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Last year you pushed the G8 leaders to make big commitments, including debt cancellation for 300 million people and an extra $50 billion in aid for the world's poor. These steps are urgently needed to help end the extreme poverty in Africa that kills 30,000 a day.
We know that this stuff works. It's already helping to put millions more children through school and providing the drugs to keep hundreds of thousands of people infected with HIV leading active, productive lives.
In July, Russia's President Vladimir Putin is hosting the next G8 summit in St. Petersburg. We have to make sure that the G8 keep their promises and that real progress is made towards trade justice.
If they do, 4 million lives a year could be saved by 2010. If they don't, many millions will die of preventable disease and hunger.
Please click here now to send an email to President Putin to urge him to keep Africa on the G8 agenda.
It's not rock n roll. It's poverty.
It's not glamour or celebrity. It's death and disease.
It's not Bob and Bono. It's you and it's them.
It's us.
Thank you. Bob Geldof
I duly followed the link and input my details to send the email.
This appeared on my screen:
Уважаемый посетитель,
Запрашиваемый Вами документ не найден. Для поиска интересующей Вас информации воспользуйтесь, пожалуйста, навигацией по сайту, архивом периодики или контекстным поиском.
So I went to Babel Fish to translate:
Respected visitor, The document inquired by you is not found. For retrieval for the interesting you information use, if you please, navigation on the site, by the archive of periodicals or by contextual search. To return
So it would appear that this has been sent out with an incorrect link??? Whaaaaattt? And Bob has signed his name to it again...
I got a similar mail (in German) (with the sender " this time - I nearly fell off my chair the last time when the sender was "Bob Geldof"!), asking me the same thing.
If I click the link, I'm taken to to a contact sheet (is that what it's called?). You fill in your details and send it off. Then another window opens, a sub page of, telling me my letter has arrived.
If you want to give it another go Jules (or anyone else), here's the link with the "contact sheet":