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Bob has been asked by Tony Blair to join a group of monitors to police the Gleneagles G8. The group that he will join will be looking at how much of the promise has been kept from last year's meeting:
Bob has been asked by Tony Blair to join a group of monitors to police the Gleneagles G8. The group that he will join will be looking at how much of the promise has been kept from last year's meeting:
I saw something on the politics show today. There are two meetings of a group of commission for Africa plus others per annum. One meeting is tomorrow, Monday. It is chaired by Koffi Anan(sp). It will pressure for improvement and the representative said that debt was sorted and trade was the area that needed to be pushed. In Cardiff last week another member Bob said it was investment by Africans that neeeded to be encouraged because their society makes them reluctant to invest in eachother for fear of political instability and corruption. This is a problem in parts of this vast contient. He also talked about their 'collectivism' as opposed to our 'individualism'. Our businesses rely on investing in individuals. Africa is different so market forces he believed are less suitable here. I disagree. Collectivism is beautiful. The people there all concentrate peacefully on doing something useful as part of a whole (they get on with their work but it is 'the' work). Then it all fits and there are no egos to waste time on and cause offence to or try to outsmart other people's work because it is all about the task itself not the individuals who do it. We make ourselves very miserable comparing our skills, looks lifestyles, wastefulness, addictions, dedication, efforts, fears of suffering, to everyone else's. In Africa it is all understood to be doing the work as well as we can so no effort is wasted making comparisons and there is inner peace and time savings made. It would therefore work more economically. I must read Geldof in Africa because I know he's onto good stuff to improve our well being. I bought a copy so that I'd contributed to the cause but didn't realise to read it. We get a lot more from Africa than we give and it would keep the book in the Best sellers list if it is realistically written and people were told how it could and should improve our lives. He never even mentioned it on Richard and Judy. Perhaps Grace from Big Brother had put him off! I remember her doing Saintly work and charity work in another life (a bit like Princess Diana or Angelina Jolie). Bob had a big romantic love affair with her and he also intended to set up home with Judy who had left Richard for him.I saw it all and loved him so much it still hurts and I'm crying again about it.
They too were serious but Grace is a young beautiful professional dancer - truth is beauty. I remember the way he looked at her she was wearing the dress she left the BB house in and he adored her. I believe this interview is an repeat of an interview that began before a long holiday break where these love affairs were real and serious hence the comments about Richard and Judy's holiday but I don't quite get it. Why insinuate it was them without being corrected nicely pointing out his own lovely sun tan. Note Grace has exactly the same sun tan so couples are getting to same holiday destination. Richard must have annoyed a dumped Bob because Bob fellin love with Grace? Any ideas? This was around 1991 which is about 50 years ago. I hope someone can get help to the Africa commission because these events are serious and the other members of the panel need to get airtime as well so that Bob isn't overworked. This weekend someone should have been doing commission on Africa but was on live radio and two different pop concerts in Norway and Germany are too much.