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Post Info TOPIC: The BIG Band Aid / Live8 / BBC / Africa Calling / ' eden ' ' project ' ' charity ' CD DVD QUIZ !

She's So Modern

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The BIG Band Aid / Live8 / BBC / Africa Calling / ' eden ' ' project ' ' charity ' CD DVD QUIZ !

Have a go! :

Team Kernow

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 23:05, 2005-12-04

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 03:19, 2005-12-05

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 00:27, 2005-12-28



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RE: The BIG Live8 / BBC / Africa / ' eden ' QUIZ !

The Eden Project is just like the real world, only smaller...


She's So Modern

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In what way exactly?



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My impression of the Eden Project is that it is a biosphere representing the major climates of earth; however, as you have pointed out (or seems to be the gist of your posting), the Eden Project is supported by many conglomerates we have come to distrust if not hate--again, this has happened in our world too, with dictatorships supported by conglomerates or mafias of sorts. It's not an all-bad world and its not an all-bad Eden Project. I kind of like the Eden Project idea myself as a way of helping to appreciate the earth but it takes conglomerate money to sustain it because unluckily good intentions and individual donations are not quite sufficient to keep it going.

PS: December 4 your link worked but right now it's it my computer or is the link not operating??

Cheers!and I like your avatar.




-- Edited by motema2004 at 23:28, 2005-12-19


She's So Modern

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Motema - the link has been tested and we confirm is working.

There is little, and probably no, virtue in a gallery of minute, artificial illustrative but unreal,synthetic and inevitably incomplete micro-environments that, through relentless and dishonest spin and hypermarketing, result in the further and accelerated desecration, concreting and tarmacking of the environment of Kernow / Cornwall into which it has been insinuated. 

Here is a fascinating insight into 'conglomerate' questions:



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Well, I still look at the Eden Project as something like the hommage to the ocean life, Sea World, in Orlando Florida, not something sinister!!! Sorry that you feel that Cornwall has been desecrated by the Eden Project. I hope to visit it and see what all the literature you've posted is about. Your concern is important and I look forward to learning more. I've "googled" you and will keep an eye out for you on the internet. If you want to contact me, you can PM me anytime. I've not been to Cornwall, only seen it in photos and movies; it looks beautiful. But I like the Eden Project idea as well. Cheers!

-- Edited by motema2004 at 19:02, 2005-12-23


She's So Modern

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RE: The BIG Band Aid / Live8 / BBC / Africa Calling / ' eden ' ' project ' ' charity ' CD DVD QUIZ !

The misleadingly self-styled ' eden ' ' project ' is insignificant compared to Kernow / Cornwall.

Unfortunately, the misleadingly self-styled ' eden ' ' project ' is run by people who are money and ' BIG mission ' driven and blind to the harm it and its consequences are causing to the immediate indigenous environment , culture and social fabric .

How would YOU define ' GREEN ' Tourism , motema ? 



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Green Tourism? I would say it was going to an aquarium or a zoo, perhaps even a hands-on type of wildlife exhibit, where one quietly observes the habitat, be it already in existence, such as Cornwall's countryside, or the Eden Project, or in my own case, going to help clean up a local river on Earth Day April 22 in an area I don't normally frequent (making me a tourist for the day, so to speak).

Did your group try to stop the Eden Project and fail?Did Cornwall take a vote on this?

How does the Eden Project impact your daily life? assuming you are in Cornwall countryside and not another large city far away, or even Sicily?

Best regards, your friend Mo. PS BTW, I'm a green but we in the US are not very active, as you undoubtedly of my friends was recently appalled to see conglomerate store Wal-Mart selling Greenpeace calendars 2006. Now those are strange bedfellows!!

I think it's wise to know as much as possible about fake charities and misuses of nature; but unfortunately a certain amount of intermingling is inevitable.

As far as Live 8 money is concerned, I'm sure some conglomerates got some but some well-deserving people did, too; and it made a lot of fans happy, brought people to think of Africa.

-- Edited by motema2004 at 20:55, 2005-12-29


She's So Modern

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This may help you understand some fundamental contradictions:

Who wants to/could breathe the same air as the dinosaurs?

Do you recall Nero and his fiddle?

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 04:00, 2006-01-04



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Like you, I share a love and concern for our environment, as do the forum readers and Bob Geldof. A lot of people ARE trying to help stop pollution. I think a place like the Eden Project makes the public aware of how precious our planet is. I know you are trying to point out the hypocrites of the environmental movement.

Even in Greece, the "old" part of the city is going to be closed to vehicles, in an effort to curb pollution there.

Fiddling while Rome burns was not the intention of Live8 or Africa Calling.

Do you know the song by Midnight Oil, "Beds Are Burning"? An oldie but goodie with painful lyrics. I hope you have faith in the future and continue.

Write back soon!!



She's So Modern

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Observe how selflessly Bob Geldof and Tim Smit and others


Will the Tories be getting more pearls of wisdom for nothing do you think ? :,9061,1674520,00.html

' Funny old world ! ' - Kilgore Trout ( Kurt Vonnegut Jnr )





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"The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest."  K.T.

Well, T.K. (Team Kernow), this forum already discussed the first subject of your most recent post, that of Sir Bob getting paid for speaking, back in July. Whilst I'd love to see him speaking for free out of the goodness of his heart, the only people I know who do this are Native American spiritual leaders.

We don't live in a perfect world but we can try to make it better little by little.

The idea of political parties? It would be nice not to have any but people like to have a little organization, it seems, so there you are: Conservatives, Tories, Liberals, Greens, et al. Sir Bob doesn't really fit any party description. That's what we like about him!


She's So Modern

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It was not suggested that Bob speak for nothing.

However, do you not agree that a fee of around $9,000 for an hour or two of talking, however persuasive or motivating, is a little distasteful in the context of his widely and wildly proclaimed mission? : 



-- Edited by TeamKernow at 21:16, 2006-01-24



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Say hey, TK!!

I say let Sir Bob make a few quid, he's Irish, and he really believes in his mission!

That's an interesting list, however. I would not expect Ms Roddick of the "Body Shop" environmental organization to make so much, either. Or Jane Goodall. I admire each of those ladies and their causes. If they make money from speaking, I believe they give back spiritually to the world, as does Sir Bob.

Unfortunately, society uses money as a yardstick to determine the worthiness of something, alas.

Sorry you are so anti-Bob. Perhaps if you continue with our fourm, you will see some of his worthiness. I believe he is truly committed to the idea of dropping the debt of African nations who cannot pay.

Plus, he's a great entertainer!!!!!


She's So Modern

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You are beginning to appear a little too blandly and unchallengingly accepting of what, in a world alive with real moral scruple, would be regarded as non-credible levels of compromise.

You find it undisturbing that Uncle Bob demands upward of $9,000 for a brief chat, a figure that could probably enable an entire African tribe to put in place subsistence agricultural provision to ensure basic survival for several years! Maybe Bob's altruism enables him to ensure that is where his surplus ends up?

Can you also devise a rationale for justifying the presence of International Arms Dealing Executives, Simon Robertson &  Ronald Claus Hampel , with links to Pinochet and  'slush' fund malpractice in Africa and the Middle East, on the Board of Trustees of the environmentally harmful and misleadingly self-styled ' eden ' ' project '? :,11599,1208931,00.html,13755,1570335,00.html

How on earth can these people be suitable as trustees for a ' charity ' claiming environmental credentials ? Isn't it clear to you that hugely destructive modern weapons, their manufacture and their consequences must be the agents on our planet that cause most harm to it and its currently resident life forms ?

What was the precise status of the Africa Marginalised gig at the misleadingly self-styled ' eden ' ' project ' within the Live8 format? Is it not a fact that in his self-promoting overly eager scuttle up to London, Tim Smit actually helped take the heat off Uncle Bob to incorporate Africa's musicians in the main events where they rightly belonged and thereby undermined its full potential to express a truly global rainbow coalition?




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Hmmmmmmmmm...this all has a familiar ring to it. Are you two the same entity as the forum's 05 guest known as "spc1970"?


She's So Modern

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Absolutely no relation to 'spc1970', Motema. Where can those contributions be found?

Also. Are you going to dispense one or two bon pensees and mots on the last TK post?

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 16:58, 2006-02-07



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The Eden Project was selected as the venue for Africa Calling. Peter Gabriel & Youssou N'dour organised Africa Calling in order to include African groups in the Live8 sphere, since Live8 was concerned with raising awareness about the plight of Africa. WOMAD (Worldd of Music & Dance) had used the Eden Project as a venue, and Peter Gabriel is involved in WOMAD, so it was a natural place to put Africa Calling, using many of the WOMAD artists. It was done quickly so as to occur at the same time as Live8. This is just a brief synopsis.

Somehow this thread has turned into a discussion of the Eden Project, and then has meandered into a discussion of Live 8, and thence somehow to arms dealers.

Where's the music, TK???

I think it's a good idea for arms dealers and other types of that ilk to stay out of music; however, it's JUST POSSIBLE they could be won over to drop their guns, just by association with people like Peter Gabriel or Sir Bob or Bono. They don't have to espouse one another's views; but don't you think, since it's a 2-way street, the good people of the world can influence the bad ones? A little yin, a little yang, spice up the mix.

Don't be so negative! Keep on playing devil's advocate, the world needs people like that; but I hope you cheer up...or get a job where you can help others to help the planet!


She's So Modern

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Beware of being misled in a world where the negative comes spun as positive and positive truths uncouched in spin can lead to a frisson of cognitive dissonance and appear as negative to the mis-informed or unready.

Here is a mild-mannered hint of the possibilities:

Don't be concerned with our disposition or orientation - there is plenty of joy and positive work being done and results achieved.This item is being persisted with to help generate some much needed clarity of perception and understanding. 



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Thanks, TK!!


She's So Modern

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Thanks to you too Motema, for your engaging dialogue.

It's been a privilege to pursue clarification of thought, purpose and practice with you.



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Team Kernow has taken this discussion and submitted it as part of a Wikipedia essay about the Eden Project. This raises a point about what becomes public information and what is intellectual property when posted on "boards". I ran across the link accidentally and was a bit surprised to see the use of the thread. In cyberspace, one never knows where one's remarks can turn up, I see....I used the link to get here just now and am going back the same way. Watch your postings, friends on the forum!


She's So Modern

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No offence was intended by that Motema and it is regrettable that you appear to have felt some. When you examine the Wikipedia entry for the misleadingly self-styled ' eden ' ' project ' closely you will find it suffers from a lack of balance on the topic and a not uncommon failing of merely reproducing publicity spiel from those involved in erecting the bubblewrap greenhouses. Some balancing input was necessary. This has arisen largely from the clever spinmeistering that has gone on with the non-objective collaboration of the BBC, the UK public service broadcaster now compromised by its commercial involvement with Camelot plc, the private company that runs the UK National Lottery, the main funding source to date for the said overblown and definitely NOT environmentally beneficial so-called ' eden ' ' project '. A lot of wool has been pulled over a lot of eyes! If, even in the light of these explanatory words, you would like that Wikipedia link to here removed, it can be done.

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 01:08, 2006-05-19



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Thank you TK for your attention. Please remove the link to the forum. Otherwise, I definitely agree with you, and the more diverse information, the better. Congratulations on making it to the Wikipedia! Also, I am still reading about the Eden Project here and there when possible to learn about it. Do you remember the biosphere project in the US (it failed)? Have you seen the film "Silent Running"? I hope civilization is not reduced to a group of biospeheres and we humans act quickly, wisely. Do you really live in Wales? It must be very beautiful. You are doing a good job to preserve it.


She's So Modern

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'Tis done Motema.

Here is the link to confirm:  

Cornwall (Kernow)is NEXT to England,like Wales,Ireland,Scotland and the Isle of Man.You may find the links at this page helpful to learn more of Cornwall's history,language,culture and politics:

Cornwall was more like Eden before ' eden '.



-- Edited by TeamKernow at 01:07, 2006-05-19

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 01:10, 2006-05-19

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 01:11, 2006-05-19

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 02:08, 2006-06-27



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Thank you, Team Kernow! Actually, I have to apologise for not realizing the exact location of Cornwall; but I am pursuing your links and learning more.I quite enjoy http://www.wikipedia .org.


She's So Modern

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This may help you get to know Kernow better:


Earlier you referred to the prospects of political leaders having their views expanded or otherwise enlightened by proximity to such people as Bono and Uncle Bob.Considering the conduct of George W Bush in his second term of office, would you say he has become more or less of a belligerent global warmonger through such fraternisation, contact and discussion?

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 05:38, 2006-06-23



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President Bush seems to be in a league unto himself.


She's So Modern

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'There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.' Kurt Vonnegut Jnr


She's So Modern

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Kurt may have flown from his cage... ...

'Goodness me, the clock has struck - alackaday, and f**k my luck.' KV

But Kilgore Trout lives on...

"Bergeron's epitaph for the planet, I remember, which he said should be carved in big letters in a wall of the Grand Canyon for the flying-saucer people to find, was this:


Only he didn't say 'doggone.'"
KV - Hocus Pocus

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 17:24, 2007-04-30

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 17:25, 2007-04-30

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 17:25, 2007-04-30

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 17:27, 2007-04-30


She's So Modern

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Greenwash hypocrisy update :

Queen Opens Wrong Building in Cornwall

-- Edited by TeamKernow at 17:34, 2007-04-30

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