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The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Sir Bob answered my prayers.......

and mentioned politics...... yehhhh baby thanks Sir Bob.


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

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...he [Geldof] said the bankers' immense levels of pay posed a serious threat to society. "When you have these supposed masters of the universe averaging more than 248 times the average worker's pay, you have a serious problem of inequality. Inequality stops a society functioning and so it has to stop.

So is it ok for rock stars to earn piles of ca$h but not bank workers?  And who did Geldof have set up his Africa fund and various businesses? Geldof is probably more than 248 times richer than me, but I don't suspect he wants that inequality to cease. But if it really has to stop then he can give me half his fortune, and at least I will be his equal.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

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I read this morning that the eighty five richest people are as wealthy as half of the world's population.  The growing inequality has been driven by a "power grab" by wealthy elites, who have co-opted the political process to rig the rules of the economic system in their favour by dodging taxes or using their wealth to seek political favours.  Rock stars including Bob Geldof are among those who have taken advantage...

As one of over a million people who works for a bank in the UK, not to mention the many millions around the world, I am sick to death of rich rock stars and comedians who are totally ignorant of what happened making out that people who work in finance are fraudsters. 

The whole credit crunch originated due to misgiuded government policies that forced banks to lend to those who were not credit worthy because governments were not prepared to build social housing themselves.  Banks were told to lend money to people on low incomes.  The banks found a way to finance it by creating credit derivatives that meant they didn't take on the whole risk for these loans.   Banks didn't create these products as an elaborate fraud, they created them to help poorer people have a home because governments wouldn't build them.

The large majority earn nothing like 248 times the average salary.    And those that do, pay all the tax due on it, at least 47%.  Some people effectively pay 75% plus in tax on their salaries, mostly those whose salaries are very low. 

-- Edited by ArrGee on Monday 20th of January 2014 02:14:00 PM


 What is this bloke talking about? 

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Journalist Max Keiser, a major Bitcoin evangelist, reacted scathingly to Geldof's assessment of Bitcoin.

He told HuffPostUK: "The Bitcoin revolution is happening with or without Bob Geldof or Russell Brand.

"When I interviewed Bob on my radio show in Paris a few years back, I asked him if he thought he had enough basic knowledge about economics to make weighty proclamations and he said, "Yes," wherein I asked him a very simple question that any first year economics student would know; 'what is the relationship between interest rates and bond prices" and he hadn't a clue.

"If you listen to Russell, it's clear he is equally clueless when it comes to economics and finance. So to ask these guys what their opinion is on Bitcoin is a worthless exercise, it's like asking a blind man his opinion on a Turner."


 What is this bloke talking about? 


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Opinions about economics are about 10 a penny. Since the economic downturn in Ireland I have never heard so many people in the Irish media suddenly become experts on economic affairs. It's all about as useful as arguing for or against the weather or scuba diving for architecture.

It's hard to know where multi millionaire Geldof is coming from. I'm not really sure how in touch Geldof is with ordinary folks. He seems to spend a lot of time partying with the media in crowd, and then he's wringing his hands about the financial woes of the common man. 

If he has solutions then he should become  politician and see how much backing and support he has.Otherwise he is just another pointless and irritating well- heeled celebrity trying to be important and 'intelligent', but who in the end can only offer an opinion, and is not in a position to change anything. 


-- Edited by noelindublin on Monday 20th of January 2014 02:52:48 PM


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Bob certainly can liven up a debate and make it interesting. I like a lot of what he says, even if as we've said before picking holes in his argument is not too hard to do. He is more in touch with ordinary people than any one of his contemporaries and more down to earth. However, that doesn't mean he really understands what normal life is, anymore.

ArrGee your point is interesting about financiers and fraud. Bob has been swept along by the media portrayal of it all and believed what he's read. He's not thought that most people employed in this field are probably clerks/tellers/admin etc on a low wage, taking home small bonuses (proportionate with their meager salaries more than 248 times less than his).

Bob as a politician - interesting. When challenged about his views on Africa, his response was getting angry and asking 'what did you do for Africa'. He needs something more robust than that .

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

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Jules wrote:

... most people employed in this field are probably clerks/tellers/admin etc on a low wage, taking home small bonuses

I haven't got a bonus for years.  The bonus these days is not getting sacked (or made redundant as they call it these days). 

It's all too easy to look for scapegoats and not think about the actual causes.  



 What is this bloke talking about? 

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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That is the same in all industries these days .

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Mondo Bongo

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I'm just waiting for the minimum wage to be increased, then I just may get a pay rise - unless I get made redundant/sacked instead ... Maybe I should learn how to sing and become a rock star!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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It would take a miracle to teach me how to sing.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Mondo Bongo

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Jules wrote:

It would take a miracle to teach me how to sing.

 Hmmm, yeah me too!  Though maybe people could pay me to stop singing!  There's a thought biggrin


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Lol, now I'd not thought about that. I'm looking for ways to fund my 2014 Ratsfest.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Radio 5 Live has been playing an excerpt from the interview with John Pienaar very frequently, since Sunday. This is just to advertise their quality programming, a 5 live self promo.

In the snippet Bob admits that he 'literally got zero' in his maths exams at school. Now I kind of admire him again, as he didn't have to admit this, and it dents his credibility a bit, to say the  least, in economic matters.Bob is probably one of those people who has an opinion about everything, and sometimes just shoots his mouth off without thinking too much. In fairness he is usually good copy, and paper or radio waves seldom refuse to listen to his views.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Bob wouldn't have taken O'level maths in Ireland (I don't think). Even so, he wouldn't have take A level if he failed his O level outright. Guess he means equivalent. He does make me smile when he comes out with this.

He was talking about how maths was useless to him and then went on to say how he was given the world's worst record for £1m. I was thinking, well maybe that maths might have come in handy after all.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Jules wrote:

Bob wouldn't have taken O'level maths in Ireland (I don't think). Even so, he wouldn't have take A level if he failed his O level outright. Guess he means equivalent. He does make me smile when he comes out with this.

He was talking about how maths was useless to him and then went on to say how he was given the world's worst record for £1m. I was thinking, well maybe that maths might have come in handy after all.

 In the ROI O levels were called  the Intermediate Certificate, which you  do a round age 15, and then at  17 you do the equivelent of A levels, which was, and still is called the Leaving certificate. Bob was  of course telliing a British audience, if he had used the Irish versions he would have only puzzled people.

He was probably talking about the very abstract nature of a lot of mathematics, rather than the everyday use of figures for just counting and managing money etc.

He was right about poetry having served him better than mathematics. He is a great lyricist, and a lot of his lyrics have the craftsmanship of a good poet. He did well in business later, so must have a reasonable head for figures. Certainly with the Rats he seemed to have a  lot of concern for not getting ripped off. After ITLG Bob managed the band and had to go to varioius record companies trying to get a new deal. He complained bitterly than any new deal just would not have made financial sense.

-- Edited by noelindublin on Thursday 23rd of January 2014 01:56:41 PM


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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blimey, the elfs and fairies have been busy while I've been away lol..

so, where to start?

well, rock/pop stars may well be raking in the cash....... they may well be dodging taxes, no doubt via loopholes in the law... which isn't necessarily illegal.

so the problem is perhaps the system not the individuals. there are of course, far more powerful people behind the scenes than say Sir Bob. no doubt.

so anyway, I put this seemingly rather unusual thought to you, that is this:-

what say you, would it be like If Sir Bob wasn't 'rich' and powerful (compared to the likes of us that is)? well, maybe we'd never of had live aid. maybe there wouldn't be a lot of good things If it weren't for bob. so, in this case, perhaps you could say that Sir Bob was one of the right sorts to get this fame and fortune as is his altruism.

so.... and there are others like him that do plenty for charity in a fairly large way, that no doubt also dodge taxes.

I put to you this..... (and I'm not making excuses for tax evasion, merely wondering)..... that you might give away a great deal of your money if you thought that it was going to be used to its best potential. whatever way that might be in. now whether that bloke wassis name, the one that is in take that.... oh blimey its on the tip of my tongue, gary someone??? you know who i mean. now he's supposed to use tax avoidance measures but he does a lot for charity. and so whether he actually gives as much in charity as he saves in tax avoidance, who knows? lol.anyway its not been proven that he's illegally hiding money to avoid paying tax yet has it? so innocent til proven guilty.

oh bloody hell, what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, i imagine, in my fcuked up little mind, that these people dripping with dosh would part with it for a special movement of some kind.... in my slightly psychotic mind sometimes, i sit here plotting how i will sell to them all. particularly the rock stars but not exclusively. because i think they might lend their name to something cool and trendy. like a way TOWARDS a modern type of socialism for instance. one where we're not all angrily protesting on the streets and breaking into mccartneys and geldofs homes demanding they give us all their money cos we think its unfair that they've got so much, shouting things like 'give us your fcuking money, you bastards' lol, not that that's ever been said at all lolol. (bob didn't actually use the f word apparently i am told'

what I'm getting into here is the psychology behind rich people. lets not forget that they are all individuals. but i think that rich rock/pop stars like sir bob and paul McCartney would part with dosh for a decent movement. obviously it depends what kind of movement.

ya see as i sit here til the early hours of the morning wired on caffeine and sillily staying up when ive got work in the bloomin morning, i wonder how i can win the majority over to work towards a socialist ideal.

ya see in my socialist world, everyone is important, everyone is a piece of the jigsaw, and without them, there is not complete picture. that includes fcuk-off-fcuking-rich-people. cos many leave em out i think. cos you cant be socialist material if you've got several houses, posh cars and a massive amount of capital right? well... i for one don't believe that.

to my mind socialism includes everyone. socialism isn't just for the poor as much as it isn't just for the rich.... socialism doesn't see the poor as better as the rich. certainly not. true socialism is for everyone.

so how do we get there?

well in my mind, we don't penalise people for playing within the set rules. however unfair we think those rules are. which means we don't steal nuffin. we don't riot over what everyone else has.... cos basically we want the majority right? and we don't want people to think we're going to rock the boat now do we? course many people would like to angrily rock the boat and be on the take......

what we want is those people who are savvy when it comes to making dosh to work for us. yes we the people. work for us.

we need to join forces with much of the rich and the so called bourgeoisie and make peace, find a way forward to make things fairer and more just.

we need eachother. we need solidarity between the rich and the poor to move forward.

lol its very often the people that talk of solidarity that pooh pooh the rich and famous........ well that's not my kind of solidarity.

im going to take a break and read some of the other comments on this thread. looks like a good one this.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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just referring to arrgee and noel on subject of economics.......

i would hazard a guess built on nothing but just, shall we say, life experience, lol, that........ its those bankers with the really massive massive bonuses that have the best idea of whats really going on.

and i put to you that many bankers doing just what theyre told, whatever the reasons they are being told, know pretty fcuk all about whats going on either lol

so, on subject of Sir Bob being asked about economics (i believe he has a qualification in this??) then i would question whether he's not just being totally honest and not taking economics that he was taught as the reality.

anyone can read a bloody economics books and start going off on one about supply and demand, gdp and gnp blah blah blah, but i ask you...... is it really the reality? or is it all within a little old box....... where the masters (or the deceivers, depending on which way you look at it) stand outside that box watching all of us inside looking in. while theyr outside looking in. you get my drift anyway.

well, sometimes the more you study something the more questions it raises.

i happen to think that we are purposely tricked to some extent about economics and finances... and that's why they get big bonuses. call it shut up money if you like.

haha i know is that completely mad??

i say i happen to think all this, its just wonderings really. i don't know for sure. i just wonder that's all.

so i think Sir Bob knows more than that bloke that interviewed him lets on, for whatever reason, perhaps he just didn't want to let on about his views or insight for political reasons.

i find it hard to imagine he's that thick about politics tbh. and there's always some pretentious git somewhere being pretentious. lets face it. black and white some people are.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Just a point tax evasion and avoidance are 2 completely different things. One would attract a long prison sentence. The other could be viewed as immoral. but not illegal. 

-- Edited by Jules on Tuesday 28th of January 2014 09:03:31 AM

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

Back To Boomtown

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JoanOfArc wrote: i think Sir Bob knows more than that bloke that interviewed him lets on...

I don't think he does.  His basic premise that bankers created these synthethic products as an elaborate fraud is wrong.

Geldof was the one who brought up the inequality. and how it stops society working....

 "When you have these supposed masters of the universe averaging more than 248 times the average worker's pay, you have a serious problem of inequality. Inequality stops a society functioning and so it has to stop."

As for the socialist ideal, that ship has longed sailed.  All Animals are equal but some are more equal than others. 



 What is this bloke talking about? 

Back To Boomtown

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Jules wrote:

Just a point tax evasion and avoidance are 2 completely different things. One would attract a long prison sentence. The other could be viewed as immoral. but not illegal. 

I see tax avoidance as moral.  I see taxation as immoral.   Taxes have always been used to pay for armies to kill innocents.   Give governments less. 


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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So ArrGee, what puts you in a better place to know that what bob says about the creation of these synthetic products as an elaborate fraud is wrong?

I remember reading in one of your earlier posts that you are a banker.  I think in the same post you mentioned that you just did as you were told?

so if your position as 'banker' is not in a decision-making role, then how do you know anything truly about the decisions made?

I don't know your salary ArrGee, and nor is it my business, but if its pretty mediocre, shall we say, then you are classified as a 'worker' as in, you might stand to make a hell of a lot more money by blowing the whistle than you do by doing your 9 to 5.

whereas, those on huge bonuses stand more to lose.  murder even. oh yes, I wouldn't put it past our financial establishment.

I bet I'm starting to sound like a consipiracist fruitcake lol - next i'll be saying that Sir Bob is really a green, slimey, scaley snake and has secret rituals with all the other snakes who are usually disguised as humans haha intent on taking over the world and ruling with the other snakes.  (to reference david icke who said the royal family were green scaley lizards lol - for anyone who didn't get that crappy joke that is, anyway - wtf DID Icke mean by that?? sure 97% if the population must of regarded him as a total loon and dismissed everything else he had to say at that point!!! weird, anyway..... plus did you see that awful track suit he wore when he came out with that in an interview? green and purple I seem to remember, gross eh - having said that, I remember that colour combination being quite popular when I was at university, I remember thinking it quite cool as I decided that green represented the environment and purple was being psychic.... ok I'm on a prattling roll here!! lol!!!)

but back to the discussion in hand,.... how do YOU know different Arrgee??



 p.s. Icke's track suit: the colours were a bit iffy, but as I said, they had quite cool connotations for me at the time, but the tracksuit itself made out of that awful shiny material!! and those highlights!! haha......  I stopped highlighting my hair in the last couple of years and have gone back nearer to my natural colour..... I realise now just how crass those highlights looked now. So, David Icke, I am able to empathise.

 just had a thought, it might have been blue.

but gross nevertheless





-- Edited by JoanOfArc on Monday 10th of February 2014 03:14:28 AM

-- Edited by JoanOfArc on Monday 10th of February 2014 03:16:38 AM

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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So that's why Bob chose a snakeskin suit. It's all making sense now.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)
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