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I Don't Like Mondays

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Any other U2 fans have this yet?  I know Franna is a member, like me, so... did'ja get it?


I like it, and it's a nice companion to previous Propaganda holiday cd gifts from U2 (Melon and Hasta La Vista, Baby), but like those, there's nothing really really spectacular on it. 

The CD has a bunch of live tracks from the most recent tour - about half of which are found on the new DVD that's out - though it has Bono doing Miss Sarajevo, which is certainly a highlight from this tour - he kicks ASS doing the Pavarotti bit.. who knew the old bastard still had it in him to belt it out like that!  Atta boy, Bono!! - and the CD-ROM disc has live footage of them in concert in Milan, as well as a bunch of screen savers and desktop backgrounds, though none of them are really great - I like the Human Rights one - similar to the one you see in concert, but the voice seems different... though like the one in concert, the voice kicks in with #3... odd... wonder if it is the same recording, and that recording just started with #3?  Hm...

Anyway - I guess I sound like I'm complaining, but I'm really not - it's a nice gift from U2 to the fans, and I'm really excited to get it. 


So - any other thoughts?


V Deep

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I haven't received mine yet, and I hesitate to call it a "gift" to the fans.  The way I see it, I paid for it.

Rita's the only other person I know of (on this site) who is likely to be receiving it.  Of course, all you lurking members could take this opportunity to out yourselves....

I'll let you know what I think when it arrives, but I'm never interested in wallpaper and screensavers.  I'm not a huge fan of Miss Sarajevo and I'm not all that interested in owning a version of the Declaration of Human Rights (especially a version which omits numbers one and two) we'll see.

Now if there's some Bad/Gloria/I Will Follow/Electric Co./Zoo Station/The Fly/SYCMIOYO/LPOE (but magically omitting the ending which annoys me)/SBS/ISHWILF/In A Little While/New Year's Day/Elevation/Fast Cars/Stuck In A Moment (acoustic)/Yahweh/Bad/ get the idea. 


I Don't Like Mondays

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I almost see it your way - not only paid for it, but paid, what, $40 or so?  But you're paying for another year of U2.Com...and this was just the bonus...

Er... except, I never really go to U2.Com...

But I've been mulling it over - in the old days, you ponied up the cash, and got a tangible thing - a magazine.  Now, for your hard earned dough, you get a website... bleh...

But!  The website has all the fun of the magazine - articles, interviews, etc, and more, in that you can watch videos and hear songs...

It's just that I never do... too many concert reviews (er, hate to say it, but, you know, seen one, you've seen them all...), interviews with techs and uh... interviews with techs... yawn...

So... I guess I miss the magazine...


Should I break the bad news to you about the tracklisting on the cd, Franna?


V Deep

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Well, being a bit of a tech myself, I really like the tech interviews.  I've managed to develop a bit of a crush-from-afar on Willie....and since I draw a bit of inspiration from Rachel, I'm still waiting for some Rachel coverage.

Please don't tell me the tracklisting.  I can guess, and the guess doesn't make me terribly excited.  I can wait for its arrival to get annoyed/depressed.

Question:  Since it's footage from Milan, is it directed (what I really mean is, is it edited) in the same style as the Chicago DVD - a style I don't like at all.

And yeah, in many ways, you've seen one - you've seen em all.  Except for the 20% that changes, and the crowd, and your mood that particular evening, and where you are in the venue....(basically, GA v anywhere else - but I wouldn't know about the really good VIP seats just to the sides of Edge and Adam, maybe they're as good as GA without the bother, but probably not the same energy...but the energy in my 11/21 GA area was CRAP....every night is a crapshoot, except for the 80% that's always the same).

I like a lot about, but there's also a lot I don't like.  If it weren't for the necessity of a presale code, I probably wouldn't bother.  But, given that a subscription is a necessary evil, the subscribers board can be extremely amusing.  I mean, have you SEEN the video of Christian onstage the final night in Boston?  Hilarious!  And the video of Sharon getting kissed by Bono onstage the night before? (I was with her the first time she got a Bono kiss, she swore she'd never wash again - I wonder....eeeeew.)  Of course, they're all East Coast people (so I know them personally) - but I imagine the same nonsense goes on for you west coast types.  Nah, maybe not.  There's no one as fashionably amusing as Christian. 

And, after Vegas, I think I'm probably an honorary member of the European fruitcake club.

In any event, if not for the people I met via my tour season would have been far less fun.  But the Communication CD, I'm sure that will be a disappointment.

Edited to add:  If not for, my bootleg collection would be seriously lacking.  I suggest you log on and check what Gibbo and Mog were up to last night...

-- Edited by franna at 15:27, 2005-12-10


I Don't Like Mondays

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Posts: 46

Erm, Damn!  I suppose I should log on more often!

Yeah, you guessed it on the track listing... though I think one of the songs you wanted is on there...

And the video... yes, it's by the same guy who did their last few DVD's - Hamish Hamilton. 

More to the point, yes, while many shows are the same, I meant the reviews for the shows - you seen one review, you've seen them all...

Though, I'll make this point - I saw the last few shows from the POV of GA, and the last time I went, in Oakland, I was way in the back (because I never figured out how to use U2.Com's ticket presale... bah...), and it's not as cool being way back there, but to their credit, it's a whole different show, and pretty good - you can't really see all the effects from GA, and from up in the stands, they're pretty spectacular.  Er, still, would have been nice to be able to see the band in any form other than on a monitor...

At the show I saw in San Jose in 2001, I was right near the front, and while singing "Bad", Bono sweated on me...!   Odd thing to remember!

Anyway - now that I'm griping... you know... none of the CD's from Propaganda were THAT great... a remix cd?  Woo woo.  A live CD that's the same as a DVD you have out?  yawn.  You know?  But I like that they send it.   I think that's a pretty cool thing for them to do.  Eh! Maybe I'm naive, or something.

Anyway - hope you like it when it comes!


V Deep

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Absolutely not true for the reviews.  You've obviously been reading the "officially accepted" and posted (on the main page) reviews, not the ones in the forum.

Let's not discuss the original presale, except to say that if you'd logged in, you'd have understood.  If I understand you correctly, you're saying that even without the presale, you somehow managed to get GAs, and that you ended up all the way at the back of GA, near the mix desk.  Again, if you'd been logging on, you'd have learned that there were some tricks that might be utilized in that situation to get you upgraded into the ellipse (Bomb Shelter).

BTW - no point in logging in now to search for Gibbo's bootlegs from last night.  The censorship patrol has already gotten at 'em.  Highights included wishing a Happy Birthday to Larry on his 20th.....  Gibbo's very old skool.  And I love him for it.


I Don't Like Mondays

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Oh, ha ha - no, no, Franna - I had GA for the two times I saw them on the Elevation tour - and that was mainly because I had a friend at Ticketmaster back then....

Both the tickets I bought for this tour were in the highest stands, and in the show I went to (recall, I somehow missed the NYC show) I was two rows from the back of the arena.  All the way up by the celing...

Kind of like my tickets for the Popmart tour...

I did try to log on for advance tickets - and yeah, the first one was a wash, due to the scalping, but I tried it again for the two shows I did end up getting tickets for, and even with the advance tickets, all I got were the lousy assigned seats in the back of the arena.

So... the moral of my story?  Pays to know people working the ticket booth.  (Damn me and my bridge burning habit..!!)

True, true, I haven't hit the forums too much on - it took me forever and a day to get onto this forum - don't know why... just some sort of mental block for me or something!


V Deep

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Permalink was so long ago now, and so ugly I've tried to banish all memories, but I seem to remember that the one MSG GA I managed to get was entirely due to the band trying to make amends after the initial sh*tstorm.

My two NJ GAs were procured by trolling TM for last minute drops (something which I'd never have been alerted to if not for the message board).  Shows were Tuesday and Wednesday.  Monday night, home from work, zero tickets.  Monday night by 10pm = GAs for both, and extra seats I needed to sell.

The decrepitude of my Popmart seats are what caused me to sign up in the first place, so I can relate to that.  Couldn't make Elevation. 

I'm surprised that as a Prop member you got sh*tty seats.....  I never realized Prop was anything more than a fan mag, and I wasn't interested in that.  (Stupid me.)  I thought everyone in Prop always got the sweet spots!

Maybe the reason you got much more screwed than I was simply due to the amount of NY shows, vs. the amount of SF shows, though there's probably not as much of a frenzied rush for tickets in SF....who knows.  Sad that you got the screw, in any case.

I'll end with an excerpt from Mr. Fly's review of Boston VI (not the sort of nonsense on the main site - where they still claim MSG VIII ended well)....

Bullet the Blue Sky – “Hello My Name is Mr. The Edge. I will be your Guitar Demigod for the evening. Should you feel a lack of oxygen due to my guitar playing, a plastic mask will drop from the ceiling. Please pull the mask towards you placing the mask over your nose and mouth, and slipping the elastic band over your head. To secure the mask, pull on the loose ends of the straps. While oxygen will be flowing to the mask, the bag will not inflate, and you will be kept conscious by my guitar slinging. Please put your mask on before assisting others. Thank you for choosing me as your Guitar Demigod for the evening. Now sit back, relax and rock out as I rock you with my solo here.” Outside it’s America, Boston, Massachusetts, the hands that built America, Johnny comes marching home, I think I need some oxygen. Where’s that damn mask?


I Don't Like Mondays

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Touche - that was a good review!

You bring up a good point about getting tickets, via the area - U2 creates an odd reaction around here - most of the youngsters hate them with a passion - those Negativland "KILL BONO" shirts are still popular with the hipsters and hepcats, and yet, there's a crazy demand for U2, due to the middle aged yuppies and working folk...  which leads me to worry... am I older than I think?  Bah!  Kids these days!  

I can't complain about tickets too much - the PopMart show was made worse by the company I kept for it - (all of whom complained through the whole show about how U2 were corporate whores and sell outs, etc.. why did they even bother going to the show?) (Oasis was opening act) - but the elevation tickets made up for it - I was right up front both times - once in San Jose and later in the year in Los Angeles - (PJ Harvey and No Doubt were opening acts)  - I honestly prefer the bigger shows - the ZooTV and POPMart, but if you're going to have a more low-key show, it's cool to do it the way they have on the last two and create that little area... but when you're in the back of the arena, it all comes down to nice effects, since you can't really make out the stage... and, yeah, on this latest tour, the effects were pretty good - as I said upthread, it's a whole other show from the back of the arena, but... I did find myself wishing for a bigger ZooTV type show. 

But that's me.  I predict that by the next tour, this'll all change again, and we'll have something to look forward to. 




House on Fire

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I'm still waiting for my cd to arrive.  I've been charged for it but I guess it will take a while to come through.  I probably don't see as much on as I should, having paid, but there is quite a lot on there.  I agree with Fran, lots of good stuff on the Zoo although I don't post there much - difficult to keep up with it.

Don't even start me on the pre-sale code fiasco.  Still at least it was ok in the end.  I had a fantastic weekend of U2 in June in London.


I Don't Like Mondays

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Grrrr!!  Rub it in you guys!

I missed the MSG show in NYC that I was supposed to go to with my ex (just a taste of that weekend, by the way... sigh...) and for the Oakland show, I was in the furthest row from the stage, next to a half-naked fat sweaty guy...

Stop telling me what a great time you guys had!!

Seriously, though - I saw two great shows, from inside the heart, on the last tour, so I can't really complain....

And I agree - don't know for sure why I shell out the cash for U2's site (like they need the money... and since I have money to burn - can I send Bob a check?  It's the least I could do after all he's done for Africa...) - I guess I kind of did it initially for the pre-sale (ha ha... sigh...) and was tempted to re-up for this cd (er, ha ha... again...) but maybe it's guilt - before I got into medical training and ed, I spent years as a retail record store manager, and got a comp subscription to Propaganda, and felt like I should somehow pony up cash for it legitimately someday...

Er... and after confessing that, Ladies... I'm recently single!  Who wants on the O'Brien gravy train??




V Deep

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I re-up'd because I believe that IF there is a future tour, seniority will be a factor in presale nonsense.  Since I still see a presale (assuming they get the problems fixed, and it seems they're trying the "same-day pickup at the box office only" route in Mexico) as the best way to get a decent seat...I risked my $32.

I know they've said otherwise, but I'm betting it's a bluff.


V Deep

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Arrived today.  Misc. comments:

I have to unlock it on the web with my code?  Unbelievable!

I hate Hamish, but I love O'Herlihy.

Sometimes (no - usually), because I am never close enough, I forget how beautiful Larry is.  Or maybe he's just really photogenic, and that's why I don't notice it in person.  I'll bear that in mind next tour, when I have the really great seats!  (LOL)

I'm happy that the CD-ROM starts up with the little clip from LPOE, not my favorite part of the song, but still my favorite track on HTDAAB and a great memory from 5/17 (a day full of great memories).

It's an odd feeling...listening to the opening sounds of COBL, looking at my container of 5/21 confetti sitting on top of the monitor...I'm having flashbacks while listening to this CD....flashbacks of different shows for different tracks....sometimes multiple shows per track..... 

Vertigo - A track I never really liked but which finally fried my brain forever (in a good way) on 10/7.  *sigh* Adam Clayton *sigh*  It probably took me two weeks to get that bassline out of my head.

Elevation - Remembering how annoyed the girl in front of me in GA (who shouldn't have been there) was when I kept bumping into her on 11/21....and how I love doing the woo hooing business....   A song that has helped keep me sane on many occasions.  The lyrics make no sense whatsoever as far as I'm concerned, but it's essential psychotherapy.  And you have NO BUSINESS being just off the tip of the ellipse rail if you're not gonna jump around to Elevation!!!  What is the world coming to??

ISHWILF - Hmmm....was it 11/21 when this gave me chills?  Don't remember the day, but it's having the desired effect right now....

Miracle Drug - Nope, this one just doesn't work for me.  Never did, probably never will.  Pee Break.

Miss Sarajevo - Bono covering Pavarotti worked for me in the arena, but at home it's a joke.  I think I'll throw on La Boheme after U2 is over, listen to some REAL singing!  Haven't listened to that in a while....

THE FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Gotta put the headphones on, jump around and pretend I'm sharing The Edge's mic on harmony ["Loooove, shine like a buuurning star, falling from the sky, toooniiiiight"] ... brb.)  (Thinkin' 'bout 5/21 when an unknown person, out of nowhere, threw a pink feather boa around my shoulders and 10/10, when I thought my favorite part of the show had been dropped forever and then...MA MA  MA MA  MA MA...)  You know, when it's all said and done, it was fun six months....

I remember when they ended with WOWY (was that 10/7?), it was weird but cool.  I'm glad that's how the CD ends.

I'll take an arena over a stadium anytime.  Unless I'm in the first few rows in front of the stage in the stadium.  Otherwise, gimme the arena.

Summary: As far as I'm concerned, it's all about THE FLY............Achtung y'all!

And I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time.

-- Edited by franna at 13:59, 2005-12-14


I Don't Like Mondays

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Posts: 46

So, speaking of spending too much on U2...

I'm currently traveling, for work, and a few blocks from my hotel was a cool record store, so I was browsing, and came upon the import cd single(s) of All Because of You, and was kind of excited at the stickers on the front, informing buyer that each version featured new B-Sides... but nervous because at this point, U2 seems to have run out of new stuff for B-Sides... and there was no track listing on the package of either...

But I'm a sucker for U2 B-Sides, and debated for the longest time if it was worth it to plunk down $20 for two singles (and cried one hot tear remembering my youth when I could have bought two 45's for under a buck...) and I asked the employees if they knew what the B-Sides were and they didn't, so I took the gamble..

And lost!  I have GOT to stop blowing money on U2.  They've got more than enough.  They can live without my money for a while.

I take a large responsibility here - I'm the fool who bought the pig in the poke, and the store could have popped them open and checked for me (speaking as a former record store manager - import singles always come unwrapped, I believe due to customs inspections, and it's up to each store to wrap them - these guys could easily have opened them up and peeked for me...) but I find it to be misleading when you're just pawning off more boring live **** to leave any sort of track listing off the cd and then hype the fecking thing like it's got something new on it.

But, just for ****s and giggles - the extra songs were - A live version of that song they wrote for Roy Orbison - Mystery Girl, or whatever, the same Miss Sarajevo from U2.Communication, and an accoustic studio version of Man and a Woman, which sounds pretty similar to the one on HTDAAB...

A U2 fan and his money are soon parted...


V Deep

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Well....if you spent more time on the relevant websites, you'd probably have those tracks already, and then you'd feel even worse. 

Always looking for the bright side......


House on Fire

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Still waiting for mine


V Deep

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Poor Rita.  The UK gets no love.  First you tell me that you didn't get the Bono voicemail, and now this!!!  I'd burn you a copy, but I'm afraid they'll ban me for life.  They're being mailed from California, at Christmastime, so it might take a few weeks.


House on Fire

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Posts: 148

Don't worry Fran, it'll turn up, just takes a bit longer.  They've taken my payment so it must be on its way. 

Yes I was very disappointed to hear you got a voicemail message!  lol   


I Don't Like Mondays

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Mailed from Ca, eh?  No wonder I got mine so fast!!  I got the Bob Anthology with good speed, too, though... I must just have good luck.

Oh, and Fran, you're right - I usually have this sort of thing all mapped out - know way in advance what all the B-Sides on all the different foreign editions are, etc and so on, but with all the traveling I'm doing for work, I just wasn't keeping up.

I note that, upon re-reading my last post, I must've been in a real humor last night!  That'll teach me to spend too much time in the Oncology department...



V Deep

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Rita - I didn't get a voicemail, because I THOUGHT I'd already signed up, so I didn't text my name in again.  But everyone else I know was talking about their voicemail for days!  LOL


House on Fire

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Posts: 148

Right well that's what I want for Christmas - a voicemail message from Bono, lol 


V Deep

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I wonder if you can forward voicemails......  or, if you can figure out how to text the number they give out at the US shows, I can find out what the number is.  Of coure, then you'd be getting mail from ONE, as well as MPH.  Or not.  It's a mystery.

Snowing in Omaha, Nebraska today.  A friend of mine is camping on the GA line (tent, sleeping bags, etc.) and reports are that they're FREEZING.   I think they were allowed to move the line inside the arena early this afternoon.  I hope so....

Omaha!  Just the thought of it!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Ooh a voicemail message from Bono. If only. What's the betting it won't send internationally.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)
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