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This was a pretty big deal for this small city. In the 70s and early 80s we used to get all the top bands. Then suddenly our main theatre changed hands and the best we could do was an annual visit from Showaddywaddy!! Not exactly my scene. We have had the occasional treat - Human League, Bob Geldof and Paul Young, and Motorhead are coming this autumn.
Then this year Elton John decided to play, not only in Oxford but a short walk from my home at the football stadium!
He was supported by a band called the Stories. I think I've heard of them, but never heard them. They played in the style of the Eagles and were well received by the crowd.
Elton appeared at 8.15 pm and played many of his classics, such as Crocodile Rock, That's Why They Call It the Blues, Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word, The One etc. He played a couple of tracks from Peachtree Road, which I didn't know. One was a country song. We were quite far back so the view wasn't too good and, as usual, I had a six footer in front of me. If I strained my neck I could catch a glimpse of Elton, but could see the screens quite well. The atmosphere was very relaxed, as the weather held out for us and it was a beautiful evening.
Part way through the evening Elton advised us that Mexico and Argentina were drawing. He wanted Argentina to win so that Germany would have to face Argentina.
Instead of going off-stage before encore, he walked across the entire front row and signed albums, tickets, programmes or whatever people had to hand. Then he returned to play Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me. Finally, he dedicated Your Song to all of us. And then he finally announced that Germany would be facing Argentina and seemed very pleased about that.
We watched all the cars and buses waiting to get out of the stadium as we and several others walked passed. They were in for a long wait, we knew we'd be home before they had even moved a few inches
I hope we can get some more big artists and bands to play there.