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Post Info TOPIC: I'm gonna see Boomtown Rats live soon!!!!!!!!!!!

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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I'm gonna see Boomtown Rats live soon!!!!!!!!!!!

Just had to say something.....

So what are they like live then?

Do people dance at their gigs?

What do the girls wear?

Does anyone get out of order? biggrin

How do people dance at their gigs?

Do tell smile

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Elephant's Graveyard

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There great live

Not that i've seen

Clothes mainlywink

Only if someone has a pop at Gary for his lovely shirts



The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Is that the surrey gig - I'm going too and one or two others.  We should have a fan meet.  Plannng to get there in the afternoon so if anyone wants to meet then let me know.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Bit of info for anyone coming to Surrey gig - the football club bar doesn't open till 5pm but if arriving early and meeting up there's a pub on roundabout in middle of Whyteleafe called Whyteleafe Tavern. It's on main A22 or, as you leave Whyteleafe station, 100 yards north of level crossing. Various food outlets in Whyteleafe, or basket meals at the club later.


Back To Boomtown

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JoanOfArc wrote:

So what are they like live then?


Do people dance at their gigs?

Yes, all down the front.

What do the girls wear?

Short skirts, skimpy tops and high heels.  Little else.

Does anyone get out of order? biggrin

Nah, too scared that Simon or Garry will sort them out.

How do people dance at their gigs?

Get down on the floor, dancing on all fours, sniffling their nostrils, scratching with their paws...   that sort of thing


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Posts: 2821

JoanOfArc wrote:

Just had to say something.....

So what are they like live then?

Do people dance at their gigs?

What do the girls wear?

Does anyone get out of order? biggrin

How do people dance at their gigs?

Do tell smile

You can try dancing like Upsy Daisy in In The Night Garden



The Fine Art of Surfacing

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ArrGee wrote:

JoanOfArc wrote:

So what are they like live then?


Do people dance at their gigs?

Yes, all down the front.

What do the girls wear?

Short skirts, skimpy tops and high heels.  Little else.

Does anyone get out of order? biggrin

Nah, too scared that Simon or Garry will sort them out.

How do people dance at their gigs?

Get down on the floor, dancing on all fours, sniffling their nostrils, scratching with their paws...   that sort of thing

Haha short skirts and skimpy tops eh? LOL - are you sure about that or is that just in your dreams Arrgee?

Anyway - I hope the blokes make an effort too.....hmmm howabout skimpy tops and skin tight very low hung hipster jeans for the men! hehe

 I was wondering what to wear thats boomtown ratsish and came up with the idea of jeans and a sweatshirt with 'I love myself' written on it in glittery red lol don't know why I came up with that idea perhaps cos I bought it from Brixton market in the summer for a fiver and as I haven't worn it yet thought I'd get my money's worth - no point in having it folded away in my wardrobe not going anywhere is there??!!!! 
OR perhaps cos I thought the red and glitter looked a bit punk, oh yes, a bit punk rock methinks.

See y'all there or be square!  <<<<<<I'm obviously going back to a time when it was cool to say that - must be a bit of nostalgia setting in as I reminisce back to the days when boomtown rats were no.1 when I used to tape the top 20 chart music on a sunday night then play it all through the week whilst gettign ready for school and of course I used to read Smash Hits so I could sing along to my favourites.


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

In the Long Grass

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Don't worry Joan I'm sure the majority of blokes (myself included) will be in skin tight gear, only problem being it wasn't designed to be.


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Haha Suss, you have that problem then of being in denial when you should admit to yourself that you have in fact gone up too sizes in clothing haha, god it was with reluctance I finally admitted to myself that it wasn't the shops getting the sizes wrong and that it was in fact my body mass that had changed LOL

But hey we'll be the cuddly gang hehe

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1901

I did wonder what the club manager meant when he said capacity 150 for kids and twenty-somethings, but 120 if they're all your age.


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Jules.  We will probably be arriving a bit too late to meet up beforehand but I hope I see you there! wink

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6290

Yes, hope to catch up with you at some pointsmile

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Back To Boomtown

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JoanOfArc wrote:
Haha short skirts and skimpy tops eh? LOL - are you sure about that or is that just in your dreams Arrgee?

You may say I am, but I'm not the only one....


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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next you'll be asking me to join you in dreaming abou tthese scantily clad women argee (roars with laughter)

ah dear, i'm sooo funny ! ;0)

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^


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How about everybody turning up in Bob Geldof t - shirts.


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

HAHA weird lol

i wanna look a bit punk but aint got nuffin punk, dilemma, what do i do??

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^


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So far we have:


Anyone else?



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BTR wrote:

So far we have:


Anyone else?

Sorry I won't be attending. Suss is the organiser and he says the venue fits 120 (thinnish!) people so hopefully it will be full one way or another. It is a Friday night at a football club bar I understand and the tradition is that people go out on Friday night for the purpose of having a good time.

I suppose also it's about relative proximity to the venue and not having any other commitments on the night.



In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1901

Is this the same Noel who posted about his obsession?? Only joking, appreciate it's a pricey cab journey back to Dublin at that time of night.

Happy to report about 135 tickets taken up so hope they're not actually counting people in. Any last minute takers please PM me.

As mentioned in earlier reply, the club itself prob won't open bar before 5pm (will write again if he can be persuaded) so Whyteleafe Tavern (on roundabout in middle of town/village) is best alternative. It's walking distance from WFC if anyone needs to leave the car. Not sure where I'll be at what time just yet but will update when I know.

Looking forward to meeting and swapping stories.



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suss wrote:

Is this the same Noel who posted about his obsession?? Only joking, appreciate it's a pricey cab journey back to Dublin at that time of night.

Happy to report about 135 tickets taken up so hope they're not actually counting people in. Any last minute takers please PM me.

As mentioned in earlier reply, the club itself prob won't open bar before 5pm (will write again if he can be persuaded) so Whyteleafe Tavern (on roundabout in middle of town/village) is best alternative. It's walking distance from WFC if anyone needs to leave the car. Not sure where I'll be at what time just yet but will update when I know.

Looking forward to meeting and swapping stories.

I'M sure there has been many a drunken Irishman looking for the cabbie to take him back to Dublin from London over the years only to wake up in Holyhead or Pembroke with the drink wearing off!

I suppose people could do a dry run if they use Google Maps ap Streetview.You just drag the little orange man (as opposed to republican!) to the appropriate place on the map and you can see the said village and tavern so you'll have an idea of the place you're going to. O  I forgot it will be nighttime! Anyway streetview is very interesting so it may be of help.

Good to see you've got 135 takers so far.


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1901

suss wrote:

As mentioned in earlier reply, the club itself prob won't open bar before 5pm (will write again if he can be persuaded).....

Confirm club (and bar!) will be open from 5pm so for anyone arriving early please do head straight there. Look forward to seeing you....snow permitting.



The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

Back To Boomtown

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Posts: 7230

suss wrote:

As mentioned in earlier reply, the club itself prob won't open bar before 5pm (will write again if he can be persuaded).....

Confirm club (and bar!) will be open from 5pm so for anyone arriving early please do head straight there. Look forward to seeing you....snow permitting.

Won't be there for 5pm, but will get the skis out and be there about 8pm.

BTW I assume band will come on around 9pm ish.



 What is this bloke talking about? 

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

Excellent stuff Suss!! you're the man! or woman as the case may be LOL

For some reason I am under the impression that you are in fact male but i cant remember what the reason was.

anyway i'm really looking forward to this gig and to meeting you folks too, so hope you all gonna be sociable and say hi back (tut where are the emoticons when you need one!)

btw I have decided what to wear - actually no i haven't i can't decided what to wear still, trying to think what i was wearing when the band were in the charts.......hmmm apart from school uniform obviously - it would have been jeans most definitely, not much changed there then, now what was 'in' in those days? someone help me out - what sorta style clothes were we all wearing then?

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1901

Never really thought about it before but there was no Rats look as such was there, unless you turned up to gigs in pyjamas. There's a thought Joan...

My memory of the time was that everyone was fairly distinct and tribal, a few 'punks' (or at least spiky hair, leather jacket and something dayglo), a few two-tone/rude boys (&girls) with the flight jackets or crombies, Fred Perrys and tonics, a few mods with the thin ties they knocked out in markets and the Smash Hits small ads, and a few heavy metal with excessive denim (and hair) and numerous band patches. About the only thing that crossed most divides were DMs. Would venture that most Rats fans were in the first bracket, but happy to be shot down.

Kids today eh? All look like something off Streetdance (I'm sure there are some subtle variations but lost on me), and no one will ever convince me that walking round like you forgot to pull your jeans up when you left the lav is a good look...although that might be another one to consider Joan??

p.s. As you may have now gathered I'm in Grumpy Old Men brigade, not women.
p.p.s. To return to topic/question, you could come as Mary or Diamond? If not, can't really go wrong with jeans and t-shirt.


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

jeans and sweatshirt it may well be.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^


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Isn't Surrey the heart of the stockbrocker belt? But I'm sure there are enough renegades lurking there too. Isn't Hersham in Surrey - "they call us the ****ney cowboys...." so they can't all be too proper.

Joan can come as Joan of Arc so that she will be immediately recognisable. So if you see a lady dressed in a suit of armour and carrying a sword and speaking French you'll know who she is.


In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1901

All true Noel, although stockbroker belt and Hersham is more NW Surrey. That said, there's an area near me in NE Surrey (Woldingham) which is renowned for having biggest number of millionaires per square mile in UK (or something like that).

Croydon has its fair share of "renegades" it's prob fair to say, and we can lay claim to the Damned and Jamie Reid. Don't forget The Stranglers and Jam both very much associated with Surrey (as opposed to London) as well.

Like you say, every area will have its rebellious characters. Wasn't (isn't) Bob's school seen as a bit upmarket round your part of the world? 

How far off topic are we now?!?



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legendary punk Vic Goddard recorded an album entitled End Of The Surrey People. Haven't heard it but VG did some impressive music in the late seventies, the song Ambition being one of the best examples. Not sure if he has a gripe against Surrey or not- I'll have to get my hands of that cd.

Re Off Topic- I've never come across a moderator who steers the conversation in any particular direction. Once people are not abusive then anything goes- its the same with most fora (yes I had to check the plural of that word )

So get it off your chest - its cheaper than going to a psychiatrist!


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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noelindublin wrote:

Isn't Surrey the heart of the stockbrocker belt? But I'm sure there are enough renegades lurking there too. Isn't Hersham in Surrey - "they call us the ****ney cowboys...." so they can't all be too proper.

Joan can come as Joan of Arc so that she will be immediately recognisable. So if you see a lady dressed in a suit of armour and carrying a sword and speaking French you'll know who she is.

What a fabulous idea!

Hmmm might be bit difficult to dance though in all that armour but will be good in case any fights break out.


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

Back To Boomtown

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suss wrote:

Never really thought about it before but there was no Rats look as such was there, unless you turned up to gigs in pyjamas. There's a thought Joan...

My memory of the time was that everyone was fairly distinct and tribal, a few 'punks' (or at least spiky hair, leather jacket and something dayglo), a few two-tone/rude boys (&girls) with the flight jackets or crombies, Fred Perrys and tonics, a few mods with the thin ties they knocked out in markets and the Smash Hits small ads, and a few heavy metal with excessive denim (and hair) and numerous band patches. About the only thing that crossed most divides were DMs. Would venture that most Rats fans were in the first bracket, but happy to be shot down.

Kids today eh? All look like something off Streetdance (I'm sure there are some subtle variations but lost on me), and no one will ever convince me that walking round like you forgot to pull your jeans up when you left the lav is a good look...although that might be another one to consider Joan??

p.s. As you may have now gathered I'm in Grumpy Old Men brigade, not women.
p.p.s. To return to topic/question, you could come as Mary or Diamond? If not, can't really go wrong with jeans and t-shirt.

Back in the day (1978 - 1981) I had a fake sheepskin coat that I used to wear to gigs.  Fcuk knows why!  I thought it was cool....  I also had mirror sunglasses (that is more obvious I guess).

Last time I saw the Rats it was summer, so it was long sleeved t-shirt & shorts, but from the looks of things I'll be wearing my ski suit.  It's supposed to hit  -4°C on Friday night with light snow flurries.  It'll be some trip home.



 What is this bloke talking about? 

The Fine Art of Surfacing

Status: Offline
Posts: 716

Only two days to go, this is going to be awesome!!


So come on, what are we all gonna be wearing then, me in my armour, Arrgee in his ski suit, Suss what you wearing?

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

In the Long Grass

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Posts: 1901

Can't hope to top that combo.

Dunno is the honest answer confuse.gif.

My few remaining tour t-shirts seem to have shrunk in the loft (fitted me fine 25 years ago??). Did once have pyjamas in that black/grey/white check like Bob's Mondays jacket but they're long gone.

Jeans and my most slimming shirt most likely. Spoke with Do the Rat earlier tonight and he's coming in a black Looking After No 1 t-shirt apparently. Nice one!


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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HAHA I'm gonna wear my black sweat shirt saying I LOVE MYSELF on it LOL

and black skinny jeans which were sorta in in those days weren't they?

and boots.

hmmm maybe not the jeans cos the arse of them is baggy on me HAHAHAHHA

and people will larf

especially now i told everyone

Whilst we are on the subject of clothes, funny innit how we decide what to wear.....what we choose to wear.

What DOES a person's clothes say about them i wonder - its all to do with communication really innit? and expression - what they are saying about themselves to others....

hmmm fascinating.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

Actually I find it all quite psychic i think we read messages into and from clothes.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^


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Leaving soon. Look out for a bloke with the worst brown scruffy hair. I don't have anyones phone number but I think Wes and Arrgee still might have mine. I will switch it on about 5pm.

I only had 3 hours sleep last night and have long journey ahead (but I'm not driving) so if I seem half-asleep it will be because I am.

-- Edited by BTR on Friday 26th of November 2010 11:56:48 AM

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