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Sorry for the terrible pun, but it has got your attention and you are reading this aren't you? Musically, this is the other end of the spectrum, but one of the main themes of next year's Edinburgh Tattoo at Edinburgh castle will be "Africa". They are trying in their own way, through the one universal language of music to keep Africa in the spotlight. Several dance and music groups are coming over and the finale will consist of 700 musicians from all over the world coming together to play Circle of Life, the song Elton John wrote for The Lion King. They are hoping to invite Sir Elton up to see it. This has long since been a purely musical show and is beamed to billions worldwide. Good luck to them.
When is it? I saw your posting in the "Other" as well. Being from the US, I'm afraid I don't know anything about the event, and I am curious what it is. thanks!
It is a musical event staged at Edinburgh Castle for the month of August. Originally a military show, it is now a musical event, with about 800 performers from all over the world. It is shown all over the globe, but not North America. If you want to find out more go to
Ugandan aids orphans are to sing at this year's Tattoo. A choir of 30 children from Uganda who have lost at least one parent to aids are to star at this year's show. Hopefully it will keep the issue in the spotlight and presumably there will be some sort of fundraising at the same time. With an audience of 9000 each night for 3 weeks, they should do very well.