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Someone's Looking At You

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About Bob Not on the Board


I was reading this message posted by admin:

"I note there are a few messages directly addressed to Bob Geldof, but as far as I know he never looks at the board. 

If you want to contact Bob, try apparently all messages are vetted and those that are most apt are passed on to the great man himself."

And it brought to mind how difficult it must be for people such as Bob to organize their lives and discern what is of value and what is not in terms of who they should speak to and why; where they should put their time and energy in terms of their music etc. such as concerts and fans - it seems this official website would be a good place to start a quick regular browse., maybe while on the plane to Africa or Ireland, Europe. 

It also must be very difficult for a man such as Bob to really discern who is approaching him, who is genuine, and what value or benefit it is of him to receive the person, without being opened to something that might turn out to be unhealthy or "time wasting"; uninteresting.  Especially difficult it is for such people when they are relying on the thoughts and impressions of others to censor their emic world - and very protective those loyals will be - in some cases (but certainly not suggested here) to the point of overjudgement. 

I remember my first encounter with Bob very well.  I had just immigrated to the UK, and was in my home territory, the South West of London.  I was hanging out for a decent continental style cafe (hard to find in those days).  I was walking up the Kings Road and suddenly spotted across the road a coffee house with tables and chairs out the front - a good indication of something decent brewing inside...  I could see a man sitting at one of the tables as I crossed the street, long spindly legs with long gray curly locks and wearing a peaked cap - but to be honest, my eyesight was very poor, I was supposed to have glasses or contacts - but I didn't have anything - so the identity or close features of the man was unknown to me.  I see auras, and I noticed a strong glow around him, and he seemed to be well dressed, but somewhat agitated in his energy. 

As I crossed the road, I smiled brightly to him and the waitress standing behind just inside the door.  I am a very compassionate friendly sort of person who smiles and talks to nearly everybody so for me it was just my usual warmth.  Yet the man reacted very strangely - he snorted, grimmaced and threw something down on the table (pen probably).  I just thought "he's having a bad day, and decided to smile even more warmly in the hope of lightening his mood.  It had the reverse effect, he got very aggressive, started mumbling something and as I passed him and walked into the cafe he got up, muttered some rude words and stormed off down the footpath. 

Wondering if this strange display of behaviour from a total stranger was because he might be one of those many mentally disturbed or troubled patients that have just been thrust out on the streets (I once encountered a bag lady who would periodically stop, put down her bags and beat herself) of London, and feeling such sorrow for his plight, I enquired of the waitress if she knew of that "poor man".  "Oh, it's just Bob Geldof" she replied.  I realized straight away he must have thought I was "stalking" him - but what could I do - chase him down the street and tell him I was just having cofee?  he he.  Ironically I later worked across the road from the same cafe, so it became a regular place to be.

In Bob's case, paranoia could be justified (although I don't know what I would have done to him (sat on his lap and give him a cuddle and a kiss, stroked his whiskers, miaow?) as I was seemingly making a beeline toward him, being the only one seated outside the cafe.

Yet I had another experience like this once in Australia with a minor celebrity which I thought was just hilarious...

A lawyer friend of mine lived in Bondi.  In 1997 was overseas in working on my unique village product model for my charity, and as I ususally do when on these sorties in third world countries - come back to earn some more spondoolies when my pockets are completely bare.  I emailed my friend who had agreed I could stay the first few days of my return at his flat.  But somehow the dates were mixed up, and I arrived a week early - when he was away.  Arriving at his flat around two am and not sure if he was a night out on the town when I knocked - I waited awhile, then faced with the difficulty of accommodation at that hour I decided to sleep on the stairwell (being used to sleeping in airports and all kinds of remote out there places; local buses with livestock and grouping men et al - this was relative luxury).

My friend lived next door to two celebrities on the same floor, and the guys who run OBar were upstairs.  When the morning came I was disturbed by Wendy Matthews (she is an Australian singer) opening the door to her apartment.  She looked at me, grumped and slammed the door.  Then began to complain loudly and angrily about some fanatic stalking her and waiting outside her door.  At first I was amused. 

Later the other neighbour - a celebrity from the Hoo Doo Gurus came out to collect his paper, smiled, said hello and we chatted for awhile before he went inside again.  Still too early to go to the bank, and hoping my friend would return for a wash, I waited longer. 

Then I saw Wendy's door open a crack, suspciously and the door quickly slam shut "She's still out there" she said angrily to an unknown male on the other side of the door, and some other words I will not repeat. 

At this stage I thought I better tell her that I was not a fan, so I knocked on her door and called out - but of course no response.  Luckily the O'Bar team from upstairs returned shortly after and filled me in that my friend was out of town for a few days, so I vacated the stairwell. 

This left me wondering what kind of life people choose to lead when they try to become rich and famous.  Some people take it in their stride - it's been bestowed upon them for their deeds and talent rather than marketing (I think of Bob's humanitarian like this).  Others must live their life in complete denial and fear.  Others completely vain.  Personally I prefer the Hoodu Guru approach: "Miss Free Love".

Anyone else done any "stalking" lately?  Ha ha.


Lady Xylpha

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Lady_Zylpha wrote:

- it seems this official website would be a good place to start a quick regular browse., maybe while on the plane to Africa or Ireland, Europe. 

Anyone else done any "stalking" lately?  Ha ha.  

He gets told about what's on here.  I'm not sure if he read things himself, but apparently, he's not that happy about some of the stuff that gets written here.  If I had a board dedicated to me, I'd be on it all the time!

Judging by the avatars, I think most of the board members are stalkers!  Nearest I ever got to Geldof was the front rows of Hammersmith Odeon (now Apollo) back in 1981.  I'm not particularly star struck as I've always been meeting "famous" people since I was young.  Whereas my wife goes crazy when we are in the company of "celebs", I'm a bit blasé.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 09:24, 2005-12-12


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Self confessed Bob stalker, not the dangerous nasty sort though of course! He's never minded when I've found him though

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Drag Me Down

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Jules wrote:

Self confessed Bob stalker, not the dangerous nasty sort though of course! He's never minded when I've found him though mean, a secret admirer? although you've meet him, so a..admirer plain and simple.. well...we've all been there..saturdaynight.. standing behind some bush, with a camera, just ready to jump out and ask mr. Geldof to sign something the minute he appears... "oh no, no...that wasn't me going through your garbage sire! it was the cat!"

lol.. sorry, just had to! having a wild day...


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I'm definitely a groupie, following him around (trying to find him) when he's doing a gig I'm going to LOL. I've only struck lucky once, aside from waiting for him after the show.

I've never hidden behind a bush, but you're giving me ideas now

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

House on Fire

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I generally think it's a bad thing to approach a celebrity and always lose my nerve even if it is directly after a gig when theoretically, they would be expecting somebody to meet and greet them.

I carried the cover of my old vinyl copy of Vegetarians of Love to Vicar Street but was secretly relieved when we had to make a run for the carpark after the gig finished and I didn't have to hang around after the show, hoping for a kind word, a photo or an autograph. (Of course now, having heard Bob was in great form after the show, I'm kicking myself for not hanging about.................)

That's a funny story about that Aussie bird who thought you were stalking her, when really you hadn't a notion who she was!


Someone's Looking At You

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I had a laugh when I watched Bob on "Grumpy Old Men" talking about watching the beautiful models walk by from the agency across the road in Piccassos - No I wasn't one... But I did think later - maybe if me legs were a bit longer and I had a short skirt on... he he

I think Bob's just naturally hypo or hyper glycemic... hence his short fuse.  I guess he will be upset when he hears about my snail trail here - but ... you know - I'm still his fan :)

Jules you must be the ultimate successful stalker and you have the trophy photo to prove it... You obviously have the pheremones (and/or the short skirt) he likes.  Blond?

The Aussie bird - yes poor thing, she should have realized I wasn't actually waiting outside her door!  I did have one song of hers she sang in French - I'm not knocking her at all - but Dave from the Hoodoo Guru's on the other hand had a great bassist thing happening I might have stalked him if I needed to, but he's quite open to jamming with fellow music lovers...

Anyone else have any meeting Bob stories?  What he like in concert?

Lady Xylpha

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ArrGee wrote:

I'm not sure if he read things himself, but apparently, he's not that happy about some of the stuff that gets written here. 

What?  I wonder what annoys him here.  I mean I have my opinions, but what are his?  Interesting...


Back To Boomtown

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MMbullybuddyGP wrote:

What?  I wonder what annoys him here.  I mean I have my opinions, but what are his?  Interesting...

Oh, things like threads on cancelled concerts but apparently there are a few other topics that meet with his ire, excuse me if I don't mention them, but people would only post on them.  

Anything personal is moderated/deleted, as it should be, so he won't see that. phew! 

As for his opinions, well just search the internet, he has plenty.  Doubt he'd ever post them on here, he thinks we're a bunch of emailing anoraks!**

"To my delight, because the choices are fan-based, it's a bit anoraky. So the number one choice was Dave, which I was really glad about because I liked that song very much and it was on the last Rats album which I perversely think is the best one. It got lost under all the Band Aid stuff but I do think that lyrically it was really good and by that point the band just totally understood each other without effort."

** - Well, except me! I didn't know there was a poll until after the event.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

V Deep

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What in hell is an anorak?  I always thought it was a style of jacket/overcoat! 



House on Fire

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Posts: 148

For Fran:


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6290

Lady Zylpha I have now dyed my hair back to brown, but not only that very dark brown (see the latest pic of me in the London thread in other stuff ). I was also wearing trousers on each occasion and this last time, with my dark hair, I received a couple of kisses and a hug.. He's always been very warm and friendly when I've met him, but he it was around a gig and he was 'on duty'. (All 3 times that is).

We've discussed the merits of whether celebs (in general) should speak to fans when approached if out and about elsewhere. Ultimately there was a main argument for each case a) we ought to respect their privacy and allow them 'time off'. b) We spend our hard earned cash on their products/merchandise and therefore allow them to live the life they are now accustomed to. We deserve a little respect for that. Without us they wouldn't have that life style. Take your pick

I'm very curious (nosy) and would love to know what annoys Bob on here (other than the obvious personal stuff), but I respect and understand what ArrGee has said and won't ask any further. However, I do have my own opinions, just as he does and just because I've been a fan for getting on for 30 years and adore him doesn't mean I have to agree with everthing he says/would say to me. I respect his opinions and hope he would respect my in return

I would fit into a Geldof anorak any day.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

House on Fire

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Posts: 147

I can't imagine Bob in an anorak, but if he had one and gave it to you, Jules, based on your photo, it'd be far too long for you!

As to what annoys Bob it's probably (as would be the case for most human beings) the criticism. He does seem to listen to it all and answer it.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

Status: Offline
Posts: 6290

Just a tiny bit too long!! LOL Might have to make a few alterations.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Posts: 951

Rita wrote:

For Fran:

Your hyperlink is a bit screwed up, but because I'm a happy little anorak, I figured it out.  Thanks, Rita.


Someone's Looking At You

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Posts: 61


Ah Ha! The Anorak.  I always think of that old B Grade crime show New York I think it was or San Fran... "Colombo", the mild mannered dementia based nitwit who often had sudden flashes of inspiration which would lead to solving a crime... At every crime scene he was pictured in his crumpled "new beige" overcoat anorak.  I don't remember if he had a rolled up newspaper or hang out in bushes - I think he was too 'Cool' for that. 

But I did see a photo of Bob once in a beige anorak - must say it wasn't crumpled, and he had his arm around Jeanne - about five years ago I think.  He's probably still got it - judging by the frequency he changes his outfits.  He did look very sophisticated and "Continental Chic" I must say - but I can't help wondering - does he change his underpants more frequently or are they as "crusty" as his temper heh heh...  I wonder what sort of underpants he wears?  Is he a "jockey" man, Yfronts or breezy boxers?  Maybe he wears a snakeskin codpiece.

Jules I died my hair blonde when younger and I'm sure I was much more successful with traffic accidents - why I took up medic training as an add on...  I prefer wearing trousers also because you don't have to worry about hairy hedgehog (or hairless depending on your preference or current whim) flashes when you're running to jump on the back of a double decker - and miss.  Also cause half the time I can't be bothered maintaining the leg wax bit.  I'm sure he would cuddle you all night - he does seem really soft inside.

I think long messages would really p*ss him off.  A friend of his told me he has a two second attention span and never to send him anything more than a few high level words at a time.  That is translated to me as big enough to put on a post-it note.  I wish I could write short messages - but I make up tenfold in written communication for being nick named "Rowdy" in real life.

I think what Bob likes or doesn't like would change, frequently and subjectively. 

To me there are two types of celebrity.  1) Is the traditional and correct use of the word - a person who is celebrated or recognized in society - for deeds and character, contribution.  This to me is primarily Bob despite his media career.  It's also people like Nelson, Dalai Lama, Fire men Sports Heros, Hawkins etc. - people that are "interesting". 

2) Desperados who so much want to be the centre of attention that they'll do anything - these are alias the modern "marketed" celebrities who without the paid promotion of their agents PR teams and "circles" - nobody would really give a sh3t about them because they're all compeletely up themselves.  What's up doc?  Give em a carrot I say. 

Regardless, a celebrity in a public place should have no more privilege or special rights than any other person and when it comes to protection, unless it is for a specific appearance or organized event.  Half of them run around with teams of body guards just for the image and to up the ad campaigning.   Reverse that and say - we are all just flesh and bones so no point getting all smelly about it.


Lady Xylpha
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