  so many literatures with different approaches, such as the idea of Atlantis, but keep a bit of skepticism, do not believe everything. Myself, I have not heard him speak but have read the 2 books. They are interesting but I do not take them totally seriously. He seems to think we humans are fighting an unseen evil group, and I don't believe this philosophy. But it is good to see all approaches to life's questions and to keep learning.


V Deep

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WindBlower wrote:

thinking about the evil magic (this has been in our gorv. since the last ptolemys died, slowly romas incoreperatet with jews has been making a system based on, what they kille with)

I have no idea who David Icke is, and no idea what you're talking about.  But you seem to be suggesting that the jews (or the romans and jews) (or "our" government) are killing people with something, and I'd like to know what that is.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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According to David Icke the Royal Family (UK) are really reptiles wanting to take over the world... and there are others he described in this way.

He is a very odd character with some bizarre ideas.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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What?  Princes Charles, William and Harry are....REPTILES?   Cue Paula Abdul:  "You're a cold-hearted sssssssnake...." LOL


Rat Trap

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hmm... okay just asking


May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Sorry, no offense meant. You got us talking we need that around here.

Have a look here, Fran.

-- Edited by Jules at 20:39, 2005-08-13

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Rat Trap

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Posts: 33

Franna, I don't think that HE thinks that. But there seems to be some people in the world that belives they are greater that other people. This is what I hear him saying, and I agree on that part.
(But again I am also pretty strange, or saying it with other words, being outside the 'Norm' )
If I read what you all are saying correct, then we are hearing him saying to different things. But I would probably think that one should be styding symbolisme and ancient history.
I know he is Right in a lot he is saying. But here i am NOT refering to Aliens and such things. But the mentality og our behavour today. How the information especially here in denmark is so much edited that they don't even say anything. The pictures they show today, are the 'Pretty' ones I would say. Can any of you see Fox News?? You can't tell me that this is neatural tv station?? They ador Bush, not even questiong anything at all, except when other critisise Bush.. Here in Denmark, most of us can only see CNN and BBC, which is also pretty much also re-edited and what they 'DOn't Ask people' -wow! and how about right now in Gaza(Giza)?
Only hearing reports from one side. Well I guess we all think different... or just some.....
But I do not belives that Davis I. belives they are aliens, but I think he is trying to explain how they see themselves as worth more than you and me. - But there are Not!


May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

Rat Trap

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Dear Jules

I am not offended, just listening to your views and then my self thinking

May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Here's another link and a bit of background as to who he is.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Well, I've never heard of David Icke before reading this thread, and I can't say that I follow the Royal Family's activities all that closely.  I mean, when Charles married Diana it pretty much dashed my childhood dreams of growing up to be the Queen of if it's not gonna be ME, well, I don't care quite as much.  Although I do admit to finding the Queen's annual speech highly entertaining, primarily for the costumes and general throwback to the middle-ages-ness.

Of course there are people in the world who think they're better than other people.  One needn't look far to find that, or engage in complicated theorizing.

"If I read what you all are saying correct, then we are hearing him saying to different things." - I haven't said anything about what he's saying.  I've asked a question - because I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE'S SAYING.  You haven't made his ideas clear to me at all.  I have no idea what you were trying to say in your original post, still don't.

I do get Fox News, and it's awful.   CNN is better, but not all THAT much.  The only reasonable international news broadcast I've ever seen is the BBC's.  

But - what does Fox News/Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox News) have to do with a conspiracy theory involving the UK Royal Family (and possibly reptiles)?  Or David Ickes?  Or anything else, for that matter, besides money?

Edited to add:  OK I will now read the links, Jules.

-- Edited by franna at 20:57, 2005-08-13


V Deep

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OK - the metro article led me to think that he was a slightly eccentric blowhard, but generally harmless - and his main points seemed both fairly reasonable and unremarkable.  (Doesn't everyone know that media is a tool of indoctrination?  Duh.)

The other article, the one you posted first....I only got through the first few paragraphs.  If that stuff is true, Ickes is dangerous.  Basing "journalism" on the alleged truth of stories told by psychotics?  Or those who would knowingly and deliberately misinform?  I'll pass.

in any event, as I don't live in the UK, I suppose I don't have to worry about stumbling across his stuff too frequently.  You can keep him. 


Rat Trap

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Dear Franna

I am sorry that I can't make another persons opnion clear for other people. AND READ the THREAD CORRECT i just aske what you think, you should then have said, Don't know!

And I, personally am Not talking about the words 'conspiracy theory' This is another persons view. I just asked you, which I now see, that I should NOT have done!
By the way if you have a bad day, then please don't in your words let it of at ano els, thank you (and if this isent why you are Screaming at me, Then I really don't know what the f*** happens in your mind) Thanks for..


May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

Rat Trap

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Posts: 33

What the hell is happening to peoples way of being so damm aggreasive in their speach...

May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

V Deep

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WindBlower wrote:

Dear Franna I am sorry that I can't make another persons opnion clear for other people. AND READ the THREAD CORRECT i just aske what you think, you should then have said, Don't know! And I, personally am Not talking about the words 'conspiracy theory' This is another persons view. I just asked you, which I now see, that I should NOT have done!By the way if you have a bad day, then please don't in your words let it of at ano els, thank you (and if this isent why you are Screaming at me, Then I really don't know what the f*** happens in your mind) Thanks for.. WB

I did say I didn't know.  And I am not, and have not, screamed at you - with the possible exception of writing "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE'S SAYING" in caps (which, as it happens, is evidence to support my first sentence here).

True, Jules used the words "conspiracy theory."  I was responding to the thread (both of you) at that point, not necessarily to you alone.  In any event, there was no hostility directed at you.  I may felt some frustration with you, as your written English is very poor and therefore you're extremely hard to understand.  I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and for hurting your feelings.

Still, you brought up the work of someone you must know is controversial.  Ickes is the person I criticized (not you), and if you read the metro article, he couldn't care less what I think.  Oh yes, I also criticized Fox News and Rupert Murdoch.  I'm sure they only care to the extent they lose money as a result of my non-viewership.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Seems to be a breakdown in communication somewhere here.

WB if you want to put up a good topic for discussion and ask people their opinions be prepared for a debate (a friendly one). We don't all agree with each other all the time and it would be extremely boring if we did. If we do contradict what you say it would be interesting to know the reasoning behind your opinion.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Rat Trap

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Dear Jules

I am prepared, but hard if people haven’t read the topic that I am talking about. And as I said, David I. talks about symbolism and how it has been around for thousands of years, and still is today, when looking deeper into this symbolism topic, one come to find that there could be something about it. And then I've heard him speak about cluster Bombs and their affect, which is Not what we are shown in TV. I think we view this topic different, because of our different knowledge.

Dear Franna

I don't know if you ever Read anything that I've posted, But I should have mentioned that spelling in English is a fault of mine. But My spelling should Not affect the basic of you knowledge portrayed against me. By the way please do not try to say that you are sorry, when in fact you are not! This I can conclude by you already in this post, are complaining about my spelling affecting you knowledge and understanding about this topic.
And I know people have different opinions and that they off cause have the right to express their thoughts about anything. But they could At least try to understand the overall topics. Which in this case, would be symbolism and history. And the last two you can criticise as much as likable, but some things are facts.
I did Not start this thread to Just hear unconstructive criticism about a Personal Being. I just wanted to see If… well Nothing..

Please let me not post a thread here again, unless about music or Bob geldof (and his personal behaviour. But watching him, I just thought, well Nothing.. seems like stupid thoughts now. You just confirmed something for me which seems pretty damm sad) And I am so so sorry if I offend you – Just speaking My mind!


May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

Rat Trap

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Dear Jules

I agree with that we don't all agree. But How is this relevent, if you don't even know what I am speaking about? (that I do not understand?) 
And still, he is not Just speaking about your lovely topic Aliens..
But like I said never mind..
Have some great nights out there in space.

May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

V Deep

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Dear WindBlower,

Welcome to the world of internet message boards, where just about everything is a series of rebuttals.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Perhaps you could find a link that would give us some information on this? That might be helpful.

However, I have to say I find it hard to take this man seriously with his reptilian views

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Rat Trap

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As I've said

Now I know what you two mean. Don't think I will go into this any further whit you two, Sorry but you have already made up your minds (with the Smallest information basket that I've ever seen) But HEY, thats my way.

I think you two should just move on, no need for any further information that you view his knowlegde through one sentance- And by the way Franna, Sorry  if you can't understand this msg because of my bad spelling (LOL) 
So aDios, And if the world where depending on you two, then we would suck (like we do) at information gathering. Jules : I did not start this thread to Informe you, I thought you did that your self. so if you only can read Different opinions about him, through One webpage, then okay. But I have to get back to writing my thing.

have a great life you two, I mean this no matter what you mean!

May dark flowers fall from the heavens, tonight, May we ALL shine our Bright light.

Banana Republic

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David Icke used to be a footballer (UK) and a sports presenter in the UK. About 20 odd years ago he said that he was the second Messiah and he was deadly serious. He was basically laughed out of the UK and is now doing god knows what in the USA.

He has his own website, and it is "very amusing" reading.

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