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I don't like to say the word hate
I don't want hate to be my fate
but sometimes I really hate all the people
who themselves hate all the people
that are rich and famous beyond measure
but I know that don't make me clever
but sometimes I hate the stupid planks
the ignorant thick useless wanks
who aint got the class to know better
and who just couldn't be any wetter
than to shout get the rich bastards
and no wes I'm not bloody plastered!
the stupid ****ing morons
get em to all suck some bonbons
so their teeth get glued together
with that sticky orrible texture
then they'll have to all be silent
and then I can make them more compliant
cos the truth is its not their money and fame
that makes a person the one to blame
its a system that that keeps people down
so if there's anything to cause a frown
it should be the rules that a gung ho capitalist state
has laid down so heavy we all feel their weight
heavy on our shoulders, the burdensome effect
of the giant corporations, we need to correct
the constraints of big business that keep us
from being equal and respectful and so thus
we must let our side grow in comparison
to the big corporates and reverse the corrosion
the state is there for the people or should be
so it needs to be fully functioning so that we
can stand up and be counted, so let our state
grow and develop into being for us before its too late
I know this stupid poem is crap ok?
but I'm tired and goin to bed now, so I gues that's it for now.
I am a fat ****
always avin a chat
with myself on the bloody net
yes its always a safe bet
that I will bang on about an idea
which to others is so unclear
but to me a very clear vision
a way to a utopian heaven