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Live 8 inspired ****er to pen this song, originally titled "****s Are Still Running the World"-- one year later, it's still depressingly accurate. It is, however, incredibly refreshing to hear someone just lay it out in such plain, profane terms: "Well did you hear there's a natural order?/ those most deserving will end up with the most/ that the cream cannot help but always rise up to the top/ well I say, **** floats." The title refrain basically bans itself from radio, but it's catchy enough to stay with you after just one listen. Jarvis' message: "In theory, I respect your right to exist/ but I'll kill you if you move in next to me." The overall pessimism here is strangely poignant, and one supposes it'll only get more poignant as the world's problems drag on.
There is some music to this thing, of course-- it sounds a lot like Pulp, actually. Big keyboards, stirring chorus (melodically at least), well-placed guitar doodles, and a semi-hilarious choir of vocoders that takes over the refrain after the second chorus. It could have easily been tossed off, but instead, ****er's given us a great song with a reminder that the work of improving the world never ends.
Former Pulp frontman posts song online that he says he wrote in the wake of the Live 8 concerts a year ago.
Jarvis ****er isn't fond of the world's leaders and has taken a rather, umm, direct approach to saying so.
In a MySpace blog entry, ****er wrote about the song, "I wanted you to hear it now [because] it's exactly one year since that Live 8 thing and it was the night of that event that I wrote this song. I apologize for all the swearing but sometimes that's the only thing that seems appropriate."
But ****er wrote that the song wasn't a slam of Live 8 organizer Bob Geldof or the event itself, but more about the G-8 leaders to whom the event was directed.
"It's in no way a criticism of Geldof and co. but I remember thinking at the time: 'Where does engaging with these politicians/businessmen really get you?"--(12 months on and they still haven't paid up as far as I can make out)--maybe the problem is something more ... fundamental."
"Anyway, what do I know? I'm just a pampered rock star--but at least I think it's good to discuss this stuff," he continued.