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The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Bob's speech at Islington gig.....

can anyone remember what bob was saying about feeding the world in light of the planets every increasing population?

sure he said something about not having enough land.

he didnt touch on the WAY the land is used and that husbandry is the most wasteful way to produce per unit of protein for human consumption

nor that while it is reported by some that we could feed ourselves in this country were we to have more vegan diets we currently insist on buying feed for livestock from countries where their own inhabitants are left hungry.

i am a bit disapointed by this - and frustrated that most people seem to go down the same route of insisting that despite scarcity of resources we still go on in a sort of bloody minded fashion putting global economics before common bloody sense.

such is the way of the world full of greedy idiotic ****s and that lacks a bit of balls if u ask me.


this is not an inadvertent insult at bob btw, i cant remember the speech properly and wondered if anyone had it on video or can remember better tahn i can, cheers.


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I don't recall all of it. He does manipulate stats as everyone does. 7 fast growing nations yes. But also in top ten poorest, recession and other factors etcetc.

Not attacking him either but it's good to have our own minds and be open minded and not just sucked it. Total respect for everything he does.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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yes same jules, respect.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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i sort of wonder that bob might be in a situation where he must uphold certain aspects of a foolish system.

i dont find him particularly radical and imo it is a streak of radicalness tht is needed to stir things up a bit if we really are to live in a fairer world.

so i do wonder if beinga Sir has its limitations in that one must uphold certain traditions.

i mean can we assume that he is pro monarchy for sintance as he accepted title of Sir.

or does he accept the title because it gives him a bit more umpf in certain circles and so makes him less of a threat to the status quo?

If i were Bob i'd probably of been assasinated by now pmsl, perhaps that says it all. maybe he is too old now to do radical politics.

or maybe he just doesnt believe in it, why bite the hand that feeds you

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

* radicalism

i realise now not radicalness LOL

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I know where you are coming from.

I also think he feels the need to strengthen his own argument and defend hdelf against the criticism of the press. He therefore bigs up the affect of live aid etc. not saying it wasn't significant but too many other factors in this big wide world and ever changing planet.

Some of the reason he's not radical is probably because he wants the state and the monarchy to work with him. Hell get nowhere if he argues with them. He's afraid to criticise people who deserve it at times. The problem with that is that critics see him as supporting issues he doesn't.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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everywhere you go on the net theres that familair blurb about bob describing him as a politcal activist

as much as i love bob, i dont get why he gets this describption, the only political activity i have witnessed is bob saying give them some money (africa), i dont think this is politcal activism really, not in my books at any rate. on the contrary i havent read anything about this countrys politics in bobs interveiws - have i missed something?

surely he must have an opinion, hasnt he studied economics? maybe hes just sucked into the system, just another cog or brick in teh wall. basically the whole world is asking fro more money and as we know our governements as they stand aint got the dosh, it all has to come from somewhere. its quite easy to say we want more, but this isnt being politcal is it? i'll go and beg in the streets, am i a politcal activist> whats the difference?

i dont want to pooh pooh bobs work.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That makes a lot of sense. Although live8 was more about political lobbying. He does go into political meetings but is he being an activist or a consultant, I don't know. He's written open letters to European leaders. That's activism. He does some. Activism but not the extent the press portray him. He says little about domestic politics although he does comment on Irish domestic politics.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

Jules wrote:

I know where you are coming from.

I also think he feels the need to strengthen his own argument and defend hdelf against the criticism of the press. He therefore bigs up the affect of live aid etc. not saying it wasn't significant but too many other factors in this big wide world and ever changing planet.

Some of the reason he's not radical is probably because he wants the state and the monarchy to work with him. Hell get nowhere if he argues with them. He's afraid to criticise people who deserve it at times. The problem with that is that critics see him as supporting issues he doesn't.

 some things i have wondered too jules

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Another thing he mentioned was a critical article by Birrell. He tried to imply it was in the Daily Mail, therefore filth and with no credibility. However it was in the Indepedent lol. I have to say this, he says he doesn't read stuff about himself. Yes Bob. Lol.

Anyway my point is he was trying to defend himself and in doing so did misrepresent the facts .

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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lol -i think i might have read that daily wail article.

bet birrell is a REAL activist BET hes got all the answers and is passionately throws himself into helping africans more than Bob pmsl,

daily mail journaliss are horrid, there was an article about susan boyle being backward. what bastards.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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OOPS sorry i meant i read an article in daily wail problly not Birrell as he is the independent

sorry getting confused now like bob lol

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I hate the DM it's the scum of the earth. I thought it was odd and had tO come home and check. It seemed like an Indy article to me in style. Perhaps Bob needs to forget trying to defend himself and concentrate on making his argument work.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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agrees ^^^^^^^^^^^

i would be temped to point the finger back and ask them what makes them so superior in all this

dunno if that would be best way but deffo tempting all the same

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Yes indeed. I wouldn't big everything up so much and make myself so open to criticism.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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yeh, seriously someone like bob is in an excellent position to really stir things up and give those tosser journalists a run for their money

i'd larf my tits off if bob were to declare that he has ideas of politics in this country and it got broadcast everywhere,it would be pandemonia.

although why the hell doesnt anyone talk about politics except for politicians?? we bang on about what bull**** they all spout and yet we say **** all ourselves.

why, why, why, why, why.

its all campaigns for rights on this and that but noone seems to talk about politics in this country.

if i wasnt such a total bag of nerves when it comes to talking i would show em.

all we do is take the piss out of the politicians taking the piss out of us.

too worried at upsetting the applecart? fear?

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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A lot of people seem to think politics is complicated and distant from them. The truth is it is everything and it is what determines our daily lives.

I agree Bob should shake them up. But I guess he doesn't want to be another John Lennon he wants to be known for his actions and has left the campaigning behind.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

as in dead meat?


i couldnt agree more that politics prolly aint so complicated.

there is a lot of beauty in simplicity.

what makes it all so complicated? Bamboozled, now theres a word. yes we are bambooled into thinking its all highly complicated and not for the likes of us. not for a person who only got one gcse at school anyway. talking of schools WE DIDNT EVEN LEARN POLITCS at school, HOW OUTRAGEOUS IS THAT??? even in history i think the choice was tudors or some battle in america. waht abou tmarx and ???? obviously i cant name too many people that wrote abou tpolitcs BECAUSE i never learn tit.

how on earth are we supposed to form an opinion about politics when its not even taught as part of the curriculum. not even the absolute BASICS!

and all we ever hear on tv is the main politics currently inherent in current system. no ideas, no alternative veiws. how totally brainwashed are we?????????? and jules yes i have said the same thing, politics is everywhere............ its in everything.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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ah here is the speech:

yes great so africa can feed us.......... using their rainforests when some africans go starving? it doesnt seem right to me. why dont we take the lead and aim to be more self sufficient and maybe africa will follows suit.

lets face it western world have led for a long time so why not lead in being more self sufficient?

reckon you can give up some of your meat to help starving africans?

it an irony...... ironic...... ludicrous

and as bob said this is what happens if we want to be fed in the way we are currently.

i am totally up for debate on this, i dont pretend to be certain on all this......... but woudl bet a few bob.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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John Leonnon - I meant that John Lennon was an activist but remained in the outside whereas Bob has got himself inside the door and can make real changes. Lennon appealed to the world but only certain groups listened, the rest just regarded him as a hippy and the phase will be over soon. Hopefully not dead meat .

You're right we should be taught politics at school. I was lucky to have a very politically minded father who'd talk about it much of the time and told me about the world around me from a very young age.

You're also right about the west and the rich taking the lead and becoming more sufficient and showing the world the way forward. I've said this for a long time. We also don't NEED to eat the way we do. We're a bunch of fat lazy unhealthy greedy whatsits. It would do us some good!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Posts: 716

Ah great minds........ think alike as the saying goes. YOu and me Jules will put the world to rights ;)

Well i have enjoyed our chat on here, I hope we do it some more too.

I'm off to New Forest tomorrow with my mum. We've got a hotel for a couple of nights there so need to get my bag packed and get myself ready to go down to hers. new forest is only hour and 20 mins from hers so good place to set off from.

Jules, its been a pleasure, laters xxxxxx

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Yes, I enjoyed that too.  I had noticed in the past some of your comments were very much my thinking .  Enjoy you trip, hope the weather holds.  It would be interesting to hear others' views too.

One thing I admire about many Geldof fans is that we can  fairly criticise, respectfully our man.  U2 fans seem to get very defensive and it hard to say anything without being slaughtered at dawn!biggrin

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)
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